Vocabulary Wordof the Day

Day 1-Biomechanics: a study that uses principals of physics to quantitatively study how forces interact within a living body

Day 2-The Nervous System: it is conglomeration of billions of cells forming nerves that are specifically designed to provide a communication network within the human body

Day 3-The Core: the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex and the thoracic and cervical spine, where the body’s center of gravity is located

Day 4-Flexibility: the normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allow the full range of motion of a joint

Day 5-Blood: Acts as a medium to deliver and collect essential products to and from the tissues of the body

Day 6- Protein: Amino acids linked by peptide bonds

Day 7- Program Design: A purposeful system or plan put together to help an individual achieve a specific goal

Day 8- Subjective information: Information that is gathered from a prospective client to give the health and fitness professional feedback regarding personal history such as occupation, lifestyle and medical background

Day 9- Proprioceptive Enriched Environment: An unstable (but controlled) environment where exercises are preformed that causes the body to use its internal balance and stabilization mechanisms

Day 10- Reactive Training: exercise that use quick, powerful movements involving an eccentric contraction immediately followed an explosive concentric contraction

Day 11-Obesity: fastest growing health problem in the US

Day 12-Dynamic Joint Stabilization: the ability of the kinetic chain to stabilize a joint during movement

Day 13-Speed: the ability to move the body in one intended direction as fast as possible

Day 14-Diabetes: chronic metabolic disorder, in which the body’s ability to produce insulin or to utilize glucose is altered

Day 15-Rate of Force Production: how quickly a muscle can generate force

Day 16-Dynamic Range of Motion: the combination of flexibility and the nervous system’s ability to control this range efficiently

Day 17-General Adaptation Syndrome: the kinetic chains ability to adapt to stresses placed on it

Day 18-Multisensory Condition: Training environment that provides heightened stimulation to proprioceptors

Day 19-Cardiorespritory System: a system comprised of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems

Day 20-Acute Variables: important components that specify how each exercise is to be performed

Day 21-Neuromuscular efficiency: The ability of the neuromuscular system to allow agonists, antagonists and stabilizers to work synergistically and control the entire kinetic chain in all three planes of motion

Day 22- Controlled Instability: training environment that is unstable as can safely be controlled by an individual

Day 23- General Warm up: A low intensity exercise consisting of movements that do not necessarily relate to the more intense exercise that is to follow

Day 24- Hypertension: blood pressure of 140/90 or higher

Day 25- Repetition (rep): One complete movement of a single exercise

Day 26- Distal: Position farthest from the center of the body

Day 27- Inferior: Positioned below a point of reference

Day 28- Superior: Positioned above a point of reference

Day 29- Anterior (or ventral): On the front of the body

Day 30- Posterior (or dorsal): On the back of the body

Day 31- Medial: Position on the middle of the body

Day 32- Lateral: Refers to a position relatively father away from the midline of the body or towards the outside of the body

Day33- Contralateral: Positioned on the opposite side of the body

Day 34-Ipsilateral: Positioned on the same side of the body

Day35- Extensibility: The capability to be elongated or stretched

Day 36- Deconditioned: A state of lost physical fitness which may include muscle imbalance decreased flexibility and/or a lack of core and joint stability

Day37- Dynamic functional flexibility: Multiplanar soft tissue extensibility with optimal aero muscular efficiency throughout the full range of motion

Day 38- Alarm reaction: The initial reaction to a stressor

Day 39- Osteopenia: the precursor to osteoporosis indicated by reduced bone mass

Day 40- Muscle imbalance: alteration of muscle length surrounding a joint

Day 41-Osteoporosis- Condition in which there is a decrease in bone mass and density as well as an increase in the space between bones, resulting in porosity and fragility

Day 42-Postural distortion patterns – Predictable pattern of muscle imbalances

Day 43-Superset- set of two exercises that are performed back to back without any rest time in-between them

Day 44-Resistance Development- The body increases its functional capacity to adapt to the stressor

Day 45-Cardiovascular system- comprised of the heat, the blood it pumps, and the blood vessels that transport the blood from the heart to the tissues of the body

