NC Wesleyan Lesson Plan Template

TEACHER: Robert Wooldridge / GRADE: 9
CONTENT AREA: World History / TIME: 90 minutes
Analyze the role of investment in global exploration in terms of its implications for international trade (e.g., transatlantic trade, mercantilism, joint-stock companies, trading companies, government and monarchial funding, corporations, creation of capital markets, etc.).
K.TT.1 Use technology tools and skills to
reinforce classroom concepts and activities. / LESSON LENGTH: 1 day
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of how global exploration benefitted international trade by creating an iMovie based on buying and selling goods across seas.
RESEARCHED-BASED INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY(S) (List instructional strategy(s) that will be used to teach learning objective):
Cooperative learning / RATIONALE FOR RESEARCHED-BASED INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY(S) (What does research state about strategy(s)? Include reference citation):
Mercer, Mercer, and Pullen (2011); Students work on clearly defined tasks in small groups or as partners to create an iMovie presentation. The point of iMovie is to incorporate technology into the student's learning. iMovie will allow students to create a presentation around a theme in world history.
iMovie, laptops, paper, pencils, notecards / BLOOM’S LEVEL(S) OF THINKING:
Creating - Students will demonstrate their understanding of how global exploration affected international trade by creating an iMovie. The iMovie will involve multiple classmates of all different levels of academic performance
How did global exploration benefit international trade?
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (Assessment process that occurs during the lesson):
Formal – Exit Ticket, Pre-assessment
I will also conduct a pre-assessment consisting of five questions. These five questions are based from previous lecture and questions about today's lecture to see what students already understand. At the end of lecture, I will give students an exit ticket assignment asking what they learned from each other, my lecture, and from research/pictures/videos.
Informal – Asking Questions
I will ask questions periodically to the students during class lecture. The questions are listed below during “Teacher Input and Independent Practice”.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (Assessment process that occurs after the lesson):
iMovie presentations
CONTEXTUAL DESCRIPTION OF PLACEMENT CLASSROOM (Composition of students, classroom resources, grouping patterns, routines, etc.):
My classroom is located in a high-poverty, low-performing system. Many of the students in our system are performing below grade level in Reading, Math, and/or Science. The district is targeting comprehension skills as an area of focus for all teachers in the system. Of 20 students in this class, 8 did not meet proficiency on at least one End of Grade/Course exam last year. 2 of my students are on specific behavior plans and this class a whole struggles with engagement. My lesson plan uses technology that is interactive and highly engaging in order to motivate my students who are struggling.

INTRODUCTION/PRE-ASSESSMENT (Assessing prior knowledge and review): (Time:)

The pre-assessment will consist of five questions (The students choose three they would like to complete). The students must choose either number 4 or 5 as part of their three questions. The first three questions will be a review of last lecture. The last two questions will be about what they will learn today. I am accessing their prior knowledge to see what I need to teach or review transitioning between the previous lecture and today's lecture. Students should write the question down and their own answers to the questions. Students may not talk during this time. After five minutes are up, the students and I will go over the pre-assessment as a class.

1.  Who was Christopher Columbus and what was his role in exploration?

2.  Who was Galileo? What kind of route did he take on his exploration?

3.  How did the routes of these two men affect international trade?

4.  Why is international trade a necessity for all countries?

5.  How is international trade important? Name some goods the United States imports and exports.

TEACHER INPUT (Step-by-step process for teaching concepts/skills identified in objective): (Time:)

I will teach students to my PowerPoint and give them guided notes. The guided notes will be different for each level of students. The ELL/below grade level students/EC students will have some of their guided notes filled in for them, so they only need to write down some of the key concepts in the blank. The ones they do not have to write down will already be provided to them, so they can follow along easier and understand the lecture. The guided notes will be in the form of a vocabulary worksheet. I will give a vocabulary sheet of the different terms used in this lecture. The At/Above/AIG students will not have their vocabulary list filled in and will have to use this vocabulary sheet as their notes.

Vocab List (used as guided notes)

Import - "bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale".

Export - "send (goods or services) to another country for sale".


Mercantilism - "Mercantilism was a type of national economic policy designed to maximize the trade of a nation and especially to maximize the accumulation of gold and silver".

Trade - "the action of buying and selling goods and services".

Inflation - "a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time".

Deflation - "a decrease in the general price level of goods and services".

International Trade - International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. It is the exchange of goods and services among nations of the world.

The lesson will begin with going over what international trade is. International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. It is the exchange of goods and service among nations of the world. Without explorations (Christopher Columbus, Magellan, Galileo, Vespucci, etc...) how do you guys think international trade would be affected? Would we even have international trade? International trade is very important because without this we would not be trading with other countries. For instance, China sells us the majority of our clothing because they can afford to make it for a much cheaper price than most countries. Therefore, since they can make it cheaper, they can sell it cheaper.

This is where inflation and deflation come to play. Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. If I can buy something and more and more people want to continue buying it, then I will up my price. If less people are buying it, then I will decrease my price (deflation).

