OCTOBER 18,2017
The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,
226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:41 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Lori Kokoski, President, Commissioner Ted
Kalo, Vice-President and Commissioner Matt Lundy, Member andTheresa L. Upton, Clerk.
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Kokoskiquoted 1st Peter 4 verse 10
Dog Warden Tim Pihlblad presented a 1 ½ yr old female pitbull mix found in Lorain, available October 20 or choose form 34 other dogs
The following business was transacted______
9:40 a.m. – OH EPA financial and technical assistance offered to communities and business
Joy Padgett, Office of Outreach and Customer Supportsaid they are here to help. This is the “warm fuzzy” side of EPA, the non
regulatory side compared to regulatory. She said Greg Butler is the director since 2014 and worked his way up from interim in south east Ohio and then was appointed when Kasich became Governor. There are several programs that are offered and if anyone would like to get a newsletter, webinars, send her an email. She learned in speaking with Don Romancak, Director, LCCDD that the county has participated in a lot of these program that are offered and last year had a panel come in from OCAP. Lorain County has acquired loans for drink water, wastewater loans, recycling and litter prevention grants and environmental excellence awardwinners
-DEFA - The Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance helps communities and businesses access compliance, technical and financial assistance for their environmental needs. There are only 4 in this department and this is the 68th county she has visited to talk too and has learned that each county is different.
-HSTS home sewage treatment a grant program for eligible residents when their septics fail. Commissioner Kalo said our county health district does this.
-Recycling& litter prevention grants support communities and business that initiate or expand recycling programs, encourage sustainable practices, stimulate economic growth and support litter prevention efforts. The market development and scrap tire is $250,000 to $350,000. Commissioner Kalo said our solid waste department participates in this
-OCAPP, Office of compliance assistance and pollution prevention, provides free and confidentialassistance to Ohio business to help them comply with Ohio’s environmentalrequirements focusing on the needs of small business
-Ohio Materials Marketplace, free online materials and waste exchange. Business and organizations connect and find rescue and recyclingsolution for waste and by product materials. This program is between the individuals. More info at ohio.materialsmarketplace.org. She said there was a person looking for 10,000 marbles and 20,000 bottle caps and found them here
-Asbestos check before you wreck. Commissioner Kokoski said the brochure states in 2013, an Ohio property owners was fined $15,000 for failing to complete an asbestos notification. A lot of our abandoned properties go through the landbank andheard at a NRAC meeting that if an individual tears down a house no abatement is requirement. Ms. Padgett said that is not her understanding but will review because roofs are to be included in this also
Commissioner Lundy thanked her for coming and referred to her as former Senator Padgett. He asked about the algae blooms and if they
are helping Agriculture on the runoff. Ms. Padgett said they work closely with the Agriculture Department as well as the Department of Natural Resources
Commissioners thanked her for presenting these programs.______(discussion was held on the above)
b.1RESOLUTION NO. 17-679
In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )
Lorain County Treasurer )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain
County Treasurer.
DATE / DESCRIPTION / AMOUNT / INTEREST EARNED / ON / cusip# / INV WITH / ACCT #1 / 10/10/2017 / INT PAYMENT / $5,156.25 / Federal national mortgage assn, po#16-0050 / 3135GOQ89 / US BANK / 001050976260
2 / 10/10/2017 / INT PAYMENT / $7,734.38 / Federal national mortgage assn, po#16-0055 / 3135GOQ89 / US BANK / 001050976260
3 / 10/12/2017 / INT EARNED / $158.56 / September 1-29, 2017 / STAR OH / 62106
4 / 10/12/2017 / INT EARNED / $37,667.59 / September 1-29, 2017 / STAR OH / 15132
5 / 10/13/2017 / INT PAYMENT / $4,200.00 / Federal farm credit bank, po#16-0014 / 3133EF2LO / US BANK / 001050976260
6 / 10/12/2017 / INT PAYMENT / $2,291.67 / Federal Farm credit bank, po#17-0028 / 3133EF2K2 / US BANK / 001050976260
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kokoski, Kalo & Lundy / Nays: None
Motion carried.______
In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.
