Senior Clinical Fellow in Radiology
Person Specification
Job Description
Terms and Conditions
POST:Senior Clinical Fellow in Radiology
BASE:The Christie, Withington, South Manchester
TRAINING &Holding or within 12
EXPERIENCEmonths of obtaining CCT
in radiology
Experience in general radiology,
cross sectional imaging and
basic interventional radiology
Experience in teaching under- and postgraduates
ACADEMICRecordofRecent publications
ACHIEVEMENTSresearch relevant toin peer-reviewed
PERSONAL SKILLSFlexibility, commitment and
compatibility with colleagues
and staff in the department.
PERSONALReliable work record
The Post
This is a Senior Clinical Fellow post, 40 hours per week, funded by the Trust. It is based at the The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.
Clinical Service
The Radiology Directorate has a departmental budget of £5 million (2008/09).
The Department is spread across four areas:
In the Pat Seed Department are the MR and CT scanners (two MD-CT, one radiotherapy planning CT, two 1.5 T MRs).
Interventional Radiology, Fluoroscopy and Ultrasound are based in Radiology II, General Radiography (including digital radiography) is in Radiology I.
The Nuclear Medicine department is in Palatine House offering Clinical and Research PET-CT and conventional Nuclear Medicine Imaging.
There is an Office Suite housing secretaries, Consultant Radiologists, Superintendent Radiographers and a Staff Room.
The new RIS went live in February 2007.
PACS went live in March 2007.
Radiology Examination Totals 2007-08
Activity –Totals by patient attendance Radiology Specialty
CT / MR / PET / PlainFilm / US / Nuclear Medicine / Fluoroscopy / Fluoroscopy Interventional / Angiography
2007-08 / 9595 / 3694 / 1562 / 17315 / 2449 / 1656 / 220 / 261 / 50
In addition the Radiology Department incorporates the nurse-led Day case Procedure Team, which sites around 1400 central lines per year and is in the process of developing an open access paracentesis service.
Staff and Management Structure
The Department management structure is as follows: Clinical Director (appointed by the trust board, 3 year tenure) with overall departmental responsibility, lead consultants in CT, MR, US, Interventional Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, General Radiology, Clinical Audit and Information Technology. The clinical tutor has responsibilities for registrar training and assessment. Day-to-day operational issues are dealt with by the section leads, if required.
A new managerial structure has just been implemented leading 4 Clinical Specialist Radiographers for the main areas.
Consultant Staff
Dr C Barker, 6 PA
Dr S Bonington, Ultrasound lead, 8 PA
Dr R Bramley, Clinical Director and IT lead, 12 PA
Dr B Carrington, MRI lead, 11 PA
Dr P Hulse, Nuclear Medicine lead, 10 PA
Dr H-U Laasch, Interventional lead, 11 PA
Dr J Lawrance, Divisional Director for Clinical Support Services, 12 PA
Dr S Mak, 10 PA
Dr M B Taylor, CT lead, Clinical Tutor, 12 PA
Dr F Wong, 6 PA
Dr P Manoharan, 11 PA
All consultants hold FRCR qualification. All consultants are oncological radiologists with cross-sectional imaging skills and a variety of special interests.
Junior medical Staff
1 Clinical Fellow in Oncology Imaging / PET-CT
3 senior SpRs and 1 junior SpR.
