Branković Nina
Date of Birth: 18 May 1977
Place of Birth: Sarajevo
Address: Franca Lehara 9; 71000 Sarajevo, BIH
Phone: ++ 387 61 223 094; ++387 33 208 108
1998 – 2003
2003 – 2004
2000 – 2002
1992 – 1996 / B.Sc. Political Science, University of Sarajevo
Major Journalism
LondonSchool of Public Relation
Science, Technology and Human Rights
Distance Learning Course DL001
Sweden organization “Sida” & StudentInitiativeCenter
German Language Course
DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Deutsche Sprache Kurs
Grundsftufe II and Mittelstuffe I
Spanish Language Course
“Poliglot” –School for foreign Languages, Sarajevo
Basic and Intermediate levels
CatholicHigh School, Sarajevo
Cyrillic / Native
Fluent – spoken and written
Proficient knowledge – spoken and written
Basic level
MS Office Windows (Word, Excel, Power Point, Microsoft Outlook, Publisher, Corel Draw, Photo Paint, Book keeping programme, Data Base Paradox Lotus 1 2 3, ...
Work experience
May 2004- present
May 2003 –May 2004
Oct 2002 – May 2003
May1998 – Sept 2002
May 1996 – May 1998 / SCN, SEE- Save the Children Norway, South East Regional Office
Information and Fund Raising Officer
I am in charge of identifying, developing, and implementing:
  • Public Relation
Develop and maintain all media relations,
Ensure SCN,SEE presence in media
Write and design SCN,SEE publications and print materials,
Organize and moderate all press conferences,
Composeand editing SCN press releases, articles and public speeches for local and international publishing
Ensure an effective internal communication in SCN,SEE
  • Fundraising:
Develop and manage relations with Institutional, Private and Corporate donors
Compose project proposals and follow their implementation
Advise Director in relations with potential donors and fundraising opportunities
  • Marketing
Manage visibility and recognition of the Save the Children logo and brand
Establish and maintain SCN, SEE Corporate identity,
Design and approve SCN,SEE promotematerialsand presentations,
  • Monitoring and capacity building
Monitor our impact in the region related to child rights improvement
Provide SCN,SEE and partners with training in different fields, media relations, advocacy, etc
NDI - National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
Executive Assistant to Country Director
  • Assist Country Director on the different meetings through political parties and parliamentary programs at NDI
  • Conduct various research for the NDI needs
  • Interact with senior international community and top domestic legal experts, politicians, and other senior officials
  • Participated in the Parliamentary Oversight Working Group in the Defence Reform Commission
  • Participated, as a member of several working groups, on the proposed changes to the BiH Election Law,
  • Provide simultaneous interpretation and written translation
Mine Action Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Office Manager to the Program Manger UNDP and Director of B&H MAC
  • Organise, arrange and maintain all correspondence for the Program Manger UNDP and Director of BH MAC
  • Arrange, assist and provide interpreting and translationon meetings
United Nations Mine Action Centre
Administrative and Logistics Assistant
Human Recourses and Logistic
  • Implement UN procedures, maintain personnel files for Headquarters and 6 Regional Offices (total of 150 employees) and all administrative databases
  • Establish and continually improved administrative policies and procedures (employee contracts, monthly salary lists, leave requests, movement of personnel, MAC’s organizational charts, ID cards etc)
  • Maintain office supplies, equipment data base and logistic procedures
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Personal Assistant to the Minister Assistant for Economic Affairs
  • Organised and maintained all diplomatic correspondence
  • Arranged appointments
  • Provided admin assistance to the former Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador in Germany

Volunteer experience
2002 – 2003
2003- present / “Urban Bug”, Monthly Magazine through urban culture for Youth
  • Journalist
  • Editor position for the section “Culture in B&H”
  • Editor position for the books review column “Urban Book”

Božidar Novak, Director of the LondonSchool of Public Relation
LondonSchool of Public Relation
Prof. Dr Jelenka Vočkić-Avdagić, Professor of Communication and Mass media
University of Sarajevo; Political Science Faculty, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Francesca Binda, Country Director in BiH
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs,
Written references available upon request