Kentucky Family Values (HD-12) - “Stealing from Mother” - Radio (:60)

Voice Over A:
An important message from Kentucky Family Values
Voice Over B:
Would you trust a person who steals from her own family?
Well that’s exactly what Diane Mackey, the politician running for state representative, is asking you to do.
Court records reveal Mackey stole over forty thousand dollars from her own mother…her mother.
In 2006, Mackey served as legal guardian to her elderly mother.
When a check for over forty thousand dollars from the government arrived one day, Mackey took it and deposited it…in an account she controlled. / A Kentucky Court of Appeals Case (2012-CA-000076-MR), Affirmed the Daviess County Circuit Court Case (09-CI-01887 – Gordon v. Mackey) Decision of Summary Judgment in favor of Flem Gordon, Public Administrator of the Estate of Mary Burns Johnson (deceased). From the Appeals Case File:
“On April 24, 2002, Mary Burns Johnson (Johnson) executed a power- of-attorney appointing her daughter, Mackey, as her attorney-in-fact. The document was a general power of attorney, but it expressly excluded the power to make gifts on behalf of Johnson. Thereafter, in January 2006, Johnson received a check for $44,827.12, which represented a tobacco buyout payment from the United States Department of Agriculture. Mackey endorsed the check on Johnson’s behalf and deposited it into an account which Mackey owned and controlled.
“Johnson died testate on November 27, 2008, and Mackey was appointed as executrix of the estate under the will. Subsequently, Mackey was removed as executrix and the Public Administrator was appointed for Johnson’s Estate.”
“Mackey admits that she deposited the tobacco buyout payment check into an account which she controlled and that she retained the proceeds.”
[Commonwealth of Kentucky, Court of Appeals, No. 2012- 2012-CA-000076-MR]
Mackey was charged with breach of duty and fraud.
She was found liable and ordered to repay her now dead mother’s estate with interest.
Just incredible. / The Appeals Case File Reveals Mackey was Charged with Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Fraud; Following a Hearing, the Daviess County Court Granted Summary Judgment to the Plaintiff Gordon for losses including the Amount of the Tobacco Buyout Check plus taxes and interst
“The Public Administrator filed this action on December 29, 2009, alleging two counts for breach of fiduciary duty, fraud and punitive damages arising out of Mackey’s conduct while serving as Johnson’s attorney-in-fact and as executrix of Johnson’s Estate. The first count alleged that Mackey had converted the tobacco-buyout check and also caused additional damages by failing to pay the income taxes incurred by Johnson from the payment. The second count raised another allegation that Mackey wrongfully converted other property from Johnson’s Estate.
On May 31, 2011, the Public Administrator filed a motion for summary judgment on the first count of his complaint. The motion asserted that there were no genuine issues of material fact that Mackey had deposited the check into her account and had converted the funds to her own use. As a result of these actions, the Public Administrator asserted that the Estate had incurred losses in the amount of the check, as well as taxes and interests on the payment in the amount of $5,974.60. In her response, Mackey admitted depositing the check into her own account, but stated that Johnson had authorized her to do so. Mackey also disputed the Public Administrator’s allegation that taxes were owed on the payment.
Following a hearing, the trial court granted the Public Administrator’s motion for summary judgment on this claim. Mackey filed a timely motion to alter, amend or vacate pursuant to Kentucky Rule of Civil Procedure (CR) 59.05, alleging that there were still genuine issues of material facts on the Public Administrator’s claim. In the alternative, Mackey asked the trial court to designate the judgment as final and appealable. The Public Administrator filed a motion to dismiss the second count of the complaint and also to designate the judgment as final and appealable. In an order entered on December 8, 2011, the trial court denied Mackey’s motion, granted the Public Administrator’s motion to dismiss Count II, and designated the summary judgment as final and appealable.
Mackey admits that she deposited the tobacco buyout payment check into an account which she controlled and that she retained the proceeds. In her original answer, Mackey stated that the check was a gift from her mother. After the Public Administrator pointed out the language in Johnson’s power-of-attorney, Mackey clarified this defense, stating that her mother specifically authorized her to deposit the check in her own account and keep the proceeds. Mackey argues that such proof would negate any finding that she intended to wrongfully interfere with her mother’s possession of the funds.”
[Commonwealth of Kentucky, Court of Appeals, No. 2012- 2012-CA-000076-MR]
Even the out-of-state interests cannot defend Mackey.
Instead, they’re making false attacks and trying to buy elections in Kentucky… / The Washington, D.C.-based, Republican State Leadership Conference, is Targeting Kentucky House Races and Will Spend “Significant Resources” to Influence Outcomes
“The Kentucky House of Representatives is one of 16 state legislative chambers now in Democratic hands that a national organization of Republican state lawmakers has targeted for takeover in November.
“We have our eyes on Kentucky, one of the last remaining Democratic strongholds in the South,” said Matt Walter, president of the Republican State Leadership Committee, in a telephone news conference Thursday afternoon.
Walter declined to say how much money the group planned to spend in Kentucky this fall, but he noted the group spent hundreds of thousands of dollars last year in Kentucky supporting Republicans in just two special elections for the Kentucky House.