Radiographic and Nursing Staff
1 Clinical Support Services manager
1 Radiographic team leader
4 Superintendent Radiographers/Clinical Specialists
27 Radiographers (23 whole time equivalent)
2 full-time interventional radiology nurses, supported by a nutrition nurse
3 part-time nurses
6 Radiographic Aides
A and C staff
1 Radiology business manager
8 Secretaries/P.A.’s (7.5 whole time equivalents)
8 Clerical officers (6.85 whole time equivalent)
Diagnostic Radiology Equipment and Replacement Programme
Equipment / Installation Date / Replacement Date / SiteKodak Digital Chest Unit / April 2007 / 2017 / Radiology I, Rm 4
Phillips ceiling suspended tube and
rise and fall table with bucky,
Erect bucky / 1994
1992 / 2009 / Radiology I, Rm 1
Dedicated skull unit / 1990 / Not for replacement / Radiology I, Rm 1
OPG unit / 2006 / 2016 / Radiology I, Rm 1
Kodak general digital room / June 2007 / 2017 / Radiology I, Rm 2
Phillips ceiling suspended tube and generator, rise and fall table with bucky,
Erect bucky / 1997
1997 / 2007 / Radiology II, Rm 2
Phillips digital interventional equipment including floating table with bucky and C-arm, Phillips ceiling suspended tube and generator, erect bucky / 2008
2008 / 2015 / Radiology II, Rm 1
2 mobile IGE x-ray machines with AEC / 2001 / 2011 / Radiology
1 mobile IGE AMX4 plus machine / March 2007 / 2017 / CCU
Siemens C-arm mobile image intensifier / 2004 / 2014 / Radiology
I laser imager Radiology II / 2003 / Not for replacement / Radiology II
1 Siemens Antares ultrasound scanner / 2007 / 2012 / Radiology II
1 Siemens / Accuson X300 interventional US scanner / 2007 / 2012 / Radiology II/ CCU
1 IGE Lightspeed Plus 4-slice MD-CT scanner / 2001 / 2008 / Pat Seed, CT
1 IGE Cti single slice spiral CT scanner / 1999 / 2008 / Pat Seed, CT
1 Siemens Sensation 16-slice MD-CT scanner / 2005 / 2012
1 Siemens TIM Avanto MRI scanner / 2004 / 2011 / Pat Seed, MRI
1 Siemens TIM Avanto MRI scanner / 2005 / 2012 / Pat Seed, MRI
1 Kodak Laser Imager(CT/MRI) / 1999 / Under review post PACS / Pat Seed Department
1 Brachytherapy Theatre X-ray GE Compax MPG 80 / 1993
1 GE STE-8 CT-PET Scanner / 2007 / Nuclear Medicine
Infinia Hawkeye 4 SPECT-CT Gamma Camera-CT / 2006 / Nuclear Medicine
Siemens Ecam Signature Double Headed Gamma Camera / 2005 / Nuclear Medicine
Table notes: replacement date overdue in italics
Recommended life of general x-ray equipment = 10 years
Recommended life of CT/MRI scanners = 7 years
Recommended life of ultrasound scanners = 5 years
Duties of the Post
The post is for one year.
The post is principally to obtain specific education and training in oncological radiology and intervention in cancer patients. Procedural experience will be gained in biopsy and drainage procedures, nutritional support, percutaneous biliary intervention, GI stenting, SVC stenting, tunnelled central line insertion and symptomatic tumour embolisation.
There is a significant proportion of time dedicated to research and audit that should lead to publications in journals, as well as presentations at national and international meetings.
The post will provide the opportunity to gain experience in Research Methodology as well as Clinical Governance, administration and management issues important for appointment as a Consultant Radiologist.
The post holder’s routine clinical work will initially be closely supervised but he/she will practice increasingly independently as his/her experience develops during the year. In turn, the post holder will be able to supervise Junior Radiologists as time and expertise progress.
The post also offers inclusion on the University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust on-call rota.
Professional Development:
The post holder will undertake CPD in line with the recommendations of the Royal College of Radiologists. He /she will make appropriate arrangements for study leave with colleagues and non-medical staff. Study leave will be limited to 10 days per year.
Teaching Commitment:
The department is active in teaching at SpR level, with further commitments to national and regional radiology teaching. Medical student, SHO and non-radiology SpR teaching is also supported. The post holder will undertake lectures and tutorials to medical and non-medical staff in collaboration with and independent of colleagues.
Multi-disciplinary team meetings:
Numerous MDT meetings take place. The up to date list is published on the Christie Radiology intranet site. The post holder may lead MDTs, initially with guidance and subsequently independently.
Clinical Governance:
The post-holder will be expected to participate in all relevant aspects of clinical governance, including maintaining and improving protocols, the consent process, discrepancy reporting, guidelines and clinical audit in conjunction with the other staff in the department.
In addition opportunities will exist to get involved with national audit programmes of the British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR).
Office and Secretarial:
The Trust will endeavour to provide office accommodation, currently this is shared with the second fellow. Secretarial support is mostly shared.
