Family Matters

September 2016

Dear All.

Ihope you all had a great summer and enjoyed the wonderful weather. If your child is of school age I hope they have a pleasant start to the new school term. It can often bring excitement but also concerns of going into a new class (or school) and having a new teacher. It is often a time to make new friends too. On the down side, they also have to get up early!

As parents it may also be a time when you can have a little time to get back on track with some of the more tedious tasks such as checking that you and your family are receiving the correct benefits that you are entitled to. If you would like some help to do this please contact me as I can guide you through the whole process of claiming benefits, entitlements and apply for grants.

I hope you will find some of the information below useful.

New Family Support Service

Hampshire County Council is to develop a new Family Support Service modernising and transforming early help to better support families in need across the county. The new service will bring together the work of early help hubs, children’s centre services and youth support services in to a single, joined up service for vulnerable families with children aged 0-19 years (and young adults with learning difficulties or disability up to age 25). Click here for more information. Agreement to develop the new service was given by the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services, Councillor Keith Manns at his Decision Day on 1 July.

Transferring From a Statement to an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP)?

Have you received a letter about transferring your child or young person’s statement or learning difficulties assessment, or are you applying for a new EHCP? Parent Voice and Support4SEND have a team of Independent Supporters working across Hampshire to give impartial advice and guidance for transfers and also new applications. So if you have a question about the new system, would like help to complete the paperwork, need some advice about responding to your draft plan, or anything else connected with the process in this time of change, please contact the team on 03003 038604 or email .

“The EHC plan is an important document that lasts for the whole of a child’s academic life. It is daunting for parents to tackle alongside the daily tasks they perform for their children. Having someone to advise you and reassure you along the way is, in my opinion, vital.” A parent’s comment from their feedback form after receiving Independent Support.

If you run a parent support group or are a school SENCo, why not book us to deliver a free parent workshop on any aspect of the SEND reforms? Call us on 03003 038604 or email so we can discuss your individual requirements.

Aerobility Aviation Experience Session, Camberley

An aviation experience session is being held on Saturday 8 October at Aerobility, Blackbushe Airport, Camberley, GU17 9LQ for young people with varying disabilities. The times are: 10am-12.30pm, 8-13 year olds and 1.30-4pm, 14-18 year olds. The cost is £5 per session which includes: a brief from a pilot about the principles of flight • model aircraft making • an instructed flight in their simulator • a tour of the aircraft • a photo opportunity in the pilot’s seat • refreshments • certificate presentation. Please note that parents must stay with their children during the session. For more information and to book your place contact Bridie on 03033 031230 or email . To view their website click here.

Saints Disabled Supports’ Association have four season tickets for the 2016/17 season that they will be offering to disabled supporters, on a match by match basis, who are not currently Season Ticket holders and are normally unable to get to St Mary’s. If you have, or know of, a child with disabilities or additional needs who might benefit from going to a game, then they should register their interest. It is expected that people on the list will have the chance to attend at least one game during the season. For more information and to register, click here or call 07866 150784.

Save the Date! Special Needs Information Day 2017, Yateley

Support4SEND and Parent Voice are pleased to announce that their next Special Needs Information Day will be held on Saturday 25 March 2017, 10am-3pm, at Yateley School, School Lane, Yateley, GU46 6NW. They have been holding these free events for many years, giving families and practitioners the opportunity to gather information about support and services available across the county. They have become increasingly popular, not only with families but also with exhibitors, who welcome the opportunity it gives them to meet families and offer their support.

The whole event is free to visitors, other than refreshments and food, which will be available to buy. There will be ample free parking on site and disabled access. Several workshops and talks will be on offer, alongside the exhibition, and further details about these will be published in the coming months. They also hope to offer activities for children and young people.

If you would like to know more about the event, or to see the report about last year’s event at Horndean, please do register your interest by emailing , and they’ll be in touch. Support4SEND and Parent Voice look forward to seeing you there!

Hampshire Parent Carer Network Get Togethers for September

Come and catch up over a relaxed coffee after the long summer holiday. Everyone welcome and please bring a friend if you wish. Look forward to seeing you. Any queries or for more information please contact Sally Barnett on 07881 340139 or email .

Alresford - Thursday 8 September, 10-11.30am, at The Swan Hotel, 11 West Street, Alresford, SO24 9AD.
East Hants - Wednesday 28 September, 9.30-11.30am, at The Cookie bar, 1 Royal Parade, Tilford Road, Hindhead, GU26 6TD.

Scouting in Hampshire

Scouting in Hampshire is happy to welcome and include disabled children and young people into their groups. For some children, a little extra may be needed to ensure they can fully participate. Short Breaks funding is available to pay for carers to give one to one support to young Gateway Card holders to enable them to join in with Scouting in Hampshire. All you need to do is to approach the Scout group nearest to you and explain that as a Gateway Card holder you are eligible for the funding and the Scouting leader should contact County Office to get more information and set the system in motion. The funding can pay for support at your weekly session for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers and it has been enjoyed by several of Hampshire’s young people already. (Not available to those in the City of Portsmouth or Southampton City Districts). A weekly session can often bring respite to a parent or carer and it is usually thoroughly enjoyed by the children that take part. For more details, click here.

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides can also access Short Breaks funding for children needing some extra support; these groups would need to contact the Short Breaks team directly to find out how to apply. Their telephone number is 01962 846399.

You can contact Jenny for feedback or any enquiries using the following details:

Jenny Collins – Family SupportCoordinator at Open Sight:

023 8064 6382.

If for any reason you don’t wish to receive Family Matters in the future please let me know. All information to the best of our knowledge is correct to date but please check individual web sites for further or up-to-date information.