Correct and Safe Spiritual Warfare


Training for Reigning with Boldness and Authority-Backing


Daniel 11:32

Luke 10:19

II Corinthians 10:3-6

Ephesians 6:10-18

Revelation 12:11

There are few passages of Scripture in the Tenach that tell about spiritual warfare. The Torah Covenant with His people in the first five books of the Word is His teachings and instructions for right standing in His Kingdom after salvation by the blood of the lamb for forgiveness. The Torah was never meant to save anyone. Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22, II Corinthians 5:21: Only by the blood of the innocent, shed for the guilty, could sin be forgiven. He taught that to Adam.

In Genesis 3:15, the “protoevangel” was given. The fallen ones knew Yahushua in eternity before they rebelled. They knew what this prophecy meant--that their leader, Lucifer (Helel), later known as Satan, would be crushed by Yahushua. So, the fallen ones sought to find a way to extend themselves into the earth, to destroy Him before He destroyed their Leader. They found their way in mating with human women to wipe out the pure-blood human lineage from Adam through Seth that would bring forth Yahushua in human flesh. (Genesis 6:2-4) They had no idea how the salvation of mankind would take place, for if they did, they would never have sought to have Messiah Yahushua killed (I Corinthians 2:8).

In Genesis 6:2-4, we see the original “watchers,” the fallen angels, and their entrance into earth. Yes, they sought to corrupt the bloodline that would bring forth Yahushua, but they also sought to enter earth to take over earth as their own home planet, and destroy every vestige of the Creators in it. This attempt is happening today, since the return of those original watchers around 1896.

Spiritual warfare began for us humans in earnest for our survival after the death and resurrection of Messiah Yahushua. It was through His death as the Lamb of Elohim that we could be redeemed, saved, delivered from the powers of darkness into the marvelous light of the Kingdom of Yahuwah. (I Peter 2:9)

The greatest miracle the earth has ever known is the power in the blood of Messiah.

It is through faith in the blood of the Lamb (John 1:29) and in His resurrection, that we have defeated the whole hosts of the dark kingdom, and stand in the Light, so that we might be resurrected also to live in His Presence forever. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin, no atonement, no salvation, no deliverance, nothing but darkness and torment with the fallen ones forever.

Therefore, by being truly born again by faith (not churchy, religious, belief-system intellectual acceptance stuff that gets us nowhere with Elohim), where the Spirit of Yahuwah does 40 things to transform us into His Kingdom and make us a totally new creation, can we escape the punishment the fallen ones will get. (I Corinthians 5:17-21).

Fallen angels, demons/disembodied Nephilim, held most of humanity under their power from Genesis 1:2, and then after Genesis 1:3 onward. Those that sought Yahuwah with all their heart and obeyed Him had power with Yahuwah. But, once the Son of Yahuwah came in human flesh, with His Father’s own blood in His body, the fallen ones took note.

In Matthew 4:1-11, we see how Satan came to tempt Yahushua. They knew who He was. They just did not know what He was going to do to crush the head of their Leader, Lucifer. They thought that if they inspired their religious friends to nail Him to the stake, it would be the end of Him. But, oh were they wrong!

In the 2nd century, they inspired the Jews to use Rome against the followers of the Way who guarded Torah and had the witness of Yahushua Messiah. Today, they have taken over the minds of people to the point where He is just a religion--no one to know. He is mocked by unbelievers, and cursed, and ignored by most Christians, except on Sunday. He is often demoted to just a created being by modern Messianics, and thus, across board, the power in His blood against the enemy has been removed to save, deliver, or empower anyone against the enemy. [Refer to: “Denying the Deity of Messiah”/September 2011]

Unless He is Deity from eternity past, “begotten” by His Abba, a Son in a son position, yet united to His Abba in all ways as one--“echad”--He has no ability to save anyone. (Psalm 2) The enemy has caused Christianity from its creation by Greek pagans, to throw out the Torah of Yahuwah. The enemy has caused Judaism and intellectual Messianics to throw out the preciousness of the Son of Yahuwah and exalt the Torah over Him. So across board, the enemy has done an excellent job of leaving only a remnant who obeys the Torah from the heart, and yet clings to Messiah Yahushua as their Beloved One – their Savior, their Master, and their King.

We see in Revelation 12:11-17 that this special remnant in the end days overcomes the Dragon by the blood of the Lamb. This remnant is hidden in Elohim and preserved through the onslaught of “that old Devil.”

Today, through the working of the human and hybrid servants of Satan on earth, mankind is being mentally taken over and programmed to obey only the fallen ones. Most of the 2.2 billion Christians on earth do not know their Savior personally at all, let alone His Abba/Father. Thus, once again, as always, there is a small remnant. (Matthew 7:13-14) Noah and his family were the only remnant of Yahuwah’s people on earth before the Flood. Now we face His judgment by fire.

Yahuwah’s remnant is once again very small. But they are might in warfare because they have submitted their entire life to the service of the Captain of their salvation. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes (Revelation 14:1-5). They are the remnant of Daniel 11:32b – who KNOW their Elohim, Father and Son. They are stand strong, clothed for battle, as in Ephesians 6:10-18, and they act under His orders without balking, without questioning, without negative emotions of self-centeredness. They belong to Him exclusively. These will do exploits in these last days. There will be so few human beings left on the planet after the destruction of mankind by the fallen ones, that a child can count them. But, the remnant will be transformed so that they cannot die.

In this three-part study, I will seek once again to equip you with methods that were used by Messiah, and by the Apostles and the disciples of the 1st century and onward, to help you overcome the takeover by the fallen ones, so you can help others be free--those who want to be free of the control over their minds, emotions, and bodies by the fallen ones.

