Install Report Designer RD Server (Java) and

Management Guide

Document Name: RD Server Install Manual

Creation Date: 2002/08/02

Last Updated: 2002/12/16

Table of Contents

1. RD Server (Java) The flow of printing Report 3

2. RD Server Function 4

3. Organization of RD Server (Java) Install File 5

4. RD Server Install and Environment set up 6

RD Server Install 6

Creating a report by RD Server 8

Korean is not displayed properly after installing RD Server Scheduling 9

RD Server Caching set up 9

Using Connection Pool of WAS server 10

Install RD Server Scheduling and Environment Set up 10

5. Usage of RD Server Scheduling 12

Executing RD Server Scheduling daemond Environment Set up 12

Change the port number of RD Server Scheduling daemon 13

Register RD Server Scheduling 13

Sending mail by using RD Server HTML template 16

1. RD Server (Java) The flow of printing a Report

[The process of printing a Report]

Ø  The Server of Report Designer creates data file by executing the query statement of form file, and passes various data (Report Data, Form file) to the viewer module of connected PC

Ø  Viewer module should be installed on user PC, however, if there no Viewer module on User PC, the Web browser downloads files automatically

Ø  After checking the version between Viewer module on the PC and the Server, if an upgrade version is available, the Web browser downloads files and reinstalls modules on User PC.

2. RD Server Function

Data patch (middleware)

Scheduling Document creation function

Mail notifying function

Database connection polling function

Data caching function (able to define caching interval for each Query statement)

Supports Stored Procedure (SP)

3. Organization of RD Server (Java) Install File

-Contents of RD Server Folder

Applet: Client module which communicates with scheduling daemon

bin : -JDBC connection class and mrd File creation class

- Environment set up files needed for DB connection and Scheduling

- Scheduling daemon class

(Class which creates MRD document and data, and notify at a defined time)

Etc batch file

doc : Schema information and Install document for managing Scheduling content

lib : Java class for JDBC Driver and Mail notifying API

log : Directory of keeping Error log when a class is executed

ocxhtm: OCX template directory for Scheduling result file

reports: Directory for mrd documents that are target for scheduling

reports/data : Location of MRD and data file as result of scheduling

reports/img : Screen images for registering scheduling


*MRD is an extension for a file created by Report Designer

4. RD Server Install and Environment set up

RD Server Install

Before installing you should check the


Ø  Confirm Network so that Internet works

Ø  Confirm whether JDK1.3 later is installed on a Server and default class offered by JDK is defined in classpath

Ø  Web server for Internet web service and Servelet engine (JSP execution environment)

Ø  DBMS used for Report

Ø  DBMS for Report scheduling function

Ø  Supported Operating Systems – UNIX, LINUX, Windows 2000/NT or later versions


Ø  Confirm Network that Internet works

Ø  OS – Windows 98/ME/XP/NT/2000

Ø  Web browser - Internet Explorer 6.0 later (recommended)

Install sequence

1  Using FTP application connect to a Server to install with web server user account, and upload RDServer folder to the servelet Home directory of WAS. If the home directory of servelet and web is different from each other, upload both, and the working directory will be the home directory of servelet.

e.g., Servelet home: ..resion/doc , Web home: ..Apache/htdocs

Reference) Default Servelt Home,Default Port

weblogic6.1 :

bea/wlserver6.1/config/mydomain/applications/DefaultWebApp ,7001

jeus3.0: Jeus30/webhome/servlet_home/webapps, 8088

Websphere4.1: WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps/sampleApp.ear/default_app.war,9080

Resin: resin-version/doc,8080

Tomcat : tomcat-version/webapps/ROOT,8080

2  Copy RDServer/bin/rddbagent.jar file to the classpath which will be recognized automatically when servelet engine starts. Or restart engine after adding to classpath by opening the file that starts up.

