Infrastructure Committee Meeting
April 20, 2017
4:00 p.m.
Village Hall
Draft Minutes
- Environmental group –Laura Kalchik, Tally Middleton
Laura Kalchik and Tally Middleton presented an alternative plan for a rain garden with a schematic. They have permission from the Northport Public School to use the space. Wes Buss recommended a cement swale ($900) and the committee asked questions regarding size of the opening and water flow. Committee suggested that a narrower opening would be preferred, 4-5 feet. The dimensions of the garden would be 240 square feet, which is needed to be effective. A potential sidewalk could be compromised but committee agreed that adjustments could be made. Chris Holton will check on need for a soil erosion permit for the project. Barb suggested that engineering be included in their grant request.
- Update on Trail progress
- No license agreement from Schwartzes
Neither Fred nor Barb has heard from the Schwartzes to date. Barb will call Judy Levin for how to best contact them. Subsequently, Barb spoke to Judy and she indicated that a certified letter would catch their attention.
- Grant status
Fred indicated that a supplemental request should be submitted by May 1.
- Trail signage from county
This will be put on hold at this time.
- Ordinance
Barb reminded the committee that an ordinance was needed for the trail to enforce any.
use permitted by the Village.
- Fencing, Maps
Phil Mikesell indicated that he felt that sixty feet of fencing would be required to screen the 8th tee and green as well as the 9th tee. Chris Holton will check pricing on different types of fencing.
Phil reported that he has asked Jim Schiffer to photoshop the original trail schematic to reflect what actually was developed for the use as a map.
- Update on 7th Street
- Clean up, fence removal
Barb reported that 7th street is being kept in great condition; the fence has been removed; DPW is removing brush as needed to KAL excavating.
- Fuel depot upgrade/township support
DPW will be working on the depot this summer; Leelanau Township has agreed to pay up to $3500 of the expense. Chris is having difficulty obtaining an electrician to give him a quote on the work.
- Land availability/salt barn location
After exploring three options for the DPW, it has been determined that remaining on site and expanding the site to the west will be the best choice. Barb will talk to Sue Stoffel about an offer, pending council approval. Cost would be paid by reducing the general fund balance. Fred indicated that Chris and Barb should update the schematic for all the purposes of the property.
- Status of GLRI grant
The grant is 90% complete. Sarah U’Ren will provide plans and bid package to Barb before bids are let on the project to assure what portions are to be paid by the Village and what is to be paid by the grant.
- Status of TAP grant
The village has yet to hear about the TAP grant funding. Jim Schiffer is optimistic that we will know within the month. He is continuing to check on the progress with MDOT officials.
- Sidewalk repairs
Chris reported that Wes Buss repaired 25 feet of sidewalk on Bay Street as a result of a water issue. Cost will be charged to the Water Fund ($900). He noted two areas on Shabwasung that needed repair but were not critical at this time.
- Unsafe buildings status; contact with Steve Haughan
Now that elevated walkway has been permitted, Barb will contact Steve.
- Street sweeping status
Chris reported that street sweeping should begin by the 21st. Update provided by the road commission indicates that they will not begin until the 26th of April.
- How to deal with geese this year
After staff explored the use of “Goosebusters”, it was determined that their expense and methods would not be cost effective. Chris and Barb will explore other means of controlling the geese. Chris will inquire of the Coast Guard if they can help.
- Bench style for memorials
Staff has picked a style (Heritage) that is consistent with the bench at the municipal parking lot. This will be used as a model for those seeking to purchase memorial benches.
- Picnic tables, small boat rack
Chris reported that six picnic table frames have been ordered; one will be built for handicap accessibility. The small boat rack needs to be constructed.
- Miscellaneous
Chris reported that county has offered wood chips located in the township on Lighthouse Road. Fred indicated the need to clean up the soccer road, dead tree needs removal and fence needs an update for safety reasons as well as aesthetics. Chris will look into cost of water bottle filling station for the marina per request of Bonnie Shiner. They have an anonymous person willing to put up $1500 of the cost.
- Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.