
Semester, Year

Health Careers

Cell Biology


Course Title:Cell Biology, HCR118

Course Reference # (CRN):####

Day/Time:Day, Time

Room #:####



Office Hours:Day, Time other times by appointment

You can find me:Office #

To contact me outside of class:e-mail

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Health Careers Cell Biology is a two credit, 8-week course designed to introduce fundamental biological concepts to students entering the allied health curricula.

RECOMMENDED MATERIALS:Textbook: Chemistry and Cell Biology Allied Health Science, Ross, Frederick C. 6thedition. Kendall/Hunt, 2004; The Virtual Cell Biology Classroom ; #2 Pencil forexams; Colored Pencils; 3 Ring Binder,;Internet Access


  • Course Material:
  • Moodle is an online student-teacher interface that enables me to conveniently provide you with class documents, links and announcements. Nearly all of the materials that you will need for this class, other than your text book, are available through Moodle.
  • One week in advance, I will post the links to the upcoming course material.
  • Grades will be regularly posted on Moodle throughout the semester. If you believe that a grade has been entered incorrectly, you have one week from the date it was posted to request a grade correction.
  • Turning Assignments:You will be turning any assignments and papers in electronically, by uploading them to Moodle. Instructor will explain how this is done.
  • If you are not familiar with Moodle, stop by a school computer lab, get on the KVCC website. If you need assistance, the lab techs can help.


The Virtual Cell Biology Classroom is a virtual classroom, on the Science Prof Online website, that has a lot of the support material related to this class. There will be Moodle links directing you to the areas of the website relevant to each topic that we will be covering.

  • Online Practice Tests: On the VCBC page associated with each lecture, there is a link to practice test questions. It is NOT mandatory that you do these questions, but student who do them, generally end up getting a higher grade in the course, because they have a better understanding of the material. These are not worth any points, just there for you benefit.
  • Online Review Questions: On the VCBC page associated with each lecture, there is a link to review questions. It is NOT mandatory that you do these questions, but student who do them, generally end up getting a higher grade in the course, because they have a better understanding of the material. These are not worth any points, just there for you benefit.
  • Additional Articles to Support the Lecture Material: Where appropriate, VCBC has links to articles that relate to,and help explain, the lecture material.

ACADEMIC & PERSONAL INTEGRITY:Students are expected to adhere to the academic and personal integrity codes in the student handbook. No form of communication (receiving or sending information) is allowed during any testing situation. Submission of duplicate work, or work that is not your own, in part or in whole, is considered cheating. Any academic dishonesty will be dealt with as outlined by the college in the student handbook, see Academic Dishonesty.

COURTESY: I treat all students with courtesy and respect and expect courtesy and respect in return. Disrespectful behaviors will NOT be tolerated in my classroom, including, but not limited to: repeated tardiness, wandering the classroom during lecture, sleeping in class, loud yawning, texting or taking phone calls, and rude or disruptive comments, to name just a few. I have no tolerance for rude behavior, and anyone displaying it in my classroom will be asked to leave. See the college student handbook for Student Rules, Regulations andDisciplinary Standards.


  • Students are expected to attend all lectures AND BE ON TIME!
  • Classroom doors are locked 10 minutes after lecture starts.
  • If your schedule conflicts with your ability to be on time, please see me.
  • A sign-in sheet will be available every class meeting so that you can mark your attendance.


  • Every student is allowed to turn in two late assignments without penalty. You have one week from the due dateto get the late assignment turned in. I will not accept more than 2 late assignments or late assignments turned in more than one week after they were assigned.
  • The Metabolism Project cannot be one of these two freebie late assignments. If the Metabolism Project is turned in late, you will lose points.
  • You will be turning in any assignments and papers electronically, as Word documents, by uploading them to Moodle. Instructor will explain how this is done.
  • The last day that I will accept late assignments will be the date ofthe last lecture(the last class meeting before the final exam). Note date.


  • There are three lecture exams (Exam #1, Exam #2 and the Lecture Final). All exams are cumulative(i.e. pertain to any course materials covered up to that point).
  • You must complete all three exams, however, of the first two (Exam #1 and Exam #2), your highest score will be the one that counts.
  • If school is ever cancelled on exam day, the exam will take place during the next lecture period.
  • If you are not able to attend an exam due to illness or emergency, you must contact me prior to the exam to arrange to take it in the testing center. If you do not contact me before the exam, you will not be able to make it up.
  • If you take an exam in the testing center after it has been given in class, you will only receive 85% of your total score.


Located in room 2220 - across from the Computer Lab and next to the TestingCenter. FREE tutoring!! Stop by the Center, look them up online or give them a call (269-488-4397). This is a fantastic resource that can be extremely helpful in a fast-paced course such as this.


Your progress in this course will be evaluated as follows:

In-class Essay Questions ……………………………………………3 points each

In-class Activity Worksheets & Homework… …..… 10 points each

Metabolism Project...... …………………………………….…... 50 points

Exams 1 & 2 …………………………………..………………………….……50 points each, highest grade counts

Final Exam……………………………..……………………………………….70 points

Grading Scale:

Percentage / Final Grade
100-90 / 4.0
Below 90 - 85 / 3.5
Below 85 – 80 / 3.0
Below 80 – 75 / 2.5
Below 75 – 70 / 2.0
Below 70 – 65 / 1.5
Below 65 - 60 / 1.0
Below 60 / 0.0

I will regularly post a grade sheet on Moodle that shows the total points possible, as well as your own scores. To calculate your grade at any time throughout the semester, do the following:

1. add up all of the points you have earned

2. divide your total by the total possible points. Then multiply by 100. This will be your percentage.

You must get 70%, or a 2.0, for this class to count as a prerequisite for the health care programs at KVCC.


Week / Dates / Topic / Reading
1 / CHEMISTRY: 1. Inorganic Chemistry; 2. Diffusion, Osmosis & Active Transport 3. Organic Chemistry; Organic Chemistry / See index of textbook.
2 / CELLS: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell Structure & Function / See index of textbook.
3 / Exam #1: You will be tested on any material covered up to this point.
3 / ENZYMES / See index of textbook.
4 / METABOLISM: Cellular Respiration & Fermentation / See index of textbook.
5 / METABOLISM: Catalysis of Fats & Proteins; Nutrition / See index of textbook.
6 / Exam #2: You will be tested onany material covered up to this point.
6 / GENETICS: DNA Replication, Transcription & Translation / See index of textbook.
7 / GENETICS: Cell Division – Mitosis & Meiosis / See index of textbook.
8 / Final Exam:You will be tested onany material covered up to this point.

*Subject to Change

**Last day of semester is Day, Date. Last day that we meet is the day of the final, Day, Date.