Group A: / Group B:Frontal bone / Foramen magnum
Glabella / Jugular foramen
Supra-orbital margin (ridge) / Carotid canal
Parietal bone / Foramen lacerum
Temporal bone / Foramen ovale
Occipital bone / Optic foramen (canal)
Coronal suture / Supraorbital and infraorbital foramen
Sagittal suture / Superior and inferior orbital fissures
Squamosal suture / External and internal acoustic (auditory) meatus
Lambdoid suture / Superior and inferior nuchal lines
Ethmoid bone / External occipital protuberance
Crista galli / Occipital condyles
Cribriform (horizontal) plate / Petrous portion (of temporal bone)
Perpendicular plate / Sinuses:
Superior (sagittal head only), middle, inferior nasal concha / Frontal
Sphenoid bone / Ethmoid
Greater and lesser wings / Sphenoid
Optic foramen (canal) / Maxillary
Superior orbital fissure
Foramen ovale / Group D:
Sella turcica / Thorax:
Pterygoid processes / True (1-7), false (8-10), floating ribs (11 and 12)
Vomer / Head
Group C: / Shaft
Nasal bone / Sternum
Lacrimal bone / Manubrium
Maxilla / Jugular and clavicular notch
Alveolar margin / Sternal angle
Palatine process / Body
Palatine bone / Xiphoid process
Zygomatic bone / Vertebral column:
Zygomatic process / Body
Orbital process / Superior and inferior articulating processes
Temporal process / Vertebral and intervertebral foramen
Maxillary process / Transverse and spinous process
Mandible / Pedicle
Ramus, angle, body / Lamina
Mental foramen / Cervical (7)
Alveolar margin / C1: Atlas (yes) and
Mandibular condyle / C2: Axis (yes) w/ odontoid process (dens)
Coronoid process / Transverse foramina
Mastoid process / Thoracic (12)
Styloid process / Coastal facets
Hyoid bone / Lumbar (5)
Sacral (5)
8 structures from sheet
Coccyx (4)
Group A: / Group B:
Pectoral girdle / Arm
Clavicle / Humerus (left and right)
Acromial (lateral) and sternal (medial) end / Head
Scapula (left and right) / Anatomical and surgical neck
Spine / Greater and lesser tubercle
Supraspinous and infraspinous fossa / Intertubercular sulcus
Acromion / Deltoid tuberosity
Suprascapular notch / Medial and lateral epicondyles
Coracoid process / Trochlea
Glenoid cavity (fossa) / Capitulum
Subscapular fossa / Coronoid and olecranon fossa
Vertebral (medial) and axillary (lateral) border / Radius
Inferior, superior, lateral angle / Head
Hand / Neck
Carpals (8) – Sexy Lovers Try Positions That They Can’t Handle / Radial tuberosity
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform (proximal) / Styloid process
Trapezium, trapezoid, capitates, hamate (distal) / Ulnar notch
Metacarpals I – V (start lateral) / Ulna
Phalanges I – V (start lateral) / Coronoid and olecranon process
Proximal, middle (pollex lacks), distal / Trochlear and radial notch
Head (inferior)
Group C: / Styloid process
Pelvic girdle
Sacrum, coccyx, os coxae (ilium, ischium, pubis) / Group D:
Os coxae (left and right) / Leg
Iliac crest / Femur (left and right)
Anterior superior and anterior inferior iliac spine / Head with fovea capitus
Iliac fossa / Neck
Sacroiliac joint / Greater and lesser trochanter
Posterior superior and posterior inferior iliac spine / Gluteal tuberosity
Greater sciatic notch / Shaft
Ischial spine / Linea aspera
Lessor sciatic notch / Medial and lateral epicondyles
Ischial tuberosity / Medial and lateral condyles
Superior and inferior pubis rami / Intercondylar fossa
Pubic symphysis / Patellar surface
Acetabulum / Patella
Obturator foramen / Tibia (left and right)
Foot / Intercondylar eminence
Tarsals (7) – Tiger Cubs Need MILC / Medial and lateral condyle
Talus / Tibial tuberosity
Calcaneus / Shaft
Navicular / Medial malleolus
Medial, intermediate, lateral cuneiform / Fibula
Cuboid / Head
Metatarsals I – V (start lateral) / Shaft
Phalanges I – V (start lateral) / Lateral malleolus
Proximal, middle (hallux lacks), distal