Activity / Educational Visit
Location / Seaton Jurassic
Intended Recipient / Groups
Risk Assessment Prepared by / Claire Mountjoy
Valid From / 2/04/2016 / Valid To / 11/3/2019
Date of Assessment / 2/4/2016 / Date of Review / 11/03/2018
Number of access points / 2
Description of how to find access points / Access to the building can be gained from two locations off the Under Fleet. As you head towards the sea front, the first access point is through the Seaton Jurassic car park and the second is immediately after passing the building at the public amphitheatre adjacent to Seaton Tramway
4x4 Access / Yes, all vehicles can access the car park and amphitheatre.
Nearest Hospital / Barrick Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 5DW 01392 411 611
Nearest defibrillator Seaton Town Hall
Grid Reference / SY2473590200
Nearest public phone / Tesco
A Risk Assessment is not valid unless signed. This Risk Assessment must be signed by an authorised individual
Signed / Print Name

L / S / R
Collision with car/bike when walking through the car park / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers.
Car accident / Children will be supervised in the car park at all times by school staff.
Group will be met by Seaton Jurassic staff or volunteers
Group will be dropped off either in coach park or amphitheatre. If coach park they will use the traffic light controlled crossing.
Children will remain within the boundaries of the centre until time to leave. / 1 / 4 / 4
Child lost / Child
Child becomes lost / Ensure ratio of adult to children is maintained as recommended by the NSPCC
  • 0-2 years – 1:3
  • 2-3 years – 1:4
  • 4-8 years – 1:6
  • 9-12 years – 1:8
  • 13-18 years – 1:10
This onus to maintain this ratio is on the group visiting, so they need to be made aware of this before arrival.
Group to be supervised at front and back
Group or paired working.
Regular head counts when moving areas.
Visiting children will remain the responsibility of their staff. Refer to section 7.5 of the Policy for safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. / 1 / 5 / 5
School gets lost finding Seaton Jurassic / School group may be caused unnecessary distress / Ensure all school groups have the address of the centre and the contact details, including that of the Learning and Participation Officer. / 1 / 2 / 2
Allergy to specific food e.g nuts / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers
Severe allergic reaction / The menu will not change, however make centre staff aware of any serious allergies. Children can bring in their own food if necessary. / 1 / 5 / 4
Fire / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers / Adults will be made aware of the fire safety arrangements. Staff will escort all customers out to the nearest fire assembly point in the case of a fire (amphitheatre and the car park). / 1 / 5 / 5
Reserve Fire Assembly Point
This area is at the edge of the car park. It is to be used if people evacuating the building cannot reach the main assembly point / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / To prevent the risk of those evacuating to the reserve assembly point being hit by moving vehicles, the assembly point must remain within the path area demarked by paviours (shaded blue on attached photo) and not past the bollards. It will be the Fire Warden’s responsibility to monitor this during the evacuation / 1 / 1 / 4
Negative interaction with other site users / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Group made aware if other users using the site.
Leaders to allow members of the public to pass group in narrow corridors
Group supervised at all times. / 1 / 2 / 2
Falling off benches and logs / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Group advised not to balance on benches or logs if wet and slippery / 1 / 2 / 2
Poisoning by toxic plant or fungi. Infection from bacteria and / or faeces / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Group advised not to pic or eat berries or fungus.
Group advised to check area before sitting on ground
Group advised to take care when collecting materials
Hands to be cleaned before eating
Displays ‘what am I’ flap under the infinity pool / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Children will be supervised by adults, adhering to the legal ratio.
Safety checks will be completed before visit.
Children to be asked to take care when openingboxes. / 1 / 4 / 4
Scratches and stings from vegetation. Allergic reaction to grass or tree pollen / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Plants which may be harmful are identified to group / 1 / 2 / 2
Trips / slips on uneven ground / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Warning signs are situated in garden where there is a change in path texture.
Group advised not to run
When playing children will be given clear instructions if required as to safe play.
Group advised to wear appropriate footwear if required for activities. / 1 / 2 / 2
Hypothermia/ heat stroke/sunburn due to adverse weather / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Group advised to wear suitable clothing for their visit. Whilst at Seaton Jurassic group will be offered café or classroom area as an alternative lunch venue to the garden.
Sunscreen available at the centre for application by the parents/carers / 1 / 2 / 2
Cuts and infection / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Group to report any cuts sustained during visit to first aider / 1 / 2 / 2
Injury from activity equipment / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Clear verbal instructions given about how to carry and use equipment.
Group supervised when using equipment
Broken or damaged equipment to be replaced. / 1 / 2 / 2
Water / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Water is shallow and is fenced in pond area.
Water in infinity pool and waterfall is chlorinated to avoid waterborne diseases / 1 / 2 / 2
Sting or bite including from wasps, bees, ticks and adders sharp plants / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers.
stings / Avoid know sites of wasps, bees or ants.
Group given verbal warning if required. Tick information sheet provided to group if visiting a tick area
Allergies identified in booking form. / 2 / 1 / 2
Crossing car park / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers. / Children to walk with adults and all advised to take care. / 2 / 5 / 10
Campfires / School group/staff, parents, helpers and volunteers.
Burns / Children to be kept at least 1m distance from fire except when cooking this to be marked out.
Bucket of water present at all times and fire blanket
No one to put wood onto the fire except lead adult.
Children to be given proper procedure for cooking marshmallow safely.
Procedure for cooking marshmallows
– cook on long stick (at least arm length)
-when cooking hold away from flame
- once cooked count to 20 for cooling time
-test with little finger cool
-remove from stick to eat / 2 / 5 / 10

Note that the end column (R) Residual Risk should be coloured to reflect the risk rating using the scoring matrix

Reserve Fire Assembly Point – Those assembling here must remain in the area shaded blue to avoid any additional hazards from vehicles in the car park (unless the presence of a fire makes it unsafe to do so)

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