Point Webster Middle School

Grade 8 Science

Ms. Michelle Kaye


Welcome to Grade 8 Science!

Science is part of our everyday lives and I hope to encourage scientific inquiry so students can better understand the world around them. The topics we will cover in science class this year include…

Term 1 - Physical Science: lab safety and equipment, metric conversions, scientific method, matter, the periodic table, chemical equations and interactions

Term 2 - Life Science: characteristics of living things, cells, genetics, evolution

Term 3 - Earth Science: internal structure of the earth, seafloor spreading, plate tectonics, glaciation, volcanoes, and earthquakes

This will be an exciting and challenging year. In addition to studying the topics mentioned above, we will prepare for the science MCAS in May and prepare for high school. Students will attend field trips, participate in many labs and hands-on activities, write lab reports, read and critique scientific journals, and take part in the science fair in the spring. Information regarding the science fair will be sent home in early December.

§  Textbook and Supplies:

We use 4 textbooks from the Prentice Hall Science Explorer series. They include Chemical Interactions, Cells and Heredity, Inside Earth, and Earth’s Changing Surface.

The supplies needed for grade 8 science include

·  A 1 ½ inch or 2inch binder with 3 dividers and some loose leaf OR 2 notebooks and a folder.

·  Pencils, pens, and highlighters

·  Some supplies we will also use include… crayons, markers, and a basic calculator

§  Preparation/Homework

It is important students come to class ready to learn each day with a pencil, notebook/binder, agenda book, and completed homework. Students are not allowed to copy homework from another student. I expect students to complete their own work. Students who cheat or copy will have consequences.

Homework is posted on the board, on my website: misskayesclass.weebly.com, on aspen http://aspen.quincypublicschools.com , and long term assignments are on the calendar.

There will be homework assignments most nights and studying is also considered homework. Homework should take 30 – 40 minutes. Textbooks stay in the classroom; however, students are welcomed and encouraged to sign out a book at any time. As well, students must check the website during or when returning from an absence. They can also check in with me when they return from an absence to receive the work they have missed or to help answer questions on the work. It is their responsibility! Work that is missed can be found in the missing work folders.

§  Assessment

Assessment is ongoing. It is important that students work to their best ability in class and keep up with their work at home. Students will be evaluated on how well they have demonstrated the learning outcomes for Grade 8 Science. Students will take pre and post assessments during each term to determine their prior knowledge and to help guide future assignments. Evaluation will take various forms: tests, quizzes, projects, labs, homework and writing assignments. Rubrics will be provided for all projects, labs, and major writing assignments. Grades are broken down as follows: Tests/Projects 30%, Labs 30%, Quizzes 20%, Homework 10%, and Classwork 10%. Please contact me if you feel your child is struggling with homework and/or study skills.

§  Extra Help/Communication

I am available for extra help after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. In general ideas, comments, suggestions, questions, grade challenges, etc. are welcome. No part of a student’s grade will be based on anything other than their coursework. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the extra help hours especially before tests and quizzes. I encourage teacher/parent and guardian communication. I can best be reached by email (). Parents can also call the school at 617 984 6600 and leave a message with the secretary. Please remember to check aspen regularly for announcements, assignments, and grading. http://aspen.quincypublicschools.com. More detailed descriptions of the assignments as well as copies of applicable paperwork can be found on my website: misskayesclass.weebly.com

I look forward to a wonderful and enlightening school year. I am very excited to be part of your child’s education!


Ms. Kaye J