Day 46-Osteoarthritis- Degeneration of cartilage in joints

Day 47- Exhaustion- Prolonged stress or stress that is intolerable and will produce his distress to the system

Day 48-Prime mover- the muscle that acts as the main source of the motive movement

Day 49- Relative Flexibility- The tendency of the body to seek the path of least resistance during functional movement patterns

Day 50-Periodization- Division of a training program into smaller, progressive stages

Day 51-arthritis- inflammatory condition that mainly affects the joints

Day52-Repetition Tempo- Power: explosive (x/x/x) Strength: moderate (2/0/2) Stabilization: Slow, emphasizing eccentric, concentric, and isometric muscle groups. (4/2/1)

Day 53-Altered Reciprocal Inhibition-The concept of muscle inhibition, caused by a tight agonist, which inhibits its functional antagonist.

Day 54-Propiroception-The cumulative neural input to the central nervous system from mechanoreceptors that senses position and limb movement.

Day 55-Arteries- Vessels that transport blood away from the heart.

Day 56-The Atrium- The superior chamber of the heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into the ventricles.

Day 57-Ventricles- Are chambers located inferiorly on either side of the heart

Day58-Synergistic Dominance- The neuromuscular phenomenon that occurs when synergists take over the function of a weak or inhibited prime mover.

Day 59-Arterioles- Small terminal branches of an artery, which end in capillaries.

Day 60-Venules- The very small veins that connect capillaries to the larger veins

Day 61-Intramuscular Coordination- the ability of the neuromuscular system to allow optimal levels of motor unit recruitment and synchronization within a muscle.

Day 62-Agility- The ability to accelerate, decelerate, stabilize, and change direction quickly, while maintaining proper posture.

Day 63-Arthrokinematics: the motions of joints in the body

Day 64-Arthrokinematic Dysfunction: Altered forces at the joint that result in abnormal muscular activity and impaired neuromuscular communication at the joint.

Day 65-Sagittal Plane: An imaginary bisector that divides the body into left and right halves.

Day 66-Neuromuscular Specificity: Refers to the speed of contraction and exercise selection.

Day 67-Quickness: The ability to react and change body position with maximum rate of force production, in all planes of motion, from all body positions, during functional activities.

Day 68-Training Intensity: An individual’s level of effort, compared with their maximum effort, which is usually expressed as a percentage.

Day 69-EPOC or excess post exercise oxygen consumption: The state in which the body’s metabolism is elevated after exercise. It has been shown that splitting the training session into multiple sessions has the greatest impact.

Day 70-Mechanoreceptors: Sensory receptor responsible for sensing distortion in body tissues. Muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs, joint receptors.

Day 71-Flexion: The bending of a joint, causing the angle to the joint to decrease.

Day 72-Objective Information: Information that is measurable like heart rate or waist size.

Day 73-Muscle Spindles: Fibers that are sensitive to change in length of muscle and rate of that change, major sensory organs of muscle, parallel to muscle fibers, transmit information to cns when stretched, causes muscle to contract to prevent overstretching/ stretching too fast.

Day 74-Extension: the straightening of a joint, causing the angle to the joint to increase.

Day 75-Frontal Plane: An imaginary bisector that divides the body into front and back halves.

Day 76-Golgi Tendon Organs: Sensitive to change intention of the muscle and the rate of that change, musculotendinous junction, sensitive to changes in muscular tension and rate of tension change, causes relaxation to prevent excess stress/injury.

Day 77-Bioenergetics: Looks at how a chemical change is converted into mechanical energy.

Day 78-Aerobic: An action that occurs in the presence of oxygen.

Day 79-Pattern Overload: Constantly repeating the same pattern of motion, which may place abnormal stresses on the body.

Day 80-Joint Receptors: In and around joint capsule, responds to pressure acceleration and deceleration of joint, signals extreme joint positions, initiates reflexive inhibitory response in surrounding muscles.

