General Timeline for Local Competition

Dates / Who/What / Task
Sept.17th 2015 / Informational / HUD releases the NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability). HSC staff send notice to the project agency contacts
Sept 17th2015 thru Sept 28th2015 / Project Applicants
HSCGKC / 10 day grace period to make corrections to HUD approved FY2015 GIW. Any changes that need made need to be approved by local HUD CPD Field Office, in consultation with HUD Headquarters.
Sept 21st2015- Oct 12th2015 / HSCGKC / HSC staff write draft of Collaborative Application
First Draft to Grants Committee due on Oct 12th 2015
Week of Sept 21st2015 / Informational / HUD offers webinar on general requirements and priorities for the 2015 Competition.
Week of Sept 21st 2015 / HSCGKC
& MAAC / HSCGKC staff provides MAAC staff with Collaborative Application questions related to HMIS and data quality
Sept 28th 5pm / HSCGKC / Due Date of final HUD approval for FY2015 GIW changes.
Sept 30th 2015, 9-11am, Mohart Center / ALL Project Applicants / Mandatory CoC Training at the Mohart Center, 9-11am (3200 Wayne Ave)
Oct 1st 2015, 9-11am
Oct 6th2015, 1-3pm
MARC Computer Lab Training / HSCGKC
Project Applicants NEW STAFF / Amy Bickford and Susanne Wright provide technical training on Project App’s and how to utilize e-snaps. Approximately 2 hours.
Bring the following documents:
  1. Most recent APR
  2. Previous year’s project application
  3. Some might consider bringing laptop. We think we’ll have enough computers in the computer lab, but if a lot of people come, you might benefit from having your laptop.

Oct 2nd 2015 by 5pm / Project Applicants / Submit Letter of Intent to HSCGKC for Permanent Housing Bonus Projects and any projects that are doing Reallocations by 5:00pm. Email to .
Oct 9th2015 or later / Informational / HUD posts report via HUD Exchange that lists each CoC’sAnnual Renewal Demand (ARD) Tier 1, Tier 2 and permanent housing bonus amounts available in this competition.
Oct 12th 2015 / HSCGKC / First Draft of Collaborative Application due to the Grants Committee. (HSCGKC can continue to work on CA and makes final submission on Oct 16th after updating with Project Application sections).
Week of Oct 12th 2015 / HSCGKC / Certificate of Consistency completed by Homeless Services Coalition. Delivered to Stuart Bullington for signature from the City.
Oct 13th 2015, 9am, Mohart Center / Rank & Review & HSCGKC / Vickie Riddle provides training session to Rank & Review Committee on HUD Priorities. Oct 13th, 2015, 9am at the Mohart Center Conference Room.
Oct 13th2015 by 5pm / Project Applicants / Submit Project Applications in ESNAPS and send email to Amy at with subject line, “NOFA: (project name)” with the following information:
  1. Scan these documents into one attachment: Cover sheet, Housing First Checklist, Audit letter, Leverage letters.
  2. Send most recent APR

Oct 14th2015 thru Oct 15th 2015 / HSCGKC / Technical review of applications at HSCGKC
Oct 19th2015 / Grants Committee / Grants Committee and selected agency representatives review Collaborative Application narrative and provide edit requests to HSCGKC staff by Oct 23rd 2015
Oct 19th2015 / Rank & Review / Project Applications from agencies sent to the Review and Ranking Panel
Oct 19th2015 thru Oct 26th2015 / Rank & Review / Review & Ranking Panel reads project applications and independently scores applications
Oct 26th 2015
& Oct 30th 2015 / Rank & Review & HSCGKC / Review and Ranking Panel meets for consensus meeting to rank each project application. Recommendations and Rankings submitted to HSCGKC
Oct 28th2015
Nov 2nd 2015 / HSCGKC
Notification to Agencies / All agencies notified of Rank and Review Outcomes. Agencies Notified in writing via form letter if project application is not recommended for funding- The CoC MUST notify project applicants within 15 days prior to the HUD application deadline if their project application has been rejected. Agencies that have rejected projects may appeal the decision via the process stated in the 2015 NOFA (#8b, p. 13, #4, p. 38, “X”, p. 57).
Oct 28th 2015
Nov 3rd 2015 / HSCGKC / HSCGKC staff make public posting to website of Rank and Review Outcomes with priority listing/rankings.
Oct 28st2015 thru Nov 12th2015 / Project Applicants / Agencies make revisions to their project applications as needed.
Nov 6th 2015 / HSCGKC / HSCGKC staff submit final Collaborative Application to Grants Committee and HSCGKC Board of Directors.
Nov 17th 2015 / HSCGKC / HSCGKC submits the Collaborative Application and all of the Project Applications to HUD at least 3 (three) days prior to HUD’s official due date
Nov 17th 2015 / HSCGKC / HSCGKC staff posts Collaborative Application via website and notifies membership of posting to website. (Per NOFA this posting to website should happen a minimum of 2 days prior to final NOFA deadline).
Nov 20th 2015, 6:59:59pm / Informational / Final Deadline to submit Collaborative Application, per HUD NOFA

Highlighted sections updated after NOFA released and posted 9.29.15, updated (red) 10.29.15