In the 1600s, international trade wasn't as big because exploration was just beginning. However, now that we know the world, we understand that trading with other countries is important to grow our economy.

Mercantilism opened the doors for trade. Mercantilism is an attempt to maximize the amount of trade you can get with another country. However, mercantilism requires compromises because not every country wants what you have for your price. Often, countries would have to lower their prices to compete with one another for resources. Also, contracts would be signed by countries stating that they could buy the majority of their goods for a fixed price. Great Britain did that to us in the late 1700s wanting us to only trade with them. However, we broke free from that contract because it limited our growth as a country.

Mercantilism from perspectives like China and Great Britain and great for business. However, the workers class suffers because the pay is small. Each country's economy benefits from mercantilism but the worker's pay checks get smaller because of competing prices.

Which would you guys think? Is mercantilism good? Why or why not?

Mercantilism video:

After this discussion is over, I will break students off into groups pre-determined by me. Students of all different academic grade levels will be grouped together.

GUIDED PRACTICE (Practice and application of concepts/skills under teacher supervision): (Time:)

These groups will load up their iMovie app and wait for instructions.

After the iMovie app is loaded on their device, I will tell them the roles the groups will have to choose for themselves. Each person will be accountable for their own piece of project. One student will be the talker (the one who tries to bribe another group into selling/buying). Sometimes, groups may need more than one resource for an item. Another person will be the resource keeper. This person will be in charge of keeping track of what resources and how many resources they have. (Each group will start out with 5 different resources). Another person will be the researcher. This person will need to do some research to find out current prices of items and the one who converts the money (not all countries have the same currency). The last person will be the topic person. This person will be in charge of keeping each group on topic to not stray away from conversation. They are the person who makes sure their group does not start talking about something random during this time. The topic person can also be the recorder for the iMovie.

Groups can also work together to purchase products.

All groups need to obtain at least 3 other resources they did not start out with!

Group 1's resources: corn (You want something from the construction business for this product), cotton (Get at least one item for this product), cucumbers (You want oil for this product), lettuce (You need nails and this product would be ideal for trading for it), and walnuts (You would accept toilet paper for this product)

Group 2's resources: paper (Get some copper for this product), tobacco (Try to get some peas for this product, but any vegetable woul be acceptable for it), shampoo (Get some steel for this item), mirrors (Keep this product as long as you can unless someone offers you at least two items for it), and combs (Get rid of this item by trading it for anything).

Group 3's resources: Hammer (Get some iron for this), saw (You need iron for this product as well, but also another item of your choosing), nails (Get rid of this item by trading it for something of your choosing), wood (You want a vegetable for this), and hardhats (You want some paper for this).

Group 4's resources: Iron (You accept a hammer and nails only for this), copper (saw only), plastic (Nails only), steel (Shampoo and mirrors, at least shampoo but both would be ideal), and oil (a two-item combination would be accepted by any group).

Group 5's resources: Rice (you accept paper for this product, however if you are offered more than one resource, take that offer instead), peas (You want cotton for this product, but you would also take any vegetable), noodles (You need at least one construction supply for this), paper towels (Any two item combination from any group), and toilet paper (Anything for this product, get rid of it).

After, I will tell the students what they will be doing with iMovie. Students, you all will be using iMovie to record your trades and compile them all together. You must use one example you learned from lecture and one example from an internet-based source (researchers this means you). This will be the way students will be recording transactions. In the iMovie, you need to have at least three different groups. If you are unsuccessful in buying/selling, still record the group you are talking to and their thoughts.

I will be walking around to each group seeing what everyone is doing and pose questions to the groups such as: What do you guys think the other groups want in return for your resource? I might give groups hints if they get stuck such as: You know that group over there wants your resource, why don’t you guys go talk to them and see what they might want in return?

After, recording their progress, I want each student to write down the difficulties it was for buying/selling. Also, I want the students to write down why buying and selling with other countries is important for an economy. I want the students to explain why it was difficult and how they think they could improve next time. (this doesn't have to be long, maybe just a couple sentences will be fine.)

I want students to also present there iMovies to the class in a short couple minute presentation per group. I want them to tell me what they have learned from this experience, the materials they bought/sold, and I want each individual student to tell the class how they contributed to the group.

Afterwards, I want students to return to their seats and await instruction.

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Describe opportunity for students to practice concepts/skills independently): (Time:)

Short Quiz!

Students will complete this quiz independently without the use of their notes, laptops, phone, or each other! I will give students about 15 minutes to complete this short quiz.

·  How can you best describe mercantilism?

·  Why is trade important to you? How does it affect America today?

·  What is the difference between inflation and deflation?

·  What were the resources you gained in your iMovie project?

·  What is international trade and why is it important?

·  How did global exploration affect international trade?

·  Who were a couple explorers mentioned in class today?

·  What is the difference between importing and exporting goods?

·  What are some causes of inflation? What do you think inflation does for the economy?

·  Imagine a world with prices never increasing or decreasing. What do you think would happen to the value of money?

Bonus: Write a couple of sentences in order to describe your experiences with iMovie. Did you enjoy this assignment? Was there anything difficult about it?