Tender No. RTI/MUM/Tend./1/Façade/2017-18 Date: 08.08.2017


M/s ……………………….,




Mumbai – 400 …...


Sub: Tender for Façade Cleaning Services at Regional Training Institute,
C-2, GN Block, Behind Asian Heart Institute, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai -51.

1.  Principal Director, Regional Training Institute, Mumbai (RTI), C-2, GN Block, Behind Asian Heart Institute, Bandra-Kurla complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 51 invites sealed tenders for the captioned work in two bid system from reputed firms/agencies having good track record and at least 3 years experience in providing Façade Cleaning Services to Government Organisations/Public Sector Undertakings.

2.  The issue and receipt of tender document will be as under:

a.  Date of issue of Tender forms from 08.08.17 10.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs 14.08.2017.

b.  Pre-bid Conference shall be held in the office of the undersigned at 11.00 hrs on 18.08.2017 to clarify any points that the intending tenderers’ may have regarding the tender.

c.  Last date of receipt of tenders including Earnest Money Deposit, Technical Bid and the Price Bid up to 15.00 hrs. on 31.08.2017.

d.  Date of opening of technical bid in the office of undersigned at 15.30 hrs on 08.09.2017.

The tender document contains 21 pages.

The completed tender document shall be submitted to the office of the undersigned on the following address:

Sr. Administrative Officer/RTI

Regional Training Institute,

C-2, GN Block,

Behind Asian Heart Institute,

Bandra Kurla complex,

Bandra (East), Mumbai 51.

Upto 15.00 hrs. on or before the last date receipt of tender i.e., 07.09.2017

3.  Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft/Pay Order in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, O/o the Pr. Accountant General (A&E) I, Maharashtra, Mumbai must accompany the tender. Cheques for EMD will not be accepted.

4.  Tenders of the contractors, who do not deposit the EMD in the above manner, are liable to be rejected. The tenders not accompanied with EMD shall be summarily rejected.

5.  The EMD so deposited will be held by RTI without interest as security deposit for due fulfillment of contract for period of one year in case of the successful contractors. The same will be returned to the contractor after satisfactory rendering of services for the contract period.

6.  EMD will be forfeited in case the contractor fails to commence the work awarded to him within the prescribed time limit.

7.  The Employer is not liable to pay any interest on the EMD. The EMD of the unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded without any interest only after the decision to award the work is taken or after the expiry of the validity period 30 days of the tender whichever is later.

8.  The EMD, which will be treated as security deposit (on award of contract of the successful tenderer) will be forfeited, if he fails to comply with any of the conditions of the contract. This amount partly or fully may be forfeited in case of damage to RTI’s property.

9.  Mode of Submission of Tender

The tenderers shall be required to submit tender in three separate sealed envelopes, each containing as under:

i)  First envelope - Earnest Money Deposit in prescribed manner.

ii)  Second envelope - Technical bid

iii)  Third envelope - Price bid (Rate quoted per sq.metre)

All the above three sealed envelope, marked “Earnest Money Deposit Only “, “ Technical Bid Only “ and “Price Bid Only” respectively, shall then be placed in another sealed envelope and submitted to the office undersigned up to 1500 hrs on or before the last date of receipt of tender i.e. 07.09.17. The name of work, the name and mailing address of Tenderer and the contents of the envelope shall be clearly mentioned on the sealed outer envelope.

The envelope marked ‘Price bid Only’ should contain rate quoted per sq.metre

10.  RTI discourages stipulation of any conditions by the tenderer. In case the tenderer wishes for any clarification on any issue he may do so during the pre-bid meeting scheduled with all the tenderers before submission of the tender.

11.  The tenderer shall withdraw all his conditions, which are not acceptable to RTI and quote their rate/s accordingly based on the conditions accepted/ rejected by the Employer during the pre-bid meeting

12.  On the date stipulated for opening of tenders, the tender opening committee shall first open the first envelope superscribed “Earnest Money Deposit Only”, Thereafter, the second envelope superscribed “Technical bid only” shall be opened, on the same day, in the presence of the intending tenderers or their authorized representatives.

13.  The scrutiny and evaluation of technical bids shall be done by RTI and necessary clarification/ additional information, if any, as required and sought by RTI, from the tenderers shall be furnished by the tenderers within the stipulated time as communicated to them. Non-response by the tenderer within the stipulated period shall render their tender liable for rejection

14.  The contractor shall submit a certified copy of Power of Attorney in the name of person who has signed the tender document along with the technical bid of the tender document.

15.  RTI is not bound to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without the assignment of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any additional condition included by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected.

16.  The tender for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of thirty days from the date of opening of tenders (price bid). If any tenderer withdraws his tender before the same period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to RTI, shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said EMD.

17.  Rates quoted shall remain the same throughout the period of contract. All taxes including services tax etc. prevailing at the time of submission of tender (price bid) in respect of this contract shall be included by the contractor in his quoted rate/s and RTI will not be liable for any additional claim whatsoever in this respect during the period of contract, if the statutory payment structure remains unchanged. However, any increase of additional taxes levied by the Government or statutory authorities after the date of submission of tender (price bid) will be borne by RTI to that extent only.

