Jeopardy for Lessons 1-6

Category / Heavenly Father’s Plan
Lesson 1&2 / The Garden
Lesson 4 / Adam, Eve, and their Family
Lesson 5&6
100 / Where did we live before we came to this earth? / What beautiful place did Heavenly Father prepare for Adam and Eve? Moses 3:8-9 / What was the first commandment the Lord gave Adam and Eve? Moses 5:5
Hint-sacrifice what?
Answer / Pre-mortal World / The Garden of Eden / Sacrifice the firstlings of their flock
200 / When Heavenly Father asked his spirit children who he should send to be our Savior, who volunteered to go? / What fruit did God tell Adam and Eve not to eat? Moses 3:16-17 / Who brought the food he grew as his sacrifice and later slew his brother?
Moses 5:19, 32
Answer / Lucifer and Jesus / The fruit of the tree of knowledge / Cain
300 / What is the ability and privilege given to us by Heavenly Father to choose and act for ourselves, to choose right or wrong? / What beast did Satan resemble when he appeared in the garden of Eden? / How was Adam baptized?
Moses 6:64
Answer / Agency / Serpent / By emersion, just as Christ was and as we are.
400 / Who said “Here am I, send me, I will by thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.”
Moses 1:1 / Who made it possible for us to return to our Father in Heaven by saving us from our sins and the sin of Adam? / Who is a comforter, giver of peace, and teacher of truth?
Moses 6:61
Answer / Satan / Jesus Christ / Holy Ghost
500 / Who said “Father thy will be done and the glory be thine forever.”
Moses 1:2 / What was Adam and Eve’s punishment for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge?
Moses 4:28-31 / After Adam was baptized what
gift was he given?
Answer / Jesus Christ / Cast out of the Garden / The Gift of the Holy Ghost
Bonus question / What are the three degrees of glory? / Recite the Second Article of faith / What are the first principles and Ordinances of the gospel found in the 4th article of faith?
Answer / Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial / We believe that man will be punished for his own sins and not for Adam’s transgression. / Faith, Repentance, Baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost.