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Handout: Mentoring Performance Checklist


Produced by Georgia’s Department of Education:

Spirit of Mentoring

Use active listening and strategic questioning to:

Guide reflection

Empower principals to make their own decisions

Normalize principals’ feelings

Build confidence

Build trust and relationship

Provide a process for problem solving

Offer encouragement

Teach as needed

Encourage reflection

Develop the IPP professionally

Show listening and respect


Enthusiastically greet mentee

Establish the nature of the relationship

One of mutual growth

Emphasize the mentor’s commitment to and investment in the IPP’s success

Mentor’s roles: F•A•C•T, with an emphasis on Facilitation

Commit to confidentiality and assert yourself as a trusted advisor

Outline expectations for both roles (mentor and IPP)

As needed, establish a common vocabulary.

Stick to neutral topics at first

Getting to know each other

Orienting to relevant district topics

Build toward significant conversations over time

Discuss how you will work together and the IPP’s preferences:





Active Listening

Pay attention

Intentionally avoid distraction

Look at speaker directly

Mentally repeat speaker’s words

Read speaker’s body language

Do not mentally form next statements or rebuttal while the other person speaks

Avoid interrupting

Practice “silence” even during speaker pauses

Only speak during speaker pauses to show you’re listening or to reflect speaker’s message

Show you’re listening

Use body language that says “I’m interested”

Lean forward

Use open, inviting body language

Nod occasionally

Smile and use other facial expressions

Use minimal encouragers

Yes, OK, Uh huh…

Go on, I see, Tell me more…

Silence also encourages the other person to speak more

Re-state (mirror)

Active Listening cont.

Ensure understanding through reflection

Paraphrasewords, feelings, meaning

Summarizewords, feelings, meaning

Questionwords, feelings, meaning

Respond appropriately

Analyze problem further


Consider options

Demonstrate what you would do

Support change

The GROWS Model


Focused - Specifically addresses one identified problem

Outcome-oriented - What should be

Positive - Rather than what you don’t want, state in affirmative language what you do want


What is NOT going well

What IS going well

Root causes

Options (i.e., possible ways to achieve the goal)

What you’ve already tried and how each worked

Various options and what to consider:

Benefits and downsides of each option

Likelihood of success for each option

Factors which would impact the success of
each option

Additional options if obstacles were removed

Way Forward

Review all factors and considerations; pick the best option for going forward and achieving the goal


Recap the conversation

Identify next steps and put dates to them

List the steps from here to your goal

Add end dates/date ranges for each step

Include a list of individuals or resources the IPP may need to connect with, in or out of the school system, to carry out the action plan and achieve the outcomes

Elicit feedback from the IPP

Strategic Questioning


Give the widest possible scope for responding

Require more than a “yes” or “no” answer

Guide other person into an open frame of mind

Repeat or rephrase to give more thinking time

Probing (Type of open-ended question)

Draw out new information and other considerations

Elicit a slow, thought-out response



Processing of thoughts and feelings

Seeing from other perspectives

Clarifying (Type of open-ended question)

Use as a reflective question in active listening

Check understanding, review, follow-up; do not provide new “food for thought”

Elicit quick, brief answers


Elicit “yes” or “no” answers

Check or confirm information, or reinforce commitment from the IPP

Draw the other person out before using open questions

Strategic Questioning cont.


Summarize and ask if summary was accurate

Check on what will come next

Before a Mentoring Session, Plan Questions

Anticipate the IPP’s likely concerns and focus for a session. What will he or she most likely need help with?

Write down strategic questions ahead of time which move through each stage of the GROWS model

Do a questions check:

Think about the “riskiness” of your questions, how the IPP will receive them. Don’t avoid risk, but don’t push the presenter into the “danger zone.”

Check your questions for relevance to development, focus, needs

Check that your questions are crafted and sequenced to move through GROWS acronym

Do a self-check:

If you have a “right” answer in mind to any of your prepared questions, then delete the judgment, or don’t ask it

If you are asserting your own personal agenda, then focus on the IPP’s needs and how to facilitate his/her own thinking and problem-solving

During a Mentoring Session, Use Questions

Strive for focus, yet remain flexible

Ask questions in a sequence from general to specific.

Constantly return focus to the IPP’s needs and goal(s).

Balance strategic questioning with active listening to move through the GROWS model.

Let answers and solutions emerge.

Be flexible: Use your plan, but listen for and address IPP’s needs.

Promote trust and relationship through your questions.

Critical Conversations

A conversation in which there will likely be
(1) strong emotions, (2) high-stakes, and/or (3) opposing opinions. Stages:

Inquiry (Partner’s turn to explain)

Learn about the other person’s point of view as if you were both from different planets (e.g., how events affect other person; what s/he values; goals)

Listen and watch other’s body language

Don’t interrupt except to acknowledge

Don’t take anything personally

Don’t rush things

Acknowledgment (Honoring and understanding)

Reflect back other person’s argument

Reflect back other person’s hopes

Acknowledge your own defensiveness, if applicable

Implies honoring and understanding, though not necessarily agreement

Advocacy (Your turn to explain)

Clarify your position

Continue to honor the other person’s position; do not minimize as you explain yours



Continued inquiry

Build on each other’s possibilities

If adversarial, create safety


Re-engage with inquiry

Coaching Conversations

Ask permission to coach

Stay focused on needs and goals

Reinforce for what is meeting or exceeding expectations

Specific behavior or attitude

Appreciation or praise

Redirect what needs to change

Specific behavior or attitude

Specific correction ( what is being done now
and how vs. what should be done and how)

Appreciation or praise

Provide needed teaching/training


Produced by Georgia’s Department of Education: