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Stem Cells


Tea Party

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Women’s Issues

Election Issues

Footage: “I’m lying to ya. I’m already a politician apparently, I’m lying through my teeth.”

At a February 2012 rally with the Tucson Tea Party in support of Rick Santorum, Kelly spoke to an audience outside the event and joked about the size of the crowd inside then said, “I’m totally lying to ya. I’m already a politician apparently, I’m lying through my teeth.” [Youtube, Tucson Tea Party, 2/22/12]

Kolbe on Kelly: “He’s out of touch with the district”

In February 2012, former eighth district Republican Rep. Kolbe said of Jesse Kelly, “He [Kelly] would assure that a Democrat would win the seat. He’s out of touch with the district. It’s a very moderate district. We are close to the border and we have a different outlook than Phoenix. If there was a time when a Republican should have won it it was 2010, and we couldn’t win the race with that candidate then, I don’t know how anybody thinks we will win with that candidate now.” [Governing Blog, 2/07/12]

Jesse Kelly Filed to Run, But Did Not Campaign Since Gifford’s Shooting

In June 2011, Chris Cillizza reported, “Jesse Kelly, a Republican who nearly defeated Giffords in 2010, has filed to run again but has not campaigned actively since the shooting.” [Blog, The Fix, Washington Post, 6/16/11]

Kelly Resurfaced Within Days of Giffords Announcing Resignation

According to the Arizona Republic, “Kelly soon vowed to run again but dropped his campaign after Giffords was shot in January 2011. He resurfaced within days of Giffords' Jan. 22 announcement that she would resign.” [The Republic, 2/03/12]

Conflicting Reports Whether Kelly Looked into Filling Giffords’ Seat

In the days following Giffords’ January 2011 shooting, there were conflicting reports whether Kelly had looked into the process for filling Giffords’ seat.

On the 12th, the Yellowbook reported that Kelly was one of several politicians who had looked into procedures for replacing Giffords should she not make a full recovery. Lee Miller, a lawyer for the Arizona Republican Party, said the Kelly campaign contacted him about the process. [Yellowbook, 1/12/11]

But on the 22nd, the Los Angeles Times reported on January 18 that Kelly had not looked into filling Giffords seat. [Los Angeles Times, 1/22/11]

Kelly Canceled Campaign Announcement In Wake of Giffords Shooting

The day before the January 2011 shooting that injured Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Jesse Kelly sent out invitations to an invent announcing his intention to run again in 2012.

“We have unfinished business here in southern Arizona. It’s time to finish what we started,” the invitation read.

But after the shooting, Kelly canceled the event, though he has remained in the public eye by appearing in commercials for his new employer Vision 360. [Politico, 1/24/11]

Kelly: The Campaign Will Be Positive

In his February 2012 announcement he was running for the eighth congressional district special election, Kelly said, “The campaign is going to be a positive campaign. The campaign is going to be about each candidate representing themselves. … I don’t anticipate any kind of negative campaign.” [Tucson Weekly, 2/03/12]

Antenori on Kelly Living Out of State

Antenori:“Some of us stayed to fight [redistricting battles] and some of us didn’t”

In February 2012, following Kelly’s announcement he was joining the race for the eighth congressional district special election, Antenori said of Kelly, “We went through a period of time in the state when there were a lot of political battles. Some of us stayed to fight those battles and work for the conservative cause in the party, and some of us didn't. When the going gets tough, Jesse Kelly gets going.” [Tucson Weekly, 2/03/12]

Antenori: “All of a sudden, Mr. Opportunity is back in town”

In February 2012, following Kelly’s announcement he was joining the race for the eighth congressional district special election, Antenori said of Kelly, “What's really astonishing is that (Kelly) had no intentions of running in the normal election, and he had already started cutting staff away, and all of a sudden, Mr. Opportunity is back in town.” [Tucson Weekly, 2/03/12]

Running on Same Issues as He Did Two Years Ago

In footage of his February 2012 announcement speech, Kelly said, “Of course, we’ve analyzed the last election. We’ve analyzed 2010 but really the issues we faced in 2010 are the same issues we face in 2012. It’s a stagnant economy and families are struggling.”[Tucson Sentinel, 2/03/12]

Flip from 2010: Said He Will Now Work with “Any and Every American,” Democrat or Not

In footage of his February 2012 announcement speech, a reporter questioned Kelly about previous statements he had made in his 2010 campaign in which he said he did not want to work with anyone across the aisle should he be elected to Congress and Kelly tried to walk back his previous statements, saying, “Any and every American, whether in Congress or not , that wants to bring this economy back, wants to help people get a good job, that’s somebody that I’ll be working with in Congress without question, regardless of party.” [Tucson Sentinel, 2/03/12]

Citizens United Endorsed Jesse Kelly

In 2012, Jesse Kelly was endorsed by the Citizens United Political Victory Fund. They also contributed $10,000 to his campaign.