$7,681.49to be appropriated to:reimburse form dept of public safety for grant ot worked in august/sheriff gf
$25,000.00to be appropriated to:county home to cover exp thru year end/comm gf
$730,000.00to be appropriated to:adv to bond retirement to meet debt serv for 2017 and to pheasant run sewer to retire
$730,000.00to1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9901outstanding notes due in November and repaid upon owda loan
reimb/comm gf
$2,000.00to be appropriated to:interpreting exp for court / dr
$1,800.00to be appropriated to:end of year salary exp/sheriff jail
$6,000.00to be appropriated to:consultant serv thru end 2017/solid waste
$2,525.00to be appropriated to:postage, gas mileage and adv and printing exp for courts voca prog/dr
$16,000.00to be appropriated to:payments regards to assisting w/prof serv/county home
$1,194,750.00to be appropriated to:payment for retirement of outstanding notes for pheasant run sewer/san eng
$371,185.00to be appropriated to:gf dept salary and pers acct to cover contract obligations 2017/various gf
$19,630 / 1000.0000.$31,260 / 1000.0000.
$7,124 / 1000.0000.
$58,014 / Total
$4,508 / 1000.0000.
$632 / 1000.0000.
$5,140 / Total
$22,496 / 1000.0000.
$3,150 / 1000.0000.
$25,646 / Total
$1,296 / 1000.0000.
$182 / 1000.0000.
$1,478 / Total
$11,228 / 1000.0000.
$1,572 / 1000.0000.
$12,800 / Total
$12,598 / 1000.0000.
$1,882 / 1000.0000.
$14,480 / Total
$21,200 / 1000.0000.
$2,970 / 1000.0000.
$24,170 / Total
$2,600 / 1000.0000.
$364 / 1000.0000.
$2,964 / Total
$7,110 / 1000.0000.
$996 / 1000.0000.
$8,106 / Total
$23,718 / 1000.0000.
$3,320 / 1000.0000.
$7,572 / 1000.0000.
$1,058 / 1000.0000.
$10,198 / 1000.0000.
$1,426 / 1000.0000.
$47,292 / Total
$9,530 / 1000.0000.
$2,314 / 1000.0000.
$11,844 / Total
$11,860 / 1000.0000.
$3,300 / 1000.0000.300.320.04.5000.5001
$304 / 1000.0000.300.320.04.5040.0000
$3,604 / Total
$6,998 / 1000.0000.510.000.02.5000.5000
$31,646 / 1000.0000.510.000.02.5000.5001
$5,458 / 1000.0000.510.000.02.5040.0000
$44,102 / Total
$39,880 / 1000.0000.540.000.01.5000.5001
$6,060 / 1000.0000.540.000.01.5040.0000
$45,940 / Total
$6,689 / 1000.0000.560.000.01.5000.5000
$16,156 / 1000.0000.560.000.01.5000.5001
$900 / 1000.0000.560.000.01.5040.0000
$23,745 / Total
$20,000 / 1000.0000.610.000.06.5000.5001
$10,000 / 1000.0000.610.000.06.5040.0000
$30,000 / Total
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kokoski, Kalo & Lundy / Nays: None
Motion carried.______
b.3RESOLUTION NO. 17-681
In the matter of authorizing various account & fund transfers)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account and fund transfers.
$13,870.00from1000-0000-100-100-01-6050-0000spacesaver power assistsystem/comm gf
$2,400.00from1000-0000-100-112-01-6380-6380emergency repairs to xray machine at justice center/comm gf
$710.00from2060-fy16-100-116-07-7220-7221pay inv to morning journal for adv bidders cdbg/comm dev
$2,000.00from3412-3415-100-116-07-6000-0000services comply w/glri contract/comm dev Willowcreek glri
$25.00from7300-0000-100-000-11-6200-0000exp thru end year/comm airport
Fund transfers;
$25,000.00from1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900county home to cover year end exp/comm gf
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kokoski, Kalo & Lundy / Nays: None
Motion carried.______
b.4RESOLUTION NO. 17-682
In the matter of authorizing various advances/repayments)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various advances/repayments.
$600,000.00from1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9901adv to pheasant run to retire outstanding notes due in November
To7100-7104-999-000-11-4900-4901repaid upon owda loan reimb adv to bond retirement to meet debt
$130,000.00from1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9901serv 2017/comm gf
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kokoski, Kalo & Lundy / Nays: None
Motion carried.______
b.5RESOULTION NO. 17-683
In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)
Services for various county departments)October 11, 2017
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.
