Welcome to
Riverland Model Aero Club Inc.
We are pleased that you have decided to join our club, and hope that you find the following information will help you adjust to the club’s flying atmosphere. It is appreciated that there is an element of risk in some activities, but the enjoyment is worth the risk, especially if basic safety rules are followed by all members.
First, it must be accepted that all model flying in Australia is under the control of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, whether model flyers are aware of this or not!
The relevant regulation is known as CASA 101, which are the national rules that we fly by. Also listed below is a summary our local club rules which are based on a set of rules developed by members.
Because of the inherent potential danger from flying models, specific liability insurance is highly recommended for model flyers, and is an essential requirement for RMAC membership.
The following rules are intended to ensure that all club members enjoy their flying in a safe environment with courtesy to other members.
All rules must be complied with to ensure that insurance cover is valid.
Frequency Control
2.4 GHz flyers must put a name tag on a hook on the 2.4 GHz board while flying.
All non-2.4GHz Transmitters are to be placed in the Transmitter Pound upon arrival at the Flying Field and left there at ALL times, other than when required for flying, flight related checks, or leaving the Flying Field for the day. The following procedures apply to 27, 29, 36 & 40 MHz radios.
When 36 MHz is in use, the Frequency Key system MUST be used at all times. If you have any doubts how the system works, ask someone who is familiar with the system.
After every flight, your transmitter is to be returned to the Transmitter Pound and your Frequency Key removed from the board as other pilots may be on the same frequency as yourself, and may be waiting to fly.
Any person shall obey any instruction from an appointed Safety Officer.
There is to be NO flying of Internal Combustion Engine Powered aircraft prior to 10.00am on Sundays -- all other days to be 9 a.m. or as otherwise decided by the Committee as in the case of FUN-FLY days which are held once a year, or as otherwise arranged.
All internal combustion engines to be started via the use of the three designated tables,or, outside the Pits safety fence on mats provided. Aircraft must be restrained either by an assistant or by the frames supplied.
Electric models equal to and exceeding the equivalent of 40 size models must be taken to those starting tables to have their main batteries connected.
NO starting or running of engines on the Pits benches is permitted.
Please clean all fuel spills.
Do not touch other members’ models or equipment without their permission.
Before posting photos or videos of club happenings with sensitive content, ie crashes, on social media, that the consent of all parties involved be obtained before publishing.
Circuit Direction
If more than three (3) Internal Combustion Engine planes are in the air at the same time then pilots are to fly in a common circuit. Gliders are not in this category nor are small electric planes.
The circuit direction will be at the discretion of the Safety Officer, or, if no Safety Officer is in attendance, then those present will mutually decide the Circuit Direction and abide by the decision.
If only one aircraft is in the air then the Circuit Direction is not an issue.
After initial take-off and course setting all pilots shall direct flights away from and parallel to the runway. High speed approaches towards the Pits should be avoided at all times. Pilots are to move clear of the runway or taxiway after taking off to an area where they are able to communicate with each other.
When flying, pilots are to clearly announce their intentions to other pilots on the flight line. E.G. "Taking Off"; "Landing"; "Dead Stick" ; “Touch and Go” etc. Dead Stick landings always have priority.
No flying is permitted closer than thirty (30) metres to any spectator area.
There shall be NO flying over the area between the runway and the Pits, (where the pilots stand) Pits, Car Park, Oval, Sporting Club area, School or Houses unless beyond the control of the pilots.
Club members have resolved that on Saturdays when football matches are in progress, only small electric models be flown at the field to minimise distraction to those at the oval.
These rules are not intended to take the fun out of flying, but are based on courtesy and common sense for maximum enjoyment for all members.
Fly and enjoy!