
Nominate a Product for the LonMarkâ International

Infrastructure Product of the Year Award!

LonMarkâ International Awards will recognize companies, projects and individuals that are leading the industry in innovation and accomplishment Award winners will be announced at the LonMark Germany Community Event in Frankfurt on November 11, 2009, in the LonMark International Magazine, and on the LonMark International website. The press will also be notified.

LonMark International 2009 Award Information

·  A minimum of 1 high resolution product photo must be delivered with the nomination application. LonMark International must further be released to use this photo

·  Product must be LonMark International certified at time of submission

·  Nomination submission must be sent via e-mail to

·  Nomination submission will be closed on November 2, 2009

·  Awards will be presented at the LonMark Germany Community Event in Frankfurt on November 11, 2009

Nominations will be judged based upon the following criteria:

·  Uniqueness of solution

·  Addressing industry problem with effective solution

·  Openness of solution

·  Integration into an open LONâ system

·  Special consideration will be given to:

o  Energy efficiency

o  Industry best practice solution

o  Sustainable design principles

This is a great opportunity to promote new innovative solutions. All nominations will be highlighted in an upcoming issue of the LonMark International Magazine. LonMark International certified products which have already appeared in the LonMark International magazine within the past 12 months can also be nominated.

Nominees need not be present at the LonMark Germany Community Event in Frankfurt to win. Product nominations from around the world are encouraged.

LonMark International Infrastructure Product of the Year Entry Form:

Please e-mail back to: by November 2, 2009

Your details

Contact Name:

Company Name:

Product Name:


Zip Code:

City / State:




E-Mail Address:

Website URL:

Product Details

Please submit the following:

·  Product description: including the primary usage of the product

·  List benefits/highlights to the customer

·  List of unique and innovative features

·  High resolution picture of the product required (screen shots acceptable)

I hereby certify that the information submitted is complete and correct in content.

I hereby certify that I am authorized to submit this nomination on behalf of the manufacturer.

I understand that my product nomination must be submitted to LonMark International by November 2, 2009 in order to be considered for the LonMark International Infrastructure Product of the Year Award.

Any/all submissions after this date will not be considered for the award.

Date / Place:

Signature / Company stamp:

LonMark International Infrastructure Product of the Year Award