LOG # / DEPARTMENT / FUND / DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE / VENDOR / AMOUNT1267 / 9-1-1 Agency / 3480 / E911 Annual Database Support Renewal / 911 Datamaster, Inc. / 22,114.00
1268 / Airport / 7300 / Repairs Parts for Osh Kosh Snow Plow / Jack Doheny Companies / 1,204.21
1269 / CBCF / 8300 / Amend PO 2017002783 for Maint. Supplies / Lowes Companies / 500.00
1270 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / Amend PO 2017000316 Water & Sewer Svc / Elyria Public Utilities / 1,500.00
1271 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / Amend PO 2017001165 Misc. Office Supplies / W.B. Mason Company / 2,500.00
1272 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / Amend PO 2017000363 Water & Sewer Svc / Elyria Public Utilities / 200.00
1273 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / Amend PO 2017000298 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 10,000.00
1274 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / Baldwin’s Ohio Handbook Series: Juv. Law / West Publishing Corp. / 3,519.00
1275 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Employee Uniform Shirts / Szakats, Cynthia / 2,000.00
1276 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Cell Phone Services / Cellco Partnership / 74.00
1277 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Gasoline for County Vehicles / Lorain County Engineers / 200.00
1278 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Utility – Gas Service / Columbia Gas / 450.00
1279 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Exterminating Services / Central Exterminating / 303.00
1280 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Medical Waste Removal / Stericycle / 652.00
1281 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Utility – Electric Service / MidAmerican Energy / 675.00
1282 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Utilities- Water/Sewer Service / Elyria Public Utilities / 800.00
1283 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Utility – Electric Service / Ohio Edison / 600.00
1284 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Nov-Dec Membership Dues- Magistrates / Ohio State Bar Association / 250.00
1285 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Nov-Dec Membership Dues- Magistrates / Ohio Assoc of Magistrates / 125.00
1286 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / SBPO Oct-Dec Postage Service / Lorain County Treasurer / 7,500.00
1287 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Utility – Gas Service / Columbia Gas / 1,650.00
1288 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Utility – Electric Service / MidAmerican Energy / 2,100.00
1289 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Utilities- Water/Sewer Service / Elyria Public Utilities / 1,100.00
1290 / Domestic Rel. / 1000 / BPO Oct-Dec Utility- Electric Service / Ohio Edison / 1,750.00
1291 / Domestic Rel. / 2100 / HP Business Desktop Computers / MNJ Technologies Direct / 2,025.00
1292 / Domestic Rel. / 2700 / SBPO Oct-Nov Success for Youth Program / Catholic Charities / 8,840.00
1293 / Drug Task Force / 3440 / Reimbursement for LETF For Tracking Device / L.C. Drug Task Force / 6,402.00
1294 / Engineer’s / 2580 / SBPO 2017 Crack Sealant Material and Equip / DJL Material & Supply, Inc. / 8,600.00
1295 / Engineer’s / 2580 / SBPO 4 yd Rubber Tire Loader Rental / Crossroads Asphalt Recy. / 10,080.59
1296 / Golden Acres / 3424 / Amend PO 2017000921 Professional Svc. / Quantam Healthcare, Inc. / 16,000.00
1297 / Job & Family / 2280 / Reimbursement for Professional Services / L.C. Commissioners / 3,412.50
1298 / Job & Family / 2280 / Amend PO 2017000517 Home Health Svc. / JV Barrameda & Mercedes / 3,000.00
1299 / Job & Family / 2280 / Reimbursement for Cabling Project / L.C. Commissioners / 60,645.00
1300 / Maintenance / 1000 / Emergency Repairs to X-Ray Machines / Hamco X-Ray, Inc. / 2,400.00
1301 / Office Services / 1000 / Amend PO 2017000427 Misc. Copy Paper / Veritiv Operating Company / 10,000.00
1302 / Sanitary Eng. / 7100 / Bore under Highway and Install New Connect. / Diggers of Ohio, LLC / 38,515.00
1303 / Sheriff’s / 3610 / NBI Overtime Hours Worked in September ‘17 / Lorain County Sheriff / 4,362.68
1304 / Sheriff’s / 1000 / Amend PO 2017000930 for Tires / Sylvester Truck & Tire Serv. / 1,000.00
1305 / Sheriff’s / 2200 / Amend PO 2017002598 Labwork on Inmates / Laboratory Corp. of America / 2,000.00
1306 / Sheriff’s / 2200 / Amend PO 2017000952 Misc. Cleaning Supp. / Parker Supply LLC / 2,000.00
1307 / Sheriff’s / 2200 / Amend PO 2017001332 Medical Services / OHIOMAS Office of Support / 10,000.00
1308 / Sheriff’s / 1000 / Misc. Hat and Breast Badges / Rakich & Rakich / 1,533.42
1309 / Solid Waste / 2260 / Amend PO 2017000469 Copy Machine / Office Products dba MT / 4,000.00
1310 / Solid Waste / 2260 / Amend PO 2017000472 Plan Implementation / GT Environmental, Inc. / 16,000.00
1311 / Solid Waste / 2240 / SBPO Recycling/Disposal of Tires / LTR Intermediate Holdings / 37,500.00