Sr. Administrative Officer

Regional Training Institute, Mumbai

Indian Audit & Accounts Department

Contact: 26541878, 26521902



Sr. Administrative Officer,

Regional Training Institute,

C-2, GN Block,

Behind Asian Heart Institute,

Bandra Kurla complex,

Bandra (East),

Mumbai No.400 051.

Dear Sir/Madam,

1. Having inspected the site, scope of work etc. relating to the work specified and having acquired the requisite information relating to and thereto affecting the tender, I / We hereby offer to undertake the job specified for the duration specified in the said memorandum at the rate/s mentioned in the attached Price Bid and in accordance with the requirement of the work in all respects, scope of work and instructions in writing referred to in the Articles of Agreement as specified and required for, by and in all respect in accordance with such conditions so far as they may be applicable.

2. I/We hereby submit tender for carrying out the work specified in accordance with the instructions in writing referred to and as explained during the pre bid meeting, by and in all respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.

3. We agree to keep the tender open for thirty (30) days from the due date of opening of tenders (price bid).

4. A sum of Rs 10,000/- ( Rupees Ten Thousand only) is herby forwarded by Demand Draft / Pay Order of a Scheduled Bank/Nationalised Bank as EMD as per the details mentioned below:

Demand Draft / Pay Order no.______

Amount ______

If/we, fail to take up the work as per the time specified, I/we agree that RTI shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said EMD absolutely. Otherwise, the said EMD shall be retained by RTI till the work is carried out by the tenderer. The EMD will be refunded to the tenderer after the expiry of the original contract period or extended contract period based on mutually acceptable terms as the case may be.

5. We are aware that we are being engaged to provide Façade cleaning services to Regional Training Institute, located at C-2, GN Block, Behind Asian Heart Institute, Bandra Kurla complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai No. 51.

6. The job role includes executing and reporting all works related to Façade Cleaning services under single point responsibility to the full satisfaction of the Employer.

7. The contract period will be for one year commencing form 1st day of the month succeeding the month in which work order is issued to the contractor or otherwise intimated with a minimum time gap of 10 days from the date of issue of work order, whichever is earlier. Contract may be renewed at the discretion of RTI on such terms & conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by RTI and the Contractor.

8. Should this tender be accepted I/We herby agree to confirm and to abide by and fulfill the terms and conditions of contract so far as they may be applicable and in default whereof, authorize the Employer to forfeit and pay to the Employer, the amount of Earnest Money Deposit mentioned in the contract.

9. I/We have deposited a sum of Rs.10, 000/- as Earnest Deposit with the Employer which will not bear any interest, Should I/We fail to perform the terms of the contract when awarded, I/We do hereby agree that this sum shall be forfeited by RTI.

10. I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender document as secret/ confidential documents and shall not communicate information/ derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/ are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the Employer.

Yours Faithfully,

Signature of the Tenderer

The details of the façade proposed to be cleaned periodically and maintained are as under:

Sl. No. / Area / Periodicity / Area
1. / Curtain glazing, suspended glazing and structurally glazed windows etc. / External / Quarterly / 30,000sqm (approx)
2. / Aluminum Composite Panel Cladding, Aluminum louvers, Stone Cladding / External
3. / Atrium, Curtain glazing, suspended glazing and structurally glazed windows, glazed partitions, Al. louvers etc. / Internal & External


1.  Tenders will be opened in the presence of any intending contractor who may be present at the time of scheduled date & time of opening of tenders.

2.  Rates quoted by the contractor in figure and words shall be accurately filled in, so that there is no discrepancy on the rates written in figures and words.

3.  All rate/s shall be quoted in proper form of price Bid.

4.  The Company must comply with the all the statuary requirements before submitting quotations viz.,

a) Provident Fund Registration b) Professional Tax Registrations c) ESIC Registrations

d) PAN

e) Service Registration

The entire set of tender paper issued to the tenderer should be submitted fully priced and also signed on the tender form as well as on the last page with initials on every page. Initials and signature will indicate the acceptance of the tender conditions by the tenderer.

5.  It is obligatory on the part of the tenderer to sign the tender documents and that, after the work is awarded, he will have to enter into an agreement with RTI.

6.  On acceptance of the tender, the name(s) of the accredited representatives (s) of the tenderer who would be responsible for taking instructions from the Employer shall be communicated in writing by the tenderer to the Employer.

7.  Successful tenderer shall be required to obtain a Performance Security Bank Guarantee in the format enclosed for an amount equal to 5 % of the total tender value for FOURTEEN months and execute an agreement in non-judicial stamp paper of Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) in the format prescribed. The cost of the stamp paper is to be borne by the contractor and he shall be bound by the terms and conditions in the agreement, which in turn will be the same terms and conditions as mentioned in the tender document.

8.  The contractor shall be bound to follow all the labour legislations of Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Workmen Compensation Act, Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition Act), Employees State Insurance Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, Payment of Bonus Act etc. amended from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be a breach of the contract and Employer may in his discretion without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law cancel the contract. The contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of the provision of the said Act.