E.g., In case of weblogic6.1

l  Copy under bea/wlserver6.1/lib

l  Add to set CLASSPATH of bea/wlserver6.1/config/mydomain/ file

l  Restart weblogic Web server

E.g., Websphere4.1

l  Copy under Websphere/Appserver/lib

l  Restart Default server from administrator console

E.g., In case of Resin

l  Copy under resin-version/lib or resin-version/common/lib

l  Restart Resin

E.g., In case of Tomcat

l  Copy under Apache Tomcat-version/common/lib/

l  Restart Tomcat

E.g., In case of Jeus

l  Copy under Jeus-version/lib/application/

l  Restart Jeus

E.g., In case of EAServer

l  EAServer/Repository/WebApplication/RDServer/WEB-INF/lib

You can also use Jar after extracting on Etc WEB-INF/classes folder

3  Modify RDServer/bin/ file with proper Environment.

-Modifying contents

dirvers : JDBC Driver (possible to add JDBC Driver to use)

logfile : log file location(log file for DB connection and disconnection)

waspool : JNDI name of WAS connection pool, use space as a delimiter, when it is added

Database connection information: Server name , Maximum connection number, user, password

Oracle DB user(ex:


waspool=jdbc/MyOraclePoolDB jdbc/MyDb2Pool






MSSQL DB user(ex: msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar,msutil.jar))






DB2 User(ex: or jt400.jar) )






db2.password =db2pass

Mysql user(ex: mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar))






Sysbase user(ex : jconn2.jar))








*When you need to add new JDBC driver, register the JDBC driver on the classpath or lib folder of servelet engine and define directory location

4  ③Copy modified RDServer/bin/ file on the directory as below depending on the operating system.

Linux, Unix series: /etc/RDServer/

Windows series: c:/RDServer/


*If directory is not created, copy after creating the directory

Creating a report by RD Server

You should check whether

Ø  DBMS server Listener is working.

Ø file is existed on /etc/RDServer or C:/RDServer and confirm setup configuration

1  In order to create a report through RD Server, install RDEditor on PC

Editor and Viewer are installed when you execute Setup.exe found on the CD

2  Execute Start Program/Program/Report Designer 3.0/Report Designer3.0 Editor and select RDSERVER as the way of DB connection for Create New.

Input RD Server path and service name after selecting Database/Database connection menu item. If “Database connection is successful” message appears after clicking connection button, then installation is completed

RD Server path: http://serverip/RDServer:port/rdagent.jsp


*RDAgnet path is the web path of RD Server.jsp, thus if you do not have success message, you should open the log file defined in of server to confirm error messages, or check errorLog in WAS server for analysis.

Korean is not displayed properly after installing RD Server Scheduling

Modify the contents of RDServer/rdagent.jsp file


private static boolean encoding = true; or

private static boolean encoding = false;

RD Server Caching set up

Caching is a function that fetches query results from cached file without reconnecting to database by creating query result as directory file on server. Therefore it can respond 1.5 to 2 faster, except when it is creating initialization data file. It basically updates a file by reconnecting to database for static data with time unit

Modify the contents of RDServer/rdagent.jsp as below.

e.g., Using cache

private static boolean caching = true; or

private static boolean caching = false;

e.g., Define Caching validity

rdAgent = new RDCacheAgent(rdConmanager,2);

// can be defined as time unit

Using Connection Pool of WAS server

Modify the contents of RDServer/rdagent.jsp as below.

private static boolean waspool = true;


Connection pool JNDI name is should be defined in the file. For more details on setting up, refer to ③ of RD Server Install sequence

Install RD Server Scheduling and Environment Set up

1  Files needed for Scheduling are included under RDServer/ and RDServer/bin

RDServer/*.jsp : User Screen form Files for registering Scheduling

RDServer/bin/rddbagent.jar : Scheduling daemon class

RDServer/bin/ or scheduler.bat :

A batch file for executing Scheduling

2  Create a table in database used for Scheduling according to the contents of RDServer/doc/db_schema.txt.

schedule : Scheduling contents table

schedulelist : Scheduling status information table

scuser : User table for the one who can register Scheduling


*In case of Oracle DB, you should create schedule_SEQ and schedule_trigger.

* Register more than one user in scuser table for initialized connection, and setup with main (e-mail) address and password

e.g., insert into scuser


3  Use one of servicename defined in , because management of the contents of Scheduling is managed by database


Currently, DBMS that are able to use Scheduling function are oracle, mysql, mssql, etc. Other types of DBMS will be added in near future

-Description for each property

server.serverip=your.server.ip:port : Server IP and port which executes Scheduling

server.adminemail=: Document sender email

server.webpath=/your/webhome/doc/fullpath/htdocs/ :

Absolute path of from root to Home of Web server

server.cabpath=http\://your.servier.domain:port/RDServer :

Location of RD Report Viewer which is installed on user PC

server.servicename=db_servicename :

