Youth Achievement Awards – Assessment Checklist

Name of Candidate: / Date of Birth:
Scottish Candidate Number: / Post Code:
Name of Award Group Worker: / Booklet No:
Name of Participating Unit: / Registration No: Sc
Name of Operating Agency:
Youth Scotland would value the opportunity to scan copies of portfolios and booklets presented for verification. These copies will be used for promotion and training purposes. Please tick if we have the candidate’s and your permission. /
Award Level (please tick as appropriate): / Bronze / Silver / Gold

SECTION A: To be completed by Award Group Worker/Agency Assessor

Check each Challenge against the statements below. Where the answer is YES, please tick the appropriate box. If the answer is NO, make a note of what still needs to be done in the Action Points box.
/ Challenge Number
Challenge Sheets
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / Action Points
The Challenge is clearly described / Plan, Prepare & deliver Presentation. See Appendix 1
The Challenge is appropriate for the Award level
A minimum of 2 personal targets have been set
The Challenge has been agreed, signed and dated by the Award Group
The start and finish dates and time taken are recorded (minimum 10 hours)
The Review has been completed
The Award Group Comments are completed and signed
Portfolio Evidence / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
There is evidence of undertaking the Challenge
There is evidence of working towards all personal targets set
The evidence illustrates the appropriate level of responsibility
There is evidence of at least 10 hours being spent on the Challenge
The Quality of the evidence is appropriate for the Award level
The evidence is well presented and organised
The Self Assessment has been completed
Signatures and Dates confirm successful completion

SECTION B: To be completed by the Agency Assessor

"I confirm that this portfolio has been Assessed by this Operating Agency. The portfolio meets required standards and I endorse the Award Group’s Recommendation."
Agency Assessor’s Name: / Signature: / Date:

Youth Achievement Awards

Assessment Checklist

Administrative Instructions

Operating Agency / Participating Unit Details:

The name and registration number of the Operating Agency and Participating Unit submitting Awards for Internal Verification should be printed at the top of the sheet.

Name / Date of Birth:

The full Names and Dates of Birth of Candidates must be entered. This information is required by Scottish Qualifications Authority and also for Youth Scotland’s records. The names are entered in block capitals, the dates of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Scottish Candidate Number:

All Candidates being entered for Scottish Qualification Authority qualifications must have a Scottish Candidate Number (SCN). The Youth Achievement Awards are a Scottish Qualification Authority customised award and therefore all Candidates require an SCN to register for the Award. All young people that are either in, or have recently been in, the Scottish schools system will have an SCN (or can have one issued through their school). If the Candidate does not know or cannot obtain their SCN they can access it directly from the Scottish Qualification Authority website:

If a Candidate is not in the Scottish schools system and has never been issued an SCN please contact Youth Scotland.

Booklet Number:

All Booklets have a unique reference number on the inside of the front cover at the top left corner.

Award Group Worker:

Please give the name of the Award Group Worker with who has supported the candidate in the majority of their Award. This worker must be current in their Awards Introductory Training.

Operating Agency Endorsement:

This Endorsement should only be signed and dated by the Agency Assessor AFTER Assessment has taken place. Only one Agency Assessor can take responsibility for the Assessment and sign the Endorsement.