Day 81-Abduction: Movement of a body part away from the middle of the body (in the frontal plane)

Day 82-Adduction: Movement of a body part towards the middle of the body (in the frontal plane)

Day 83-Adenosine Triphosphate: Cellular structure that serves as storage and transfer unit within the cells of the body for energy.

Day 84-Davis’s Law: States that soft tissue models along the lines of stress.

Day 85-Power: the ability to exert maximal force in the shortest amount of time.

Day 86-Respiratory System: The system of the body responsible for taking in oxygen, excreting carbon dioxide, and regulating the relative compositions of the blood.

Day 87-Transverse Plane: An imaginary bisector that divides the body into top and bottom halves.

Day 88-Muscular Endurance: The ability of the body to produce low levels of force and maintain them for extended periods.

Day 89-Internal Rotation: Rotation of a joint toward the middle of the body.

Day 90-Stability: The ability of the body to maintain postural equilibrium and support joints during movements.

Day 91-Anaerobic Exercise: An action that is not dependent on oxygen for proper execution.

Day 92-External Rotation: Rotation of a joint away from the middle of the body.

Day 93-Strength Endurance: The ability of the body to repeatedly produce high levels of force for prolonged periods

Day 94-Hypertrophy: Enlargement of skeletal muscle fibers in response to overcoming force from high volumes of tension

Day 95-Maximal Strength: the maximum force that a muscle can produce in a single, voluntary effort, regardless of velocity

Day 96- Active Isolated Stretching: The process of using agonists and synergists to dramatically move the joint into a range of motion

Day 97-Joints: Sites where movements occurs as a result of muscle contraction

Day 98-Dynamic Stretching: the active extension of a muscle, using force production and momentum, to move the joint through the full available range of motion, uses reciprocal inhibition one set of ten reps should be done 3 to 10 exercises

Day 99-Eccentric Muscle Action: the lengthening of the muscle to a resting length

Day 100-Training Plan: the specific outline, created by fitness professionals to meet a client’s goals that details the form of training, length of time, future changes, and specific exercises to be performed

Day 101- Isometric Muscle Action: no visible movement with or against resistance. Dynamically stabilizes force.

Day 102- Concentric Muscle Action: moving in the opposite direction of force. Accelerates or produces force while contracting the muscle

Day 103-Force: and influence applied by one object to another, which results in acceleration or deceleration of the second object

Day 104-Postural Equilibrium: maintaining a state of balance in the alignment of kinetic chain

Day 105-Length-Tension Relationship: the length at which the muscles can produce the greatest force

Day 106-Vertical Loading: performing exercises on the OPT template one after the other, in a vertical manner down the template

Day 107-Horizontal Loading: performing all set of an exercise (or body part) before moving onto the next exercise (or body part)

Day 108-Functional Strength: the ability of neuromuscular system to contrast eccentrically, isometrically, and concentrically in all 3 planes of motion

Day 109-Force Couple Relationships: muscle groups moving together (synergistically) to produce movement around a joint

Day 110-Postural Distortion Patterns: predictable occurrences of muscular imbalances caused by altered movement patterns

Day 111-Torque: the ability of any force to cause rotation around any axis

Day 112-Motor Behavior: the manner in which the nervous, skeletal, and muscular system interact to produce a mechanical response to incoming sensory info

Day 113-Muscles Synergies: groups of muscles that are recruited by the central nervous system to provide movement

Day 114-Proprioception: info that the nervous system utilizes to gather info about the environment to produce movement

Day 115-Sensorimotor Integration: the cooperation of the nervous system and muscular system in gathering info, interpreting, and executing proper motor response

Day 116-Muscular System: muscles generate internal tension that, under the control of the nervous system, manipulates the bones of our bodies to produce movement

Day 117-Motor Learning: repeated practice of motor control practices, which lead to a change in the ability to produce complex movements

Day 118-Internal Feedback: the process whereby sensory info is used by the body to reactively monitor movement and the environment

Day 119-External Feedback: Info provided by some external force, such as a health and fitness pro, videotape, mirror, or heart rate monitor to supplement the internal environment

Day 120-Neural Activation: the contraction of a muscle generated by neural stimulation