As agreed with the clinical director and educational supervisors, Dr Jeremy Lawrance and Dr Hans-Ulrich Laasch. The exact timetable depends on the skills and desires of the successful candidate and secondarily upon the needs of the department.
The post will be offered as 40 hours per week, divided into 24 hours of Direct Clinical Care and 16 hours of Supporting Activity. Documentary evidence including a diary will be kept for the use of the 16 hours of supporting activity per week. A sample timetable is attached (each session lasting 4 hours); note that the actual clinical sessions will be allocated based on the skill of the successful candidates and requirements of the department.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayAM / CT / Interventional Radiology / Ultrasound / Interventional
Radiology / Admin/CPD
PM / Research / Research / Interventional Radiology / Interventional Radiology / CT
It is desirable that at the commencement of the post the appointee will have obtained or be within 12 months of obtaining CCT in radiology.
Salary will be fixed at £50,000 p.a. (excluding on-call).
The post-holder must maintain the confidentiality of information about patients, staff and other health service business.
Employees must be aware of the responsibilities placed on them under the Health & Safety at Work Act (1974), to ensure that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to maintain a safe environment for employees.
All staff have a responsibility to report all clinical and non-clinical accidents or incidents promptly and when requested to co-operate with any investigation undertaken.
The Trust has adopted an equal opportunities policy and it is the duty of every employee to comply with the detail and spirit of the policy
The Trust is responsible for the service for the patients in its care meets the highest standards. Equally, it is responsible for ensuring that staff do not abuse their official position to gain or to benefit their family or friends.
The Trust’s standing orders require any officer to declare any interest, direct or indirect with contracts involving the Trust. Staff are not allowed to further their private interest in the course of their NHS duties.
The Trust operates a no smoking policy. Anyone who wishes to smoke may do so only in one of the designated smoking areas at a time agreed with their line manager.
All appointments with The Christie NHS Foundation Trust are subject to pre-employment health screening.
Car parks for staff are on site, depending on availability of permits.
Informal visits are welcome andinterested candidates should visit the department by arrangement with:
Dr Hans-Ulrich Laasch
Consultant Radiologist
Department of Radiology
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road
Manchester M20 4BX
Tel: 0161 446 3896
Dr Jeremy Lawrance
Consultant Radiologist
Department of Radiology
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road
Manchester M20 4BX
Tel: 0161 446 3053
Dr Ben Taylor
Consultant Radiologist & RCR Tutor
Department of Radiology
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road
Manchester M20 4BX
Tel: 0161 446 8109
Dr Rhidian Bramley
Consultant Radiologist Clinical Director
Department of Radiology
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road
Manchester M20 4BX
Tel: 0161 446 8109
Greater Manchester itself is a large consumer and business market in its own right, with a population of 2.5 million, a workforce of 1.2 million and a GDP of £28 billion (US $41 billion). This represents around 38% of the regional GDP of £75 billion.
- Over 25% of the UK’s motorway network runs through the Greater Manchester area, placing it within 2 hours´ drive time of 20% of the UK population - some 12 million people.
- Over 2 million people live within a ten-mile (16 km) radius of Manchester and more than 5 million people within a radius of 30 miles (48 km).
- Manchester’s population is multi-cultural and predominantly young - 65% of the population is under 45 years old.
- According to an independent survey of senior executives responsible for location in more than 500 European companies, Manchester places second of the top 10 European cities (after London) for its cost and availability of staff.
Manchester airport is a large international airport and there are good rail links to the south and north.
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
One of Europe’s leading cancer centre’s with exciting and ambitious plans for the future.
“We care, we discover, we teach”
An exceptional reputation for patient care and research, excellent record in performance and financial management, high profile and huge public support is behind the Christie’s ambitions to be one of the world’s leading cancer centres.
Foundation Trust status has allowed us to embark on a highly ambitious plan to expand and develop our patient services, research and education.
The Christie in Manchester is a specialist NHS cancer hospital offering:
high-quality diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer patients
world-class research
education in all aspects of cancer
We are one of the leading cancer centres in Europe - registering around 12,500 new patients and treating about 40,000 patients every year.
We are the lead cancer centre for the Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Network, covering a population of 3.2 million. Our medical staff also share their expertise with colleagues across the region, with our doctors running clinics at 16 other general hospitals.