The first thing above all is to make sure you are truly born of the Spirit, and truly filled by His Spirit. Please refer to: “The True New Birth”/July 2015, and the 1st articles of both the mikvah of salvation (#1) and the mikvah of the Spirit (#3) on

The demonic realm: Demons are disembodied Nephilim (Genesis 6:2-4, Numbers 13:3-33). They seek a body to work through. They attack the mind and dull it so that they might control it. Once they control your mind and emotions they can control your body. They can take possession of you. As they begin to take control, they promise to give you powers to control others, but in essence you are the one they torment and control. The control spirits are called “jezebel” spirits. These spirits easily take control of women, or men, who have been fragmented as children, by hideous abuse causing trauma, being shown things that terrify them, and offered in satanic ritual--so that their minds split into multiple personalities. These children can be so split in personalities that they become servants of the evil ones, as in the CIA’s “MK Ultra” project, and “Manchurian Candidates”--servants of the government, servants of Satanists. Hundreds of thousands of children are kidnapped each year, put in cages, and traumatized until they block out what is painful, but they’re given a trigger by word or thought so that mind controllers can control them. These shooting incidents in America in the last few years follow a pattern--almost all are MK Ultras programmed in some way by the government. Some admit to being a part of government mind-control programs, some of them using drugs.

Those who have been fragmented as children are obsessed with doing the same thing to their own children. I know. I watched it being done to my children, but did not know what was happening. I’ve watched it done to grandchildren, but could not stop it. My Baptist church never told me about the “depths of Satan.” I had to learn by being married to one who was so split in personality that he was totally under the control of Satan, yet he hid in Christianity as a pastor. I tell about these things in my autobiography, Touching the Eternal, on Amazon in book form or on Kindle. I’ve had 50 years of experience and learning, so now I can share.

I refer you to Mary Lake’s book, What Witches Don’t Want You to Know, Extended Version. She was also a “programmed multiple.” Her book confirmed to me what I had gone through, and she clarified it so that I knew even more how great was my deliverance by my Abba Yahuwah and my Beloved One, Yahushua. They brought me up out of a horrible pit, and placed my feet upon a rock and established my going forward. Psalm 40:2-4 is my testimony.

I’ve counseled many fragmented women. But, like my husband, they love their power to control, so don’t want to be free. They feel security within the boundaries of their minds. Most don’t remember what was done to them. To hear Truth, to be around joy and peace, is tormenting to them, for it breaks the power of the demonic hold on their lives. To hear the Truth breaks the control. But, joy, the power of Yahuwah’s might, disturbs them to the point where they start shaking and trembling and act out. When my joy level reached to the point where my husband could no longer handle it, or control me, because my mind became so full of the Word, joy, peace, and passion to set others free, he made a plan to get rid of me. I had to flee, and I took my youngest daughter with me. I sought to know what had happened to me. Why did I not see the hidden evil before I married him? My church never taught us anything about the reality of the dark kingdom, so we never learned spiritual warfare either. But, for spiritual warfare you have to be filled with the Spirit like they were in the book of Acts.

Recent statistics show that as high as 60% of western Christians DO NOT believe that Satan is real. 40% do not believe the Bible is the Word of Elohim. And, I would say that the majority of western “believers” show their disbelief by their world-loving lifestyle. There is no commitment to the Yahushua as Master in western Christianity. The full thrust of Greco-Roman culture is based on “how do you feel”--the satiation of the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life. The whole of the culture is directed towards a person getting what they want. The western-rooted religion of Christianity is not rooted in the Elohim of the Hebrews, nor the Jewish Messiah. Most is rooted in the philosophy of the pagan world. Abba has had great mercy on us all!

For solid understanding of this, I refer you to my mini-book The Foundation of Deception sold on Amazon Kindle, or on my website.

It is hard to believe how many of these “programmed multiples” are around us every day. The occult world is gigantic. It is hard to believe how many are fragmented due to TV programming, abuse by parents, witchcraft, by others in the occult world, and even by public school programming. The whole world system is anti-Yahuwah, anti-Yahushua.

In this 3-part study on the methods of Elohim for proper spiritual warfare, I also give you ways to strengthen yourself so that you can ward off the wiles of the devil.

From I Peter 5:5-9: “Humble yourself under the mighty hand of Elohim…casting all concern upon Him, for He is concerned about you…be sober, watch, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeing whom he may devour. Resist him, firm in your faith…” In this series I will teach you how to resist him, so that he flees from you.

One of the fastest ways to strengthen yourself is to get alone and listen to anointed music, with words that praise Elohim and uses His Word. I’ve shared several anointed songs via articles in the last three years – music that speaks to the Spirit. I was a Music Major in college. I taught music for many years. There is a huge difference between Christian and Messianic music that gets you flesh and soul happy, and the music that carries the anointing of Yahuwah directly into your re-born spirit.

So, far, I can say “You can’t go wrong with any of James’ Block’s music.” To strengthen warrior-servants, for this study on spiritual warfare, I direct you to two powerful songs with powerful words: “Kingdom Come” by Chuck Girard in his album Name Above All Names, and “Soldiers of the Lion” from the same album. Here are the two links: King Come Soldiers of the Lion

If you are truly born again, you are a already a citizen of the heavenly Kingdom – Philippians 3:20-21. So, we live as citizens of heaven, set-apart from this world system. We live in this world, but as those who are not of it. We seek the Kingdom that is coming. (Hebrews 13:14) To love the world makes you an enemy of Yahuwah (Ya’cob/James 4:4; I John 2:15-17) The reason is because the world system is totally controlled by the returned Nephilim and other forms of fallen ones, their hybrid creations, and “programmed multiples.”