“Citizens United Political Victory Fund was an early supporter for Jesse Kelly in 2010, and it is an honor to be one of his first supporters in this race,” said David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United. “Jesse Kelly has shown that he can run a very strong campaign in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District. Jesse is a Marine Corps veteran and true hero of the conservative movement. I urge all Republican primary voters in Arizona’s 8th District to rally around Jesse Kelly because he will work hard for lower taxes, a strong economy, and more jobs when he is in Congress.”[Tucson Weekly, 2/08/12]

“Honored” by the Citizens United Endorsement

In February 2012, Kelly received the endorsement of Citizens United, a leading conservative group.

Kelly said, “We are honored to have the support of Citizens United and I look forward to working with them to lower taxes, strengthen America, and strengthen our economy.” [Jesse Kelly for Congress Press Release, 2/08/12]

Said the Special Election Will Be “Different” But Not Tougher Because of Giffords’ Circumstances

In February 2012, the USA Today wrote, “Kelly, who has filed to run in the special as well as the general election, said the special election race will be "different" but not tougher because of the circumstances that led to Giffords' early exit. He said he didn't think the shooting would play a part in voters' decisions. “The issues that still matter to the district are lower taxes, more jobs and a stronger economy. It's that kind of fiscal conservative district and that has not changed,” he said. But he said the race will be different than 2010 because “the national mood has changed. There's less anger out there; people just want solutions now.” [USA Today, 2/23/12]

Kelly: “You could be the most principled, greatest person in the world, I assure you I’m not…”

At the March 2012 candidate forum hosted by the 388th Precinct Republicans, Kelly said:

“Well, to answer your question on, how you avoid losing your mind when you go there, how do you know that? Well, bad company promotes good character. That is just the bottom line. It’s about who you surround yourself with. You could be the most principled, greatest person in the world, I assure you I’m not, and you’re gonna go there and you’re gonna lose your way. There are very few people there that I trust, I got to know several of them over all this campaigning I’ve been doing for the past three years and I can count them on one hand, the ones I actually trust. The good better of them that I trust. And I, those will simply be the people I associate myself with. I’ll be sleeping on my couch. I’ve spent enough time on my knees in prayer making sure my mind and my sould won’t go the other way. [388th Precinct Republicans Candidate Forum, 3/06/12]

Budget Issues

“Loves” Paul Ryan – Refused to Take a Stance on the Ryan Budget

In an interview with conservative online magazine National Review, Kellly said, “I think Paul Ryan is outstanding. His ideas for lowering the deficit, for having a simpler, flatter tax — I love them.”

Kelly also said he does not know whether he supports Ryan’s latest budget, because “I haven’t read the thing yet.” [National Review, 4/27/12]

Supported Zero-Based Budgeting

In a March 2012 candidate forum hosted by the Precinct 388 Republicans, Kelly said he supported the idea of zero-based budgeting, where spending has to be justified for specific use not just have funds provided in a large pot ofmoney. [Sierra Vista Herald, 3/14/12]

Business and Consumer Issues

Campaign & Campaign Finance Issues

Said 2012 Will Be the Same issues as 2010

In his February 2012 announcement speech, Kelly said, “Of course, we’ve analyzed the last election. We’ve analyzed 2010 but really the issues we faced in 2010 are the same issues we face in 2012. It’s a stagnant economy and families are struggling.” [Tucson Sentinel, 2/03/12]

AUDIO: “The Message Stays the Same” as 2012

During an April 2012 appearance on the Garret Lewis Show on KNST, Kelly said of his strategy for the AZ-08 special election, “The message stays the same.” [AZ08RawFootage, KNST, Garret Lewis Show, 4/18/12]

Tried to Strike a New Bipartisan Chord

Despite having previously said he wished there were not any Democrats in Congress because he did not want to work with them, n his February 2012 announcement speech, Kelly said, “Any and every American, whether in Congress or not , that want to bring this economy back, wants to help people get a good job, that’s somebody that I’ll be working with in Congress without question, regardless of party.” [Tucson Sentinel, 2/03/12]

Promised to Run a Completely Positive Campaign

In his February 2012 announcement speech, Kelly promised to run a positive campaign. He said, “Due to the short nature of this race, the campaign’s going to be a positive campaign. The campaign’s going to be about each candidate presenting themselves. It’s going to be about lower taxes. It’s going to be about a stronger economy. It’s going to be about more jobs. I don’t anticipate any kind of negative campaign.” [Tucson Sentinel, 2/03/12]

AUDIO: Kelly – We Won’t Be Attacking Barber, Just Getting Our Message Out

During an April 2012 appearance on the Garret Lewis Show on KNST, Kelly said of his message strategy and Ron Barber’s support for Gabby Giffords’ policies, “Well, we don’t have to try to attach him to anything – he is attached. He’s already come out in support of all these things. But, we’re going to talk about our message. Our message is not going to change. We have a positive message to get America back to work, to lower the cost at the pump, to secure the border, to do all the things that you talk about everyday on your show […] We’re not talking about his agenda or anyone else’s.” [AZ08RawFootage, KNST, Garret Lewis Show, 4/18/12]

AUDIO: To Radio Host, Kelly Said “You Know Me Better Than” to Consider Me the Civil Campaign

During an April 2012 appearance on the Garret Lewis Show on KNST:

Host: You know, you sound like a little bit of a different Jesse Kelly than the one I met a few years ago. Now, granted, I’m just a wack job talk show host that tries to be funny sometimes. But, do you ever think of maybe beating them to the punch and just you know, calling your campaign, calling yourself, Jesse Kelly: the civil candidate?