“We were in multiple six figures in some special elections recently, so that should give a bit of a forecast that Kentucky will be on the receiving end of significant resources and sufficient resources to flip the chamber there,” he said.” [Courier Journal, 7/17/14]
As of October 2014, the RSLC is has Begun a Six-Figure Campaign Mail Expenditure Falsely Attacking Democrat Candidates in Kentucky
“A national group focused on electing Republican state legislators has started sending out hard-hitting mailers to help the GOP try to gain control of the Kentucky House for the first time since 1921. Jill Bader, communications director for the Republican State Leadership Committee, said in an email Monday that the group has “consistently named the Kentucky House as top of our targets for a pick up this year. […]Bader also said the RSLC, based in Washington, D.C., has begun “a significant six-figure multi-platform independent expenditure, starting with mail, that began this weekend in support of gaining the House majority” in Kentucky.
One mailercalled Democratic incumbentWill Courseyof Symsonia in Graves County “unfit” to be a state representative and is “everything we hate to see in Frankfort.” […]Coursey’s campaign manager,Kim Geveden, said the mailer is “a reflection of the Republican candidate, Keith Travis, and it’s a real travesty.[…]Geveden also said the mailer is “full of inaccuracies. Will Coursey has countersued on his own. He’s paying for his lawsuit, and the mailer implies otherwise.”
[ - 10/6/14]
2014 Top 15 Donors to the RSLC
Rank / Contributor / Total
1 / Reynolds American / $1,114,647
2 / Blue Cross/Blue Shield / $958,513
3 / US Chamber of Commerce / $615,995
5 / Koch Industries / $460,530
6 / Las Vegas Sands / $450,000
7 / Wal-Mart Stores / $417,259
8 / Devon Energy / $400,000
9 / America's Natural Gas Alliance / $380,030
10 / Exxon Mobil / $325,000
11 / Citigroup Management Corp / $276,177
12 / Tracfone Wireless / $262,603
13 / AT&T Inc / $255,649
14 / Pfizer Inc / $253,900
15 / Altria Group / $230,323
In Addition to the RSLC Money, the Republican Party of Kentucky is Funded by Additional Out-of-State Special Interests
“Boosted by contributions from U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell's out-of-state donors (including members of Elaine Chao's family), the Republican Party of Kentucky will head into the general election season in far better financial shape than the Kentucky Democratic Party. […] The RPK also got $5,000 each (maximum PAC contribution allowed) in April from five political action committees which are all among the biggest financial supporters of McConnell during the current election cycle: Altria Group, Davita Healthcare; Express Scripts; Verizon and National Thoroughbred Racing Association.”
[Courier-Journal, 5/22/14]
Virginia-Based Political Action Committee, GOPAC, is Investing the Maximum Contribution Allowed to the (Republican) KY House Caucus Campaign Committee
•“The GOPAC Election Fund, an allied organization of GOPAC, will invest the maximum allowable financial contribution to the Kentucky GOP House Trust, the Kentucky Senate Caucus Campaign Committee and the Kentucky House Caucus Campaign Committee.”
Other Out-of-State Special Interest Contributions to the KY House Republican Campaign Caucus for this Election Cycle Include:
•$1000 from CITIGROUP INC. PAC (Federal PAC) of Washington, DC (3/1/2014)
•$1500 from DUKE ENERGY CORP. PAC (Federal PAC) of Charlotte, NC (11/15/2013)
•$2500 from GOPAC ELECTION FUND (Federal PAC) of Arlington, VA (4/8/2012)
•$2,500 from MARATHON OIL CO. EMPLOYEES PAC (Federal PAC) of Detroit, MI (combined two donations 11/11/13 & 7/30/2013)
•$1,000 from MERCK & CO EMPLOYEES PAC (Federal PAC) of Washington, DC 8/1/13)
•$2,000 from PFIZER INC. PAC (Federal PAC) of New York, NY (11/15/2013)
…and push their radical agenda to help the wealthy and big corporations at the expense of our schools, families and paychecks. / On 9/2/2014, House Republican Leader Rep. Hoover publicly announced a Public Promise to Implement a Political Platform entitled, the “Handshake with Kentucky”. According to Hoover, this Public Pledge was made by all State Republican Legislators and all Republican Candidates for State House
REP. HOOVER: “This ‘Handshake with Kentucky’ is a public promise that we, the House Republican Caucus, and our candidates are making with the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.” [
The “Handshake with Kentucky”, the Public Policy Pledge of House Republican Legislators and Candidates (including Mackey), Promises that House Republicans will Implement Right to Work Legislation
“House Republicans will lead the way on Right to Work legislation and join our surrounding states in creating real private sector jobs.”
According to the Economic Policy Institute, Right to Work Laws Reduce Wages and Cut Benefits for Workers
“Rigorous studies—using regression analysis to home in on the effect of RTW laws— show that RTW laws:
•reduce wages by $1,500 a year, for both union and nonunion workers, after accounting for different costs of living in the states (Gould and Shierholz 2011)
•lower the likelihood that employees get healthcare or pensions through their jobs—again, for both union and nonunion employees (Gould and Shierholz 2011)
Right to Work Laws Help Business Owners Gain, While Workers Lose
“One careful studyconductedby Hofstra's Lonnie Stevans in 2007 found that right-to-work lawsdohelp boost the number of businesses in a state— but the gains mostly went to owners, while average wages went down.
So business owners gain, and workers lose.”
[Washington Post, 12/10/12]
If Diane Mackey’s own family can’t trust her, why should we?
Voice Over A:
Paid for by Kentucky Family Values.