Regulation No:2582
Date of the Decision of the Council of Ministers: 04/08/1975-7/10496
Date and No of the Law on which it is bases: 27/11/1935-2852
Date and No of the Official Gazette: 01/09/1975-15343
Part One: Scope And Definitions
Article 1- Principles regarding the payment of food allowances for the officers and non-commissioned officers assigned with duties in the Turkish Armed Forces has been defined in this Regulation.
Ship Definition:
Article 2- Within the scope of this Regulation, any type of crafts or floating service vehicles of the Turkish Armed Forces shall be deemed as ships.
Part Two: Conditions where no food allowance shall be paid
Abolished ships
Article 3- No food allowance shall be paid for the officers and non-commissioned officers assigned with duties in the abolished ships starting from the date of the approval for the abolition.
Repaired ships:
Article 4- No food allowance shall be paid to the officers and non-commissioned officers for the period they spend starting from the date the ships are taken into factories or docks according to their repair, overhaul and dock plans, until the day before their navigation trials or removal from the dock take place or upon the termination of the repair.
Permissions and Penalties:
Article 5-a) In the permissions defined under Articles 125, 126, 127, 128 and 133 of the Personnel Law, No 926, of Turkish Armed Forces,
b) No food allowance shall be paid for the periods for the penalties such as lay offs, arrests, or other freedom binding penalties, confinement, desertions, temporary leaves or leaves for reasons of health.
c) The food allowances deducted, in case a decision for an acquittal, canceling of the case is made or if the jurisdiction does not result in any prohibition or an investigation, shall not be returned.
Daily wages:
Article 6- No food allowances shall be paid to those with daily assignments in the ships, as per the Allowance Law.
Part Three: Conditions where Food allowance shall be paid
Temporary Stay in a Ship
Article 7- The officers and the non-commissioned officers staying in for reasons related with military services such as exercises, maneuvers, firing, inspection and training shall be paid the food allowance paid for their own assignments, if available, and if no food allowance is paid for them during their assignment, the food allowance paid to the ship personnel shall be paid to them.
However no food allowances shall be paid from two different resources, in such a case only the one with the higher amount shall be paid.
Article 8- Officers and non-commissioned officers assigned as deputies, as their rank is not appropriate for the position, shall be paid the food allowance required by the position during their assignment.
Ships Armed Forces Took under its Service of or Rented
Article 9- Ships Armed Forces took under its service or rented for use in the military services shall be deemed as under the service of the Turkish Armed Forces with regard to the implementation of this Regulation and the officers and non-commissioned officers assigned with duties in this ship shall be paid the food allowances as required by the provisions of this Regulation.
Recently Purchased Ships
Article 10- Officers and non-commissioned officers assigned for duties in the ships recently purchased by the Turkish Armed Forces, shall be paid the food allowances starting from the day they actually started to work, provided that the provisions in article 6 are reserved.
Part Four: Miscellaneous
Food allowance at the Ports of Foreign Countries
Article 11- The food allowance for the period starting from the day a ships enter the port of a foreign country, anchors and they are aboard the wharf and until the day they depart shall be paid in double.
Cases where no deductions from the food can be made
Article 12- The food allowance shall be exempted from any tax and no deductions can be made for any reason.
Annulled Provisions:
Article 13- The Regulation on the Food allowance of Marine Personnel, entered into force with the Council of Ministers’ Decision No 2/4518 of 06/05/1936.
Entry into Force:
Article 14- The provisions of the Regulation shall enter into force as of August 1, 1973, which has been drafted in accordance with Article 16 of Law No 2852 concerning the Regulation on Food allowances of Marine Personnel.
Article 15- The provisions of this Regulation shall be executed by the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance.