The City of Austin (COA) requires detailed responses on this Quality Control Plan (QCP) questionnaire for the Consultant’s performance of all work on the following Project:
Project Name: Click to enter response.
Location: Click to enter response.
CIP ID#: Click to enter response.Contract #: Click to enter response.
COA PM:Click to enter response.COA Sponsor Dept.: Click to enter response.
The Work consists of: Click to enter response.
Consultant Name: Click to enter response.
Consultant Contact Information: Click to enter name.
Click to enter address line 1.
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Click to enter phone/email.
Consultant’s TBPE and/or TBAE firm number: Click to enter response.
This QCP document has been reviewed by a Principal of the Consultant Firm and members of the Project Design Team (PDT) and Independent Technical Review Team (ITRT). By signing below, the Consultant is certifying compliance with this QCP.
Principal SignaturePDT SignatureITRT Signature
Click to enter name.Click to enter name.Click to enter name.
Principal Printed NamePDT Printed NameITRT Printed Name
NOTE: Certain COA rotation lists*allow a master QCP to be submitted at the start of the contract, prior to any assignments. If this assignment is for a Consultant that has already submitted an approved master QCP, and this assignment is consistent with the approved QCP, a copy of this completed signature page is all that is required for the QCP submittal.
*Rotation Lists with master QCP’s include: Subsurface Utility Engineering Services; Surveying Services; Commissioning Agent; Space Planning; and Geotechnical, Construction Materials, and Forensic Engineering Services
- Management Philosophy
Using independent reviews to verify quality throughout the production of design documents provides an objective perspective to identify mistakes, omissions, errors, and other items of concern.
a.Describe the personnel that will be dedicated to this project, including a Project Design Team (PDT) that will be accountable to an Independent Technical Review Team (ITRT).
Click here to enter response.
b.Describe how the Consultant’s management team will ensure quality control during production of the design documents, specifically: 1) establishing the PDT’s internal quality checks/reviewsand 2) assessment of the ITRT’s contributions to the quality of design documents.
Click here to enter response.
2.Management/Organization Structure
The project organization chart should demonstrate the independence of the ITRT and show that they report to a management level equal to (or higher than) the PDT. Resumes establish that ITRT members have proper credentials and QA/QC experience.
- An organization chart is attached to this QCP:☐Yes
- Resumes for all members of the ITRT are attached to this QCP:☐Yes
- Describe below who manages the ITRT, whether the ITRT is internal or external to the design consulting firm, and how the ITRT is independent of the PDT.
- Quality Control Procedures
Proper communication among all parties is crucial to the QAQC effort, particularly in identifying and resolving problems.
- Describe the management of QCP communications with all parties (both internally, within the Consultant’s organization, and externally).
- How will identified problems be tracked, followed-up on, and resolved?
All parties, particularly members of the PDT, must have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Because the various elements of the design documents must coordinate properly, all consulting disciplines must work together.
- Describe the efforts within the PDT to achieve interdisciplinary design coordination, including details regarding relationships among participants, accountability, authority, and differing responsibilities.
Interim reviews of design documents lead to early identification and correction of problems.
- Provide details of the procedures for design checks and reviews, specifically addressing the correct application of methods, validity of data/assumptions, accuracy of calculations, completeness of documentation, and special project components.
- What types and on what frequency will reviews occur?
- What standards, codes, laws, and specifications apply to this project?
- How will applicable environmental requirements be identified and addressed?
The ITRT's role is to identify and oversee the correction of design deficiencies or errors before the PM reviews the design products.
- What steps will be taken to validate the assumptions and analytical methods used, as well as verify that the procedural details are accurate, appropriate, and fully coordinated?
- How will the identification of problems, opportunities, and any design components that require special reviews be verified? How will the appropriateness of the identified alternatives be confirmed?
- What process will be used to determine if results and recommendations are reasonable, comply with all requirements, and are supported by the documents?
- What steps will be taken to identify any deviations from Consultant’s policies, guidelines, and standards? How will the acceptability of these deviations be verified with the appropriate parties?
- Describe how the ITRT will confirm that the design documents meet the COA’s needs and result in a project that is biddable, constructible, operable, environmentally sound, and cost effective.
Staff turnover on any project can significantly delay the completion of work and negatively affect the quality of the products. This is particularly true for QAQC efforts.
- Describe how Consultant’s management will maintain the required level of effort and resources throughout the project to meet quality requirements, and include a contingency plan for replacement of key PDT and/or ITRT staff.
- Documentation
Document control is critical to maintaining the independence and integrity of the ITRT. COA staff must be able to track, using QCP records, how each step of the QAQC process is executed.
- Describe the document control plan, including procedures for tracking versions of documents and how access to design/QCP documents will be controlled.
Comprehensive and well-organized records are crucial to any QAQC effort and demonstrate to COA that all elements of the QCP are fully and properly implemented.
- Describe the Consultant’s records control plan for all internal review documents and all associated comments and responses, including details of the plan and a description of all documents retained in Consultant's files. Provide confirmation that each file’s document type will be recorded and compiled according to an established file index system.
All of Consultant’s files will be auditable and available to COA upon request.
- Describe the file index system that Consultant will use to record and compile documents of different types.
- Schedule
The project schedule must be realistic, detailed, and reflect an accurate understanding of all work and review elements. Specific deadlines must be established and met.
a.The following design schedule shows the sequence of tasks to be completed within the time period specified by COA. (Schedule must include design submittal dates to COA, PDT reviews, ITRT reviews, time for revisions to internal comments prior to submittals to COA, and time for all applicable COA reviews including but not limited to COA Project Management Division, Quality Management Division, and Development Services Department.)
Click here to enter response.
b.How will all QCP measures be tracked to avoid project delays?
Click here to enter response.
NOTE: At the completion of the project, a certified statement signed by a Principal of the Consultant Firm, and a member of both the PDT and the ITRT is required to be submitted to COA verifying compliance with this QCP for all phases of the project.
Upon completion of this form, please email the QCP to the COA Project Manager assigned to this project and copy the Quality Management Division at . If you have any questions regarding the QCP form, you may contact the Quality Management Division at .
Rev. Date 11/1/16Quality Control PlanPage 1 of 5