

Albion Elementary School PTA Newsletter

9360 Albion Rd. North Royalton, OH44133 Phone: 440-582-9060 Mr. Vincent Ketterer, Principal

March 2017

Royalton Schools:
The Time Is Now

This year marks a critical time for our school district and our community. On May 2, our community has one more chance to support a bond issue that will address current and future educational needs. This is a single, comprehensive solution that takes care of our facility needs for generations. If the issue fails, the board will be forced to implement Plan B, which would entail devastating cuts to the district’s programs and services.

Please stay informed – and find out how you can help inform others, too! Help us get out the vote!!

For more information, please visit

Please mark your calendars to join us for North Royalton’s annual PTA Founder’s Night! This special evening will be held on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the NRHS Media Center. New officers will be installed for the 2017-18 school year, and we will celebrate the contributions of our district’s PTA units. This event is open to all, and is a wonderful way to honor PTA contributions and renew our commitment as a powerful voice for children, a relevant resource for parents, and a strong advocate for public education. We hope to see you there!


Keep saving those box tops! The final contest will be held from April 24-May 12, and each one helps to benefit our school. Thanks to everyone who has turned in box tops this year, and special congratulations to Mrs. Clere’s class, who collected 745 box tops for the February contest (and won a popsicle party)!

Individual student winners:

1st: Rylee Basel with 367 tops

2nd: Owen Platt with 337 tops

3rd: Aidan Dietrich with 320 tops

4th: Hannah Novak with 314 tops

Thanks to all of our 4th graders who submitted artwork for the 2016-17 yearbook cover contest! It’s always great to see our students’ creativity. Congratulations to this year’s winners:

Front cover: Addison Tucker

Back cover: Julie Fronee, Ethan Ondrish, Brooke Snell, Saanui Siripuram and Cassidy Kappus


We our Albion staff!

Staff Appreciation Week is coming up in May! Please help us show some love to our fantastic Albion faculty and staff. Cash donations to help with gift expenses are much appreciated; if you are able to contribute, please send envelopes to school, marked “Staff Appreciation Week, c/o Christine Dockrill.” As always, thank you
for your support!

AlbionElementary PTA

Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 10, 2017

President Leesa Jacubenta called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. Members then said the Pledge of Allegiance.

School Board Member – Jackie Arendt

Jackie discussedthe recent school board meeting at which the board voted to approve a series of cuts IF Issue 11 does not pass May 2. The board strongly regrets having to go to these lengths, but they see no other alternative.

Superintendent’s Comments – Greg Gurka

Mr. Gurka elaborated on the cuts that will take effect if the bond issue fails, based on questions from the group. Marching band will be $125 per student. Sports will be $350 per student, per sport without a cap. There will still be gifted math programs in middle school, but not ELA (as these are separate streams). A student currently in 8th grade gifted ELA, for example, will transition into regular 8th grade English.

Throughout the district, systems are failing. The tunnels underneath Albion, for example, are deteriorating and treacherous to work in when access to pipes is needed. An extra $3.5 million is needed per year so the district recommended reductions to reach that figure. It is a strategic, surgical process – in contrast to some other school districts – where cuts are made for high school first, then middle school, then 4th grade, then 3rd grade, etc. Because of the district’s commitment to early childhood education, no cuts will occur in kindergarten or 1st grade. Retiring teachers do have to be replaced. There will be no bussing to daycares if cuts happen. Mr. Gurka offered an explanation of how driving distance is determined.

Proposed cuts will NOT impact students with IEPs, accommodation plans or who need educational intervention.

For the bond issue, there are two paths: the district informsand the campaign advocates. Undecided voters need to be identified as just getting “yes” voters to vote is not enough for the bond issue to pass. The reduction plan is spread over seven years, but things will never really be back to normal after those cuts.

A district-prepared letter will be coming home in the next couple days that explains the cuts. If your student(s) will be impacted by potential transportation cuts, a second letter will follow soon after.

Secretary’s Report/Minutes – Ann Gurin – Ann asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes from the February meeting. There being none, Ann indicated the minutes will stand as published.

Treasurer’s Report –Laura Greiner – Balance on hand as of Feb. 28 is $22,123.63 which includes deposits of $3,363.75 and disbursements of $2,465.35. These balances do NOT include proceeds from the Jump Yard fundraiser as those deposits were made March 1. The report stands as submitted.

President’s Report – Leesa Jacubenta

  • Thanks to everyone who helped set up the library meeting room this morning.
  • Special thanks to Sharon, Sara and Madeleine for all they did in coordinating the Jump Yard fundraiser. We raised $5,000!
  • Thanks to Rebecca Moraco and her team for preparing for the Art Show.
  • Thanks to all who have volunteered for the Breakfast with a Buddy events. There is one more event this school year in late April.
  • We extend thanks to Christine Dockrill for creating the yearbook, and to room moms who contributed class pages.
  • All incoming officers are strongly encouraged to attend Founders Night April 20. There will be a meet & greet at 6 pm with a 6:30 pm start time.
  • Please turn in any committee folders with completed forms.
  • Thanks to Cathleen Finnecy for decorating the entry hallway.
  • There is a sign-up sheet for committees for next year circulating.
  • The newsletter deadline is March 14.
  • Please remember that everyone in PTA is a volunteer. Please play nice for the kids’ sake.

Carrie Deal, who is chairing the Scholarship Committee, indicated she has not received any word of the scholarship applications for this year. Cristina Hornik said information was released two weeks ago and will put Carrie in touch with the overall scholarship coordinator.

Officer Reports

1st VP – Membership/Technology (for Albion & PTA Council) – Michelle Bauer– We currently have 223 members, one of which still needs to pay. We achieved the additional 15 members last month needed to place our group in a statewide PTA drawing for additional funds. Please remember to access the PTA website which has current contact information and other useful material.

2nd VP-Ways & Means – Sara Hatfield – The Date Night basket that included club seats for a Cavs game valued at $300 was the most popular. Mr. Ketterer’s “Principal for a Day” donation beat Mr. Wheeler’s donation. More people submitted raffle tickets for the Chromebook than the Disney park hopper passes.

3rd VP-Book Fair – Cristina Hornik– Cristina sent an email to Mr. Ketterer and Mrs. Sholtis to look at dates for a spring “buy one, get one” book fair, if it will fit into the schedule this year.

4th VP School Pictures & Yearbooks – Christine Dockrill –We sold more than 300 yearbooks! All room parents submitted their pages. Chris asked moms to keep in mind that in some cases teachers suggested changes to the pages so the final page could be slightly different from what was submitted. Chris is waiting on final approval for the yearbook from Mr. Ketterer and a photograph of one new student. Spring Pictures are March 24, right before Spring Break.

Council Delegate – Cathleen Finnecy– PTA Council is focused on planning Founders Night on April 20. Past and present officers should make an effort to attend. Kelly Close will go to the April meeting.

Committee Reports

Fourth Grade Social – Madeleine Michel –There will be changes from last year’s event. Madeleine is waiting to talk to Mr. Ketterer for his input. We are looking forward to a fun celebration of the closure of elementary school and beginning of middle school. Only 4th graders attend the event – not parents. There was an extensive discussion later in the meeting about t-shirts. There is concern that some parents can’t afford them. They can be offered as Spirit Wear, perhaps causing less controversy. Heather Cimino volunteered to coordinate the t-shirts. Madeleine is considering an air brush tattooist and having music. Maria Velkos said the stars with baby pictures were very well received last year.

Art Show – Rebecca Moraco – Thanks to everyone who helped hang artwork. Rebecca is still waiting to hear back from Mrs. Ricco as to take-down, though it will probably occur after Spring Break. Mrs. Ricco will not need volunteers to help during the evening of the actual show.

Box Tops – Christine Dockrill – The last turn-in netted $599.10, for which we will receive a check in April. Four students turned in more than 300 box tops. Mrs. Clere’s class won the Popsicle party during the last contest. There will be another turn-in opportunity in mid-May.

Staff Appreciation – Christine Dockrill – The event is scheduled for May, but we do not have confirmation on dates. Christine is waiting to hear back from Mr. Ketterer/Mrs. Saki as Albion events must be scheduled at the same time as the other elementaries. Leesa indicated that other buildings are considering shifting staff appreciation funds to the bond issue campaign, which we could also consider. One idea is to have kids write thank you notes on post-it notes during lunch or recess. Marie McLaughlin reminded everyone that last year we received more than $700 in donations from parents for staff appreciation, so PTA funds might not have to be used.

Marco’s Pizza Night – Kelly Close – The next fundraiser night is March 16.

Financial Review – We confirmed that Heather Roth-Novak volunteered to chair this committee earlier in the year. Leesa said that financial review should be occurring monthly rather than just at year-end.

Leesa stated that regarding committee chair sign-ups for next year, whatever committees we are unable to fill, we won’t have those committees/events next year.

Health & Wellness – Leesa Jacubenta – Valley View has launched a Fitness Trail on its property that is open to all. The trail was funded by a grant for which the teachers applied. On April 29, there will be a Drug Take Back Day from 10-2 at both Giant Eagle and Timber Ridge Plaza. There is an Opiate Summit on March 15. On May 17, there is a Senior HS Mock Car Crash where students can view a simulation of the devastating effects of driving under the influence and distracted driving. May 20 is the North Royalton Fire Department Safety Fair. Three treats have been added to the Safe Snack List: Froot Loops, Seagram’s Seltzer Water and Kona Ice. There will be continued salad bar service at both the middle and high schools. There will also be an Asian Fusion offering at the high school on an ongoing basis and at the middle school on a rotating basis. Please plan ahead – the Health and Wellness Fair/Turkey Trot will be Sept. 30. The high school implemented a suicide prevention program during the second semester. Amy Kuntz of the Partnership for a Healthy North Royalton was featured on local TV news. Marie McLaughlin lauded the hard work of the Student Nutrition Services department in vetting items for the Safe Snack List. She suggested perhaps parents could volunteer to help make phone calls to check ingredients.

Madeleine Michel said the PTA closet had been cleaned and organized. Many broken items were thrown out. Keep in mind that you can use the paper products in the closet for events.


There is no new business.


We need to vote on the slate of officers for the 2017-2018 school year presented by Nominating Committee at the February meeting:

  • President – Leesa Jacubenta
  • 1st VP (Membership/Technology) – Michelle Bauer
  • 2nd VP (Ways and Means) – Sharon Bohland
  • 3rd VP (Book Fair) – Shannon Miezin
  • 4th VP (Yearbook/School Pictures) – Christine Dockrill
  • Secretary – Kelly Close
  • Treasurer – Julie Steel
  • Council Delegates – Christie Cervenka, Jacquelyn Firestine
  • Council Delegate Alternate – Michelle Stoss

Cristina Hornik moved to accept the slate without changes. Michelle Bauer seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.

Leesa thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and for everything they do.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 a.m.

Our next meeting is Friday, April 21, 2017 in the North Royalton Library at 9:30 a.m.