Because of the specialist services we provide around 15% of our patients are referred from outside Greater Manchester and Cheshire, and our private patients unit provides care for people from across the world.
Our patients are referred from district general hospitals, having already had their cancer diagnosed, and often with complex or rare cancer. Many will also have had their first treatment, usually surgical, before referral.
Wide range of cancer services
We offer a wide range of services including specialist surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, palliative and supportive care and endocrinology.
As one of the largest radiotherapy departments in the world we deliver over 80,000 radiotherapy treatments a year. We also annually deliver over 30,000 chemotherapy treatments and undertake around 3,700 operations every year. We are one of only two hospitals in the country offering surgical treatment for patients with pseudomyxoma - a very rare type of cancer. Our young oncology unit is one of only eight dedicated teenage cancer units in the country.
We have 257 inpatient beds, which are intensively used, with an average length of stay of seven days.
Key player in Europe
We are a member of the Organisation of European Cancer Centres (OECI) which provides a forum for discussion and agreement amongst the leading cancer centres in Europe as well as coordinating a number of specific projects. The OECI is an important vehicle for taking forward the concept of comprehensive cancer centres in Europe. We are the only centre in the UK to be voted onto the OEIC as a member.
Leading clinical trials unit
We also run one of the largest clinical trials units in the country for phase I/II cancer trials, with around 1,200 patients going on new trials. This is set to double over the next few years making us one of the largest clinical trials units in the world. Clinical trials at the Christie are funded by charities such as Cancer Research UK, drug companies and the national clinical trials network which is made up of the Department of Health and other key groups. They are the vital step in developing better treatments for cancer patients and ultimately improving the quality of cancer care.
Partner in the Manchester Cancer Research Centre
We are a partner in the Manchester Cancer Research Centre with The University of Manchester, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research and Cancer Research UK. The Manchester Cancer Research Centre brings together the expertise, ambition and resources of our organisations and will be one of the world’s leading cancer research institutes by 2015.
We have a dedicated education unit and provide training for a wide range of pre and post qualification staff.
Cancer Registry
We manage the North West Cancer Information Service (cancer registry) for the whole of the North West region.
Manchester Versus Cancer alliance
In partnership with the NHS, local authorities and supporters we have established the Manchester Versus Cancer alliance to help improve the early detection of cancer. Research shows that around 500 lives across Greater Manchester could be saved each year if local people went to their GP early with suspected symptoms.
We have achieved world firsts since the Christie was established in 1901. It was named the ChristieHospital in recognition of the pioneering work of both Richard Copley Christie and his wife Helen Christie. At this time there were 30 beds and 463 patients a year.
Foundation Trust
We became a foundation trust on 1st April 2007. Foundation trust status brings us new freedoms to further develop our services and greater public accountability.
We have a total annual turnover of around £151 million. Most of this is from the NHS, together with income from private patients (around 8%), and from charitable and research organisations.
Around 2000 staff and over 300 volunteers work at the Christie.
Staff teams and individuals have won numerous awards for services and research over the years, and we were shortlisted for the Health Service Journal’s ‘Acute Healthcare Organisation of the Year Award 2005’.
We run the country’s second largest hospital charity in terms of fundraising, with more than 2000 fundraisers and 20,000 supporters. Our charity contributes about £12 million a year from fundraising, donations and legacies.
The Christie was formed in 1932 and has grown to be one of the largest cancer hospitals in Europe. It is the base hospital for the North Western Regional Department of Clinical Oncology. Along with the North Western Regional Medical Physics Department, it forms The Christie NHS Foundation Trust. The Paterson Institute for Cancer Research is adjoins the Trust and has recently been incorporated into ManchesterUniversity. In partnership with Cancer Research UK and ManchesterUniversity the Trust has formed the Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC). The Trust serves a network population of 3.2 million people (Greater Manchester and Cheshire), the largest network in the country. The health economy of the Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Network includes 15 acute and mental health Trusts. Approximately 20% of patients are referred from outside this network. In 2007-08 there were 12,500 new patients with cancer referred to the hospital and around 180,000 treatments were administered. The Trust has 1,900 staff, 257 beds and three surgical theatres. A new critical care facility (6 beds with room to expand to 8 beds) opened in December 2006.