Cell Structures

1. nuclear envelope 14. intermediate filaments

2. rough ER 15. nucleus

3. tonoplast 16. mitochondria

4. lysosomes 17. cell wall

5. cell membrane 18. smooth ER

6. chloroplasts 19. vacuole

7. microtubules 20. granum

8. plasmodesmata 21. chromatin

9. ribosomes 22. microfilaments

10. peroxisomes 23. pores

11. Golgi apparatus 24. nucleolus

12. cytosol 25. centrioles

13. thylakoids 26. chromatin, ribosomes, cytosol, cell membrane, cell wall

Cell Structure Identification

A.  Animal cell

B.  Bacterial cell

C.  Plant Cell

1.  DNA

2.  Nucleolus

3.  Nuclear envelope

4.  Pore

5.  Nucleus

6.  Lysosome

7.  Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

8.  Golgi apparatus

9.  Rough endoplasmic reticulum

10.  Ribosome

11.  Cytosol

12.  Cell membrane

13.  Mitochondria

14.  Cytoskeleton

15.  Centrioles

16.  Vacuole

17.  Cell wall

18.  Fimbriae

19.  Flagella

20.  Chloroplast

Cell Transport, Tonicity, & Water Potential

1. hypotonic

2. hypotonic

3. ΨS = -iCRT = - (1)(0.5)(0.0831)(297) = - 12.34

4. ΨS = -iCRT = - (2)(0.5)(0.0831)(297) = - 24.68

5. Ψ = - 0.2 MPa

6. Into the cell

7. ΨP = 0.2

8. no net movement of water

9. all are 0

10. isotonic

11. hypotonic

12. Not to use seawater . . . will pull water out of plants due to lower water potential

13. Fish would be placed in hypertonic environment → would lose water to surroundings

14. large polar molecule

15. less than; the same as

16. hypertonic

17. a. Ψ plant cells > Ψ soil

b. solute concentration in soil > solute concentration in plant cells

c. ΨS soil < ΨS plant cells

18. isotonic

19. a

20. e

Cell Membrane Structure & Function

Hydrophilic region of integral protein – D

Hydrophobic region of integral protein – C

·  Proteins involved in cell transport, cell signaling, enzyme activity, cell junctions

Glycolipid – B

Glycoprotein – E

·  Form “ID tags” of a cell; allow for self-to-self recognition

Cholesterol – F

·  Provides stability to animal cell membrane

Peripheral protein – G

·  Enzyme activity, attachment point for cytoskeleton components

Phospholipid bilayer – A

·  Maintains homeostasis in cell; amphipathic; selectively permeable