
Ch 3 & 4 Fiber and Hair Test Review Sheet

Forensic Science Ms. Danielson

  1. Name the part of the hair that:
  2. contains pigment granules
  3. contains DNA
  4. has overlapping scales
  5. can be described as fragmented, intermittent or continuous
  6. secretes oil
  7. is made up of keratin
  8. How can hair be classified as individual evidence?
  9. How can hair be classified as class evidence?
  10. Give a DETAILED example of direct transfer
  11. Give a DETAILED example of secondary transfer
  12. Why would an investigator use a comparison microscope instead of a regular microscope?
  13. List the 4 functions of hair
  14. List identifying characteristics of the following types of hair:
  15. Beard hair
  16. Eyelashes
  17. Pubic hair
  18. European hair
  19. Asian hair
  20. African hair
  21. List the three stage of the hair cycle in order and explain what occurs at each stage
  22. .
  23. .
  24. .
  25. You are a CSI and you found hair at a crime scene. You are convinced that the hair is from a dog. Explain to the lawyer prosecuting the suspect how you know the hair is not from the brown haired suspect, it is from a dog. Include at least 4 points.
  1. What is the purpose for the following types of technology?
  2. Electron microscope
  3. Phase contrast microscope
  4. Fluorescent microscope
  5. Neutron activation analysis
  6. Which kind of hair is the best type of hair to test for drugs?
  7. Why is hair analysis better than urine analysis when testing for drug use?
  8. List 4 kinds of markings that an animal can leave on a body at a crime scene.
  9. .
  10. .
  11. .
  12. .
  13. A hair sample found at a crime scene had a shaft with a diameter of 32 microns and a medulla with a diameter of 10 microns. Did this hair belong to a human or animal? Show your calculations.
  14. Name the animal that has the following medulla patterns:
  15. Lattice
  16. Uniserial
  17. Amorphous
  18. Multiserial
  19. Vacuolated
  20. Name the animal that has the following cuticle patterns:(Draw each pattern.)
  21. Imbricate
  22. Coronal
  23. Spinous
  24. A woman was found dead in her apartment by a neighbor who noticed a foul odor. The woman died of mercury poisoning. Her hair had deposits of mercury in 7.4 mm of the shaft of the hair. How long had the woman

been receiving doses of poison? Show your calculations.

  1. Explain how a fiber, a yarn and a textile are related.
  2. Natural fibers can come from:
  3. .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. A collection of mineral crystals formed into recognizable patterns is called ______.
  7. A substance composed of long chains of repeating units is called ______.
  8. The smallest indivisible unit of a textile that is 100 times longer than it is wide is called ______.
  9. Give a detailed example of a multiple fiber transfer.
  1. EXPLAIN what the number of fibers at a crime scene can tell you about a crime.
  1. If a body was found in the woods four days after the murder, how can this time delay affect fiber evidence? Give two examples.
  1. List three tools that are acceptable to use when collecting fibers.
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. How can knowing the origin of the fiber help you solve a crime? EXPLAIN by using an example.
  1. Explain how using a polarizing light microscope help in analyzing fibers.
  2. Plant fibers can come from which parts of a plant?
  3. Circle all the fibers that are natural:



  1. Circle all the fibers that come from plants:



  1. Circle all the synthetic fibers:


Alpacacelanese polyester

  1. Explain how you can differentiate between natural and synthetic fibers using a burn analysis of the fibers.
  1. Explain which test (and why) you would conduct to differentiate between plant fibers and animal fibers.
  1. Which type of fibers are most easily destroyed by acids?
  2. Can you mine asbestos out of the ground? Would you want to?
  3. Where does silk come from?
  4. What does synthetic mean?
  5. What type of fibers lead t the conviction of Wayne Williams?