Alkek Library Scavenger Hunt

1)  Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Straight ahead as you walk through the front doors of the Alkek Library are friendly librarians waiting to assist you with your research. Break the ice by snapping a picture with a librarian.

2)  Grab a computer or use the library’s mobile site to look up Drummin’ Men: The Heartbeat of Jazz, the Swing Years. What is the call number of this book?

3)  To obtain a copy of Drummin’ Men: The Heartbeat of Jazz, the Swing Years, you do not have to get a hard copy at all. What’s the name of the “ebrary” system that would allow you to read the book online?

4)  Go ahead and read a few pages of Drummin’ Men: The Heartbeat of Jazz, the Swing Years online. Which do you prefer—reading from a hard copy or an electronic copy?

5)  Look for the journal The World of Music on the library’s website. Is it a peer-reviewed journal? How do you know?

6)  Find the book Drummin’ Men: The Heartbeat of Jazz, the Swing Years in the stacks. Upload a photo of you with it. (If the book is out, take a picture of yourself at the spot where it would have been—make sure you get the call numbers in the picture.

7)  The Alkek Library is home to the world-renowned Witliff Collections, located on the 7th floor of the library. Grab a postcard that features a current/permanent display. While there, take a quick spin through the gallery.

8)  While on the 7th floor, enjoy the view of the campus and the town of San Marcos. Find Old Main and take a selfie with this iconic Texas State structure in the background.

9)  The Student Learning Assistance Center (SLAC) is located on the 4th floor of the Alkek Library. Stop by the reception desk and ask about the tutoring times available for a class you’re currently taking. Write down those times here.

10) TexShare cards allow you to borrow from participating libraries, including the San Marcos Public Library and the libraries at UT and UTSA. You can complete a TexShare application at the Circulation Desk. Take a photo of yourself at the Circulation Desk, preferably with a librarian.