State Librarian Nancy Robertson at the Library of Michigan formed a committee in August 2005 to brainstorm how the Library of Michigan (LOM) could best support school library programs in Michigan. The initial meeting was attended by Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME) Executive Director Roger Ashley, several leaders of the MAME organization, and Sheryl Mase and Nancy Robertson from the Library of Michigan.

It was decided to focus on the standards document that MAME had produced in 2003. Several more members joined the group, and two subcommittees were formed. ; tThe Standards subcommittee had was given the task of updating the 2003 MAME document, and, the Marketing subcommittee was charged with developing a public relations tool that would be used into introducinge and promotinge the school library media standards. The LOM committee decided that the public relations tool would take the form of a digital video that could be sent to Superintendents, professional associations, state legislators, parent groups, etc; either in the form of a DVD, or available on the web through streaming video.

The Standards subcommittee made quick work of their task, but the marketing subcommittee had a few stumbling blocks. , Tthe biggest one being the challenge ofwas to producinge a video with little to no budget.

At its September, 2006 meeting, The Library oOf Michigan Committee generated the How, What, Why Wheel that provides an overview of school library media programs in Michigan. This formed the basic organization for the video. Nancy Larsen, Judy Hauser, and Joanne Steckling wrote the script. They decided to create a cast of representatives from the various stakeholder groups: parents, media specialists, teachers, principals,. , superintendents., and students. The Library oOf Michigan Committee read and reviewed the script and suggested changes. The project finally got off the ground this past fall, when Mike Maison of the St. Clair ISD agreed to produce the video in the fall of 2007. His professional expertise as a videographer .

is evident in the completed video, and we are grateful for his participation in the project.

We need also to acknowledge several contributors from the Oakland ISD. the assistanceJudy Hauser was responsible for the creation of the wiki that the committee used to communicate and share ideas. of Oakland ISD for the creation of the wheel and their Rocky Richardson part in videotapinged portions of the video, and for use of their videoconferencing technicians facilitated facility for teleconferences between the scriptwriters and Mike Maison and Kathy Lewandowski at St. Clair ISD. Julie Ferguson, graphic designer, created the graphic depicting the How, What, Why Wheel.

Many individuals gave generously of their time and talent to make this video a reality. Special thanks to Nancy Robertson and Sheryl Mase for their leadership in this process. The school library media specialists of Michigan, represented by MAME, are honored to have collaborated with Nancy Robertson on this important project.

To distribute the video or to invite committee members to present the video to your group please contact:

Roger Ashley, Director, MAME, The Michigan Association for Media in Education

or 517.394.2808

Judy Hauser, 2008 MAME President and Information Media Consultant, Oakland Schools

or 248.209.2371

Special thanks to Nancy Robertson, State Librarian and Sheryl Mase, Director of Statewide Services, The Library of Michigan

Judy Hauser of Oakland Schools was responsible for the creation of the wiki that the committee used to communicate and share ideas.