Day 121-Neurotransmitter: chemical messengers that cross synapses to transmit electrical impulses from the nerve to the muscle

Day 122-Tendon: attaches muscle to bone

Day 123-Veins: Vessels that transport blood back to the heart

Day 124-Self Myofasical Release: a form of flexibility that focuses on the fascial system in the body

Day 125-Proximal: refers to a position nearest the center of the body or point of reference

Day 126-Muscular Endurance: the ability of the body to produce low level of force and maintain them for extended period of time

Day 127- Empathy: Action of awareness, understanding, and sensitivity of the thoughts, emotions, and experience of another without personally having gone through the same thing

Day 128- Overload: A principle of exercise that states that the only way to improve fitness is to exercise more than the normal.

Day 129- Anaerobic: Physical activity or exercise done in short, fast bursts to that the heart cannot supply oxygen as fast as the body needs (example, 100 yard sprint).

Day 130- Dietary Supplement: A substance that completes or makes an addition to daily dietary intake.

Day 131- Nutrition: The sum of processes by which an animal or plant takes in and uses food.

Day 132- Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL): The highest average daily nutrient intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects to almost all individuals in a particular life stage and gender group. As intake increases above the UL, the potential risk of adverse health effects increase.

Day 133- Strength: The ability of the neuromuscular system to produce internal tension to overcome an external force.

Day 134-Agonist- muscles that are primary movers in a joint motions. Also known as prime movers

Day 135-Antagonist- muscles that act in direct opposition to agonist (prime movers)

Day 136- Insertion: The part of a muscle by which it is attached to the part to be moved-compared with origin.

Day 137-Anerobic Threshold-the point during high-intensity activity when the body can no longer meet its demand for oxygen in an anaerobic metabolism predominates; also called lactate threshold

Day 138-Backside Mechanics-Proper alignment of the rear leg and pelvis during sprinting, which includes ankle, plantarflexion, knee extension, hip extension, and neutral pelvis

Day 139-Circuit training system- This consists of a series of exercises that an individual performs one after another with minimal rest

Day 140-Creatine phosphate- a high-energy phosphate molecule that is stored in cells and can be used to resynthesize ATP immediately

Day 141-Cumulative Injury Cycle- A cycle whereby an injury will induce inflammation, muscle spasms, adhesions, altered neuromuscular control, and muscle imbalances

Day 142-Decelerate- When the muscle is exerting less force than is being placed on it, the muscle lengthens. Also known as in centric muscle action or force reduction

Day 143-Muscle Synergies: Groups of muscles that are recruited by the central nervous system to provide movement.

Day 144- Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness- Pain or discomfort often felt 24-72 hours after intense exercise or unaccustomed physical activity

Day 145- Dorsiflexion- When applied to the ankle the ability to bend at the ankle moving the front of the foot upward

Day 146- Dynamic Functional Flexibility- Multiplanar soft tissue extensibility with optimal neuromuscular efficiency throughout the full range of motion

Day 147- Dynamic Joint Stabilization- The ability of the stabilizing muscles of a joint to produce optimum stabilization during functional multiplanar movements

Day 148- Dynamic Stretching- Uses the force production of a muscle and the body’s momentum to take a joint through the full available range of motion

Day 149- Equilibrium- a condition of balance between opposed forces influences or actions

Day 150- Exercise metabolism- the examination of biogenetics as it relates to the unique physiologic changes in demands placed on the body during exercise

Day 151- Explosive Strength- The ability to develop and sharp rise in force production once a movement pattern has been initiated

Day 152- Fast Twitched Fibers- Muscle fibers that can also be characterized by the term type IIA and the IIB. These fibers contain fewer capillaries mitochondria and myoglobin. These fibers fatigue than type one fibers

Day 153- General Adaption Syndrome: 1) A syndrome in which the kinetic chain responds and adapts to imposed demands. 2) A term used to describe how the body responds and adapts to stress.

Day 154- Ground Reaction Force: the equal and opposite force that is exerted back onto the body with every step that is taken

Day 155- Homeostasis: the ability or tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiologic processes