Produced by Georgia’s Department of Education:
Handout: Mentoring Performance Checklist
Produced by Georgia’s Department of Education:
Spirit of Mentoring
Use active listening and strategic questioning to:
Guide reflection
Empower principals to make their own decisions
Normalize principals’ feelings
Build confidence
Build trust and relationship
Provide a process for problem solving
Offer encouragement
Teach as needed
Encourage reflection
Develop the IPP professionally
Show listening and respect
Enthusiastically greet mentee
Establish the nature of the relationship
One of mutual growth
Emphasize the mentor’s commitment to and investment in the IPP’s success
Mentor’s roles: F•A•C•T, with an emphasis on Facilitation
Commit to confidentiality and assert yourself as a trusted advisor
Outline expectations for both roles (mentor and IPP)
As needed, establish a common vocabulary.
Stick to neutral topics at first
Getting to know each other
Orienting to relevant district topics
Build toward significant conversations over time
Discuss how you will work together and the IPP’s preferences:
Active Listening
Pay attention
Intentionally avoid distraction
Look at speaker directly
Mentally repeat speaker’s words
Read speaker’s body language
Do not mentally form next statements or rebuttal while the other person speaks
Avoid interrupting
Practice “silence” even during speaker pauses
Only speak during speaker pauses to show you’re listening or to reflect speaker’s message
Show you’re listening
Use body language that says “I’m interested”
Lean forward
Use open, inviting body language
Nod occasionally
Smile and use other facial expressions
Use minimal encouragers
Yes, OK, Uh huh…
Go on, I see, Tell me more…
Silence also encourages the other person to speak more
Re-state (mirror)
Active Listening cont.
Ensure understanding through reflection
Paraphrasewords, feelings, meaning
Summarizewords, feelings, meaning
Questionwords, feelings, meaning
Respond appropriately
Analyze problem further
Consider options
Demonstrate what you would do
Support change
The GROWS Model
Focused - Specifically addresses one identified problem
Outcome-oriented - What should be
Positive - Rather than what you don’t want, state in affirmative language what you do want
What is NOT going well
What IS going well
Root causes
Options (i.e., possible ways to achieve the goal)
What you’ve already tried and how each worked
Various options and what to consider:
Benefits and downsides of each option
Likelihood of success for each option
Factors which would impact the success of
each option
Additional options if obstacles were removed
Way Forward
Review all factors and considerations; pick the best option for going forward and achieving the goal
Recap the conversation
Identify next steps and put dates to them
List the steps from here to your goal
Add end dates/date ranges for each step
Include a list of individuals or resources the IPP may need to connect with, in or out of the school system, to carry out the action plan and achieve the outcomes
Elicit feedback from the IPP
Strategic Questioning
Give the widest possible scope for responding
Require more than a “yes” or “no” answer
Guide other person into an open frame of mind
Repeat or rephrase to give more thinking time
Probing (Type of open-ended question)
Draw out new information and other considerations
Elicit a slow, thought-out response
Processing of thoughts and feelings
Seeing from other perspectives
Clarifying (Type of open-ended question)
Use as a reflective question in active listening
Check understanding, review, follow-up; do not provide new “food for thought”
Elicit quick, brief answers
Elicit “yes” or “no” answers
Check or confirm information, or reinforce commitment from the IPP
Draw the other person out before using open questions
Strategic Questioning cont.
Summarize and ask if summary was accurate
Check on what will come next
Before a Mentoring Session, Plan Questions
Anticipate the IPP’s likely concerns and focus for a session. What will he or she most likely need help with?
Write down strategic questions ahead of time which move through each stage of the GROWS model
Do a questions check:
Think about the “riskiness” of your questions, how the IPP will receive them. Don’t avoid risk, but don’t push the presenter into the “danger zone.”
Check your questions for relevance to development, focus, needs
Check that your questions are crafted and sequenced to move through GROWS acronym
Do a self-check:
If you have a “right” answer in mind to any of your prepared questions, then delete the judgment, or don’t ask it
If you are asserting your own personal agenda, then focus on the IPP’s needs and how to facilitate his/her own thinking and problem-solving
During a Mentoring Session, Use Questions
Strive for focus, yet remain flexible
Ask questions in a sequence from general to specific.
Constantly return focus to the IPP’s needs and goal(s).
Balance strategic questioning with active listening to move through the GROWS model.
Let answers and solutions emerge.
Be flexible: Use your plan, but listen for and address IPP’s needs.
Promote trust and relationship through your questions.
Critical Conversations
A conversation in which there will likely be
(1) strong emotions, (2) high-stakes, and/or (3) opposing opinions. Stages:
Inquiry (Partner’s turn to explain)
Learn about the other person’s point of view as if you were both from different planets (e.g., how events affect other person; what s/he values; goals)
Listen and watch other’s body language
Don’t interrupt except to acknowledge
Don’t take anything personally
Don’t rush things
Acknowledgment (Honoring and understanding)
Reflect back other person’s argument
Reflect back other person’s hopes
Acknowledge your own defensiveness, if applicable
Implies honoring and understanding, though not necessarily agreement
Advocacy (Your turn to explain)
Clarify your position
Continue to honor the other person’s position; do not minimize as you explain yours
Continued inquiry
Build on each other’s possibilities
If adversarial, create safety
Re-engage with inquiry
Coaching Conversations
Ask permission to coach
Stay focused on needs and goals
Reinforce for what is meeting or exceeding expectations
Specific behavior or attitude
Appreciation or praise
Redirect what needs to change
Specific behavior or attitude
Specific correction ( what is being done now
and how vs. what should be done and how)
Appreciation or praise
Provide needed teaching/training
Produced by Georgia’s Department of Education: