TIME: TTh5:00-8:50pm LOCATION:9-245

Prerequisites: ETT 211; ETT 310; MAT 131.

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Mingheng Li

Office Hours TTh 4:00-5:00pm

Office: 17-2102 Phone: (909) 869-3668




Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics: Moran & Shapiro (Wiley, New York) 8th Edition. ISBN 978-1118412930(with WileyPlus Code)

Instructional Objectives

Applications of fundamental concepts of work, heat, energy. Basic power and refrigeration cycles, and reciprocating machines. First and second law of thermodynamics as applied by the engineering technologist. Use of generalized charts and handbooks in solving thermodynamic problems.

Teaching Method

This class will involve lecture and your participation in the form of small groups. You will work on in-class problems and occasionally present your solutions or other material for the whole class. This format is based on studies that show that if you are more involved in the learning process, you will learn more deeply. Please bring your calculator to each class session.


No make-up exams. Homework must be done online (WileyPlus).

Class Participation/Attendance5%

Homework: 20%


Final Exam45%

Approximate Grading Scale: A 93-100; A- 90-92; B+ 86-89; B 83-85; B- 80-82; C+ 76-79;C 71-75; C- 65-70;D 60-64; F <60


1Energy balance and first law Chap.(1&2)

Thermodynamic properties & Energy Bal.Chap.(2&3)

2P-v-T, V-L-S phases, enthalpy, heat capacitiesChap. (3)

Equations of stateChap. (11)

3Open system energy balances: turbines, throttlesChap. (4)

Open system energy balances: compressors, pumpsChap. (4)

4Entropy and irreversibility.Chap. (5)

Engine cycles (Otto, Carnot)Chap.(9)

5Engine cycles (Brayton)Chap.(9)

Engine cycles (Diesel, Brayton)Chap. (9)

Academic Integrity

As noted in the University Catalog: “All forms of academic dishonest at Cal Poly Pomona are a violation of university policy and will be considered a serious offence.” For this course “academic honesty” includes but is not limited to: plagiarism, cheating during exams (including but not limited to copying, reading unauthorized texts. texting, emailing, cellular phones, etc.) As a student in this class it is assumed that you will maintain academic integrity and honesty. Cheating can result in a grade of F.

Homework and Exam Calendar*


1Ch 2 (Energy Bal)will be assigned in WileyPlus

Ch 3 (Properties)

2Ch 11 (Thermo. Relations)

Ch 11 (Thermo. Relations)

3Ch 4 (Open System E-Bal)

Ch 5(Entropy & 2nd Law)

4Ch 9 (Engine cycles)

Ch 9 (Engine cycles)

5Ch 9 (Engine cycles)

Final Exam: Tuesday 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m

Homework must be entered on WileyPlus and finished on time. No late homework will be accepted.

If you need academic accommodations due to physical, psychological or learning disability(ies), please be sure to contact me as soon as possible so we can discuss what arrangements need to be made.

Make up exams will not be given without legitimate reasons.

* Schedule subject to change.Watch out for new announcements on course website.

On Using WileyPlus for Homeworks

(1). You must do homework online for this class at "WileyPlus". No paper homework will be accepted. This online service has many nice features that will help you learn. You can still do the homework on paper first on your own, thenyou enter the answers on WileyPlus. Your grades will be automatically tallied by WileyPlus and you know immediately how well you are doing.

(2). Using WileyPlus

(a) Registration (on web to start WileyPlus) using code in book or purchased code from WileyPlus

(b). Login on to WileyPlus to do homework