Freshers Pack 2012/2013

Firstly, welcome to the University of Bath! This is a little bit more information for all of you thinking about joining the swimming club this year, including the exact requirements for each of our squads, training times, and an idea of the socials and competitions we have coming up.

The University of Bath Swimming Club is a large, diverse club which will guarantee that you enjoy yourself both in and out of the pool. We accommodate a huge range of swimming abilities, from those who want to train for fitness, social, competitive or elite level goals. Swimming is one of the best sports for your health, improving strength, flexibility, balance and stamina and in swimming with us you can make sure you make friends and socialise with a confident, driven and fun group of people in a buzzing atmosphere. Although swimming is an individual sport, we make sure that we have a great team atmosphere, so that when it comes to team competitions, such as BUCS, the University of Bath Swimming Club is head and shoulders above any team. Furthermore, although we are separated out into squads for different abilities, we make sure that we are united as a club by having training for all squads a couple of times a week and holding regular socials for everyone, international standard and non-competitive swimmers alike!

We train in the amazing setting of the 50m pool in the STV, and have up to 18 hours of pool time a week. We also try to make our sessions as flexible as possible, so we always have a coach on poolside to deliver a challenging session but we also allow you to use the lanes for your own fitness swimming. We also understand that sometimes lectures and other clubs clash with our sessions, so if you have to miss the first few minutes of a session, it’s no worry, just turn up on poolside.

Where Do I Fit In?

If you’re thinking, ‘so, where do I fit in’? Have a read through the criteria for the different groups and have a think about which group is most suited to you.

Recreation Squad

  • No minimum attendance
  • 6 training sessions available during semester time
  • Volunteer coaches will run four sessions per week. Wednesday and Saturday will be run by the competition squad head coach
  • Full access to promotional and social events
  • Competitions will be available, these are to include varsity events which are exclusively for recreational squad members
  • Training times from 1st October as follows:

Rec Squad
am / pm
mon / 12.00 - 14.00
tue / 13.30 - 15.30
wed / 12.00 - 14.00
thu / 13.30 - 15.30
fri / 12.00 - 14.00
sat / 16.00 - 18.00

Competition Squad

  • Requires a minimum attendance of 6 sessions per week to maintain selection
  • 16.5 hours of training/coaching available per week
  • Structured training program throughout the season (Includes land sessions)
  • Competitions will be available throughout the year in accordance with the squad competition calendar (Open meets and BUCS included)
  • Kit requirements: Kick board, Pull buoy, Paddles, Fins. (Additional equipment is welcomed)
  • Members of this squad are to pay a coaching fee of £50 per semester
  • Training times from 1st October as follows:

Comp Squad
am / pm
mon / 16.00 - 18.00
tue / 08.00 - 09.30 / 16.00 - 18.00
wed / 06.00 - 07.30 / 12.00 - 14.00
thu / 08.00 - 09.30 / 16.00 - 18.00
fri / 16.00 - 18.00
sat / 16.00 - 18.00


The performance squad is our most elite group of swimmers, and they train 10 sessions a week. There are also qualifying times to make. If you want to know more about joining the performance squad, please visit or email .

Socials and Competitions

For more information on socials and competitions, please keep checking this will provide an up to date, recent events calendar. For those of you who can’t wait to find out, here are some of our upcoming events:

3rd October – Welcome BBQThis is an opportunity for those of you new to the club to meet some existing members and socialise by the lake, with food, fun and games available! For returning members, this is an opportunity to catch up after a long summer break! Bring your friends, housemates and coursemates, all are welcome!

10thOctober – Introductory Social For all those of you who like the swimming club enough to join, this will be our first social of the year, ending up at Score! It is a key event on our calendar!

2-4th November – BUCS Short Course For all the competitive members of the club, this is the first chance of the year to get in the pool and show all the other universities how good we are!

18th November – BUCS teams Another event to show other teams how good we are, this is the first round regional competition.

Thanks very much for giving this information pack a read, I hope you feel like you know a little bit more about the club, and are ready to come for a dip in the pool! Our taster sessions are:

Wednesday 26th September 12.00- 14.00


Saturday 29th September 16.00 – 18.00

These are free to attend, just make sure bring your swimming kit and tell the person on reception you’re coming in for a taster session and they will let you in.

If you think you like the club enough to join, there will be an online product available to buy on which is your membership. It is £20 to join the swimming clubs, plus your Sports Association membership of £10.