Db service name(service name which creates db_schema) for Scheduling : Mail delivery server name or IP

server.mrdpath=RDServer/reports :

Saving location for mrd file which is created after Scheduling

server.ocxhtmpath=RDServer/ocxhtm : Saving location for html file which is sent to user after Scheduling

server.logpath=/your/logdir/fullpath/rdsclog.txt : File name for keeping error description when Scheduling is executed

server.datapath=RDServer/reports/data : Saving location for data file which is used by a report in Scheduling.

server.encoding=TRUE : If the server installed Scheduling does not supports Korean, set as TRUE ,otherwise set as FALSE

server.cabversion=3,0,0,360 : Version of RDServer/


Absolutely path of mail to send when Scheduling file is sent by mail


*webpath and logpath should be set as whole path

*db_servicename should be one of servicename defined in file

*If Web server port number is not 80 then you should input serverip with port number

4  After modifying the contents of ③ ( RDServer/bin/ file) with the environment, copy to directory below depending on the operating system

Linux, Unix Series: /etc/RDServer/

Windows Series: c:/RDServer/


* directory is not created, copy after creating the directory

5. Usage of RD Server Scheduling

Executing RD Server Scheduling daemon

<You should check whether >

Ø  SMTP server is working , and in case server name, confirm that DNS is set. If DNS is not defined, set SMTP with IP address

Ø file in server is located under /etc/RDServer/ and confirm database configuration


Scheduling is registered via web browser and Scheduling daemon working on server handles Scheduling

1  Login to the console of Sever where RD Server is installed

Linux, Uinx :

Build RDServer/bin/ as execution file

>chmod +x


-In case of UNIX machine, set Directory access authority as 755, and 644 for File.

Windows 98 later: execute scheduler.bat.


-The Port number of Scheduling daemon can be changed. However, when a port error occurs, it opens with port number 4989 automatically

-Confirm whether jdbc driver for DB currently used are in RDServer/lib/ folder. It should be executed after adding into RDSchLib or scheduler.bat file

2  Confirm below message after executing

RD Schedule Server Listenning

Change the port number of RD Server Scheduling daemon

1  Change execution line in the contents of scheduler.bat or to the port number below.

java -cp "%RDSchLib%" -jar rddbagent.jar C:/RDServer/ 5000

2  Change the param “PORT” value of RDServer/scservice into the port number to change

<param name="PORT" value="5000">

Register RD Server Scheduling

<You should check whether>

Ø  Internet Explorer 6.0 or later (recommended) is installed on the Client

Refer to the Help in web browser/Internet Explorer

1  Open Scheduling main screen (index.jsp) from web browser


< Scheduling login seceen>

Login with the ID and password registered in RD Server Scheduling install and Environment(②).

<Reference when an error is occurred>


When the message above appears, refer to set up contents in RD Server Scheduling install and Environment(③).


This type of error message is shown when server.servicename=servicename is not the one in of /etc/RDServer/ or c:/RDServer/ Or, if it fails to connect to the database. In this case you can analyze the error by checking the log file defined in

2  Scheduling Administrator menu description

-Scheduling Document: It shows the work currently registered in Scheduling server, as well has the ability to register.

- Addressee : You can add addresses after Scheduling

-Document management : You can upload documents for Scheduling, or view completed files, as well as setup environment for Scheduling

-Service : From the client, you can give a Stop or Start command to the Scheduling daemon on the server.

3  Upload MRD documents for Scheduling on server

Case1 : Menu –By using Document Management – Document upload meun.

Case2:By using FTP, upload RDServer connection document to the folder under RDServer/reports on server.


RDServer connection document is the only document which can be used for Scheduling

4  Register Scheduling

Click Menu- Scheduling Document – Add, and click Ok button after filling out Scheduling item. It will then be added into Scheduling Document

*Item description:

-Scheduling name: Scheduling Title

-Scheduling target document: Select one document for scheduling from the list below

-Execution parameter: Input /rp parameter value directly while using ^@^ as a delimiter in MRD document or input the location of jsp when you use the result after execution of JSP.


-In the case of inputting directly: /rp^@^20021218^@^20021230

-In the case of inputting the location of jsp: http://server:port/rpparam.jsp

(The result of executing JSP should be the same format as inputting directly jsp)

-Scheduling result filename: input the result file after Scheduling

- Scheduling start date: input Scheduling start date(Hour).

Hours should be expressed in 24 hour formats