Kelly: Laughs […]

Host: And of the campaign for civility - I think that'd be hilarious. But then again, that's just me. That's just me.

Kelly: [Laughs]. I think you know me better than that, Garrett. [AZ08RawFootage, KNST, Garret Lewis Show, 4/18/12]

Crime& Public Safety Issues

Defense Issues

Said the Job of the Federal Government Is National Defense

In his February 2012 announcement speech, Kelly said, “Well Defense, defending this nation, defending Americans, defending southern Arizona, that’s the job of the federal government is national defense. So, if we begin to scale back the spending in all these other unnecessary areas, then the defense spending, the dollars for defense will be there.”[Tucson Sentinel, 2/03/12]

Refused to Directly Comment on Pentagon’s Decision to Allow Women in More Combat Positions

In February 2012, after the Arizona Daily Star tried to reach Kelly for comment on the Pentagon’s decision to allow women serve in more combat positions and McSally blew up the issue in saying she would like kick Rick Santorum in the jimmy for his sexist comments on the decision, Kelly simply sent a written statement that read, “Our campaign is focusing on lower taxes, a stronger economy, and more jobs so that women veterans have the economic opportunities they deserve.”[Arizona Daily Star, 2/18/12]

Economic and Financial Issues

Said It Was “Not an Accident” that the Auto and Housing Markets Failed

During a 2012 candidate forum with the Greater Catalina Council, Kelly said:

“That's because the three most regulated parts of our economy: the energy, the auto and the housing - were the three that failed. And that is not an accident.” [Greater Catalina Council Candidate Forum, 4/02/12]

VIDEO: “In the Same Way that Wealth Trickles Down, So Does Poverty”

During an April 2012 candidate debate hosted by the Green Valley Republican Club, Kelly said, “Well, in the same way that wealth trickles down, so does poverty.” [Green Valley Republican Club Debate, 4/12/12]

VIDEO: Defended the Rich

During an April 2012 meet and greet at the La Cholla Country Club, Kelly said:

Kelly: “When we talk about taxes -- let's talk about taxes for a moment. Currently, the average American taxpayer pays more than 50% of their wealth to the federal government. When we talk about 'taxing the rich' or 'it should be upper-income people that should pay more in taxes' -- for one, the top 10% are already paying 70% of the tax bill. That's one. And for two, let's say, let's say I agree with you -- and I don't -- but let's say I agree with anybody who says, 'Oh, the rich should pay more.' If you took every single dime every person made -- who made $250,000 or more last year -- you took every single dime they made. Literally, tax them at 100%. It wouldn't even pay off the deficit.” [La Cholla Country Club Meet and Greet, 4/23/12]

Continued to Defend Millionaires

Kelly later added, “Money and capitalism and success, and even the word 'millionaire' and 'billionaire' -- those used to be things that we celebrated in this nation. Now, we hear the word 'millionaire' and people sneer at it. I thought that was great.” [La Cholla Country Club Meet and Greet, 4/23/12]

Education Issues

Energy Issues

VIDEO: Said Oil “Is the Renewable Resource We’ve All Been Talking about”

At a February 2012 rally with the Tucson Tea Party in support of Rick Santorum, Kelly brushed off concerns of an energy crisis in the United States and joked that oil perhaps is the renewable resource that is needed. He said, “I do find it laughable when they talk about the energy crisis, the energy shortage, when we have so much here in this country. We have so much coal, so much oil, so much natural gas, we have everything we need right here. Three decades ago, they told us there were 800 million barrels of oil existing in the world. Today, because of technology, there’s over a trillion. So apparently it is the renewable resource we’ve all been talking about!”[Tucson Tea Party event, Youtube,2/22/12]

Olbermann: Kelly Is a “Worst Person in the World”

In February 2012, Keith Olbermann of MSNBC named Kelly a “Worst Person in the World” for having called oil a renewable resource. [Countdown with Keith Olbermann, 2/27/12]

Said the Social Security Crisis Can Be Fixed by Expanding Energy and Oil Production

In a April 2012 primary debate at Vail High School, Kelly continued to campaign on gas prices, arguing that the only way to protect Social Security benefits for future generations is to drill.

He said, “We have to fulfill our promises, give future generations choices. The only way that we'll be able to do that is through energy - drilling for oil, clean coal, natural gas. In short, our economy is currently not big enough to support the benefits that people have earned. We can grow that economy. We will grow that economy. That's the best solution to solve all of these problems and fulfill the obligations that the federal government must.” [Vail High School AZ08 Republican Primary Debate, 4/05/12]