Phone: 973 568 0470

Fax: 866 652 1316


What is the Federal Energy Deregulation Act?

Since the passing of the Federal Energy Deregulation Act in 1999, many business and homeowners have still not exercised their right to choose their energy supplier. The ability for consumers to lower their energy costs, protect against rising rates, and, if interested, make an environmentally friendly choice, are all benefits of Deregulation. 3rd Parties are able to accomplish this by strategically purchasing the energy you use, in the same way the utility previously did, in the open market. Depending on your State and the Utility which serves you, the benefits will vary.

Deregulation dictates that your local utility cannot “Profit” on the supply of energy. Thus they do not compete with 3rd parties nor care that you choose a supplier. This is further evidenced by some states, like Ohio (in certain markets), choosing a supplier for you if you don’t choose yourself. Your local utility still delivers, services, and bills your account, as well as responds to any emergencies. This is where the utilities earn their profits.

By taking action, you can significantly improve your cash flow. Whether you own a small office or manage a nationwide organization, speaking to an energy professional can produce immediate and lasting results. First an energy consultant will analyze your billing and usage history. Next, the appropriate, licensed suppliers in your area will vie to be your energy supplier. Finally, your consultant will present you with options that meet your individual needs, whether they be dictated financially, by environmental awareness, or both.

These benefits can only be realized if take that first action and contact an energy professional.

For more information please visit

Titan Energy New England

Phone: 973 – 568 - 0470 Fax: 866 – 652 – 1316


Proud Member of the Montville Township and Morris County Chambers of Commerce