1312 / Solid Waste / 2260 / Fuel and Cell Phone Charge for En. Crimes / L.C. Sheriff / 1,118.78
1313 / Storm Water / 7100 / Amend PO 2017002934 Various Ditches / Nagel Masonry / 20,000.00
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kokoski, Kalo & Lundy / Nays: None
Motion carried.______
There were no travel expenses for this day.______
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
Amazon.Com LLC / Misc. Cables / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6000 0000 / $145.40
Amazon.Com LLC / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 / $52.92
Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless / Cell Phone Services / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 6202 / $271.68
Charter Communications Holdings dba Spectrum / Utility Services / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 / $172.65
Charter Communications Holdings dba Spectrum / Utility Services / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 6202 / $119.99
Charter Communications Holdings dba Spectrum / Utility Services / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 / $144.99
Chronicle Telegram / Advertising / 1000 0000 100 116 01 7220 0000 / $29.34
Cintas Corporation No 2 / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6000 0000 / $41.76
City of Oberlin / Third Qtr- 2017 / 1000 0000 530 000 02 5080 5080 / $4,193.02
City of Vermilion / Third Qtr- 2017 / 1000 0000 530 000 02 7070 0000 / $5,664.76
Cuyahoga County Coroner / Professional Services / 1000 0000 520 199 03 6200 6218 / $7,250.00
Elyria Public Utilities / Utility Services / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 / $3,076.65
Frontier North / Utility Services / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 / $84.18
Gregory Trucking Inc. / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $224.00
Harry Graham, Arbitrator, Inc. / Professional Services / 1000 0000 100 142 01 6200 6218 / $1,822.73
Janine M Myers & Associates, Inc. dba Myers / Court Reporting Services / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7000 7004 / $1,125.00
LDV, Inc. / Repair / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6380 0000 / $110.48
Lorain County Chamber of Commerce / Advertising / 1000 0000 100 116 01 7220 7221 / $300.00
Lorain County Chamber of Commerce / Safety Council Breakfast / 1000 0000 100 000 01 7200 7200 / $20.00
Lorain County Engineer / Fuel / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6000 6000 / $441.18
LTE, Inc. dba Lakeshore Tool / Repair/Maintenance / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 / $39.90
North Coast Cylinder And Service Inc. / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $30.66
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copier Lease / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6050 6050 / $222.82
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Contract Services / 1000 0000 100 100 01 6200 0000 / $178.88
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copier Lease / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6050 6050 / $385.72
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copy Overages / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 / $67.13
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copier Lease / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6050 6050 / $124.80
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copy Overages / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 / $42.17
Vasu Communications Inc. / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6000 0000 / $109.00
Vasu Communications Inc. / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6000 0000 / $317.00
Windstream Corporation / Telephone Services / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 6202 / $39.59
Windstream Corporation / Telephone Services / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 6202 / $64.78
TOTAL / $26,913.18
Community Development
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 2060 FY16 100 116 07 6000 6002 / $105.59
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 2660 2662 100 120 07 6000 6002 / $128.15
Wellington Implement / Repairs / 3412 3414 100 116 07 6380 0000 / $53.14
TOTAL / $286.88
Dog Kennel
Amazon.Com LLC / Shredder / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6050 0000 / $99.99
Amazon.Com LLC / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $7.49
Cintas Corp No 2 dba Cintas Corp No 011 / Uniform Rental / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6602 / $6.06
Cintas Corp No 2 dba Cintas Corp No 011 / Mat Rental / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6603 / $17.36
Kayline / Supplies / 2220 2220 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $406.87
Lorain Cnty Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 / $9.12
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $180.81
Parker Supply LLC / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $161.12
United Refrigeration Inc. / Building Maintenance / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6380 6381 / $80.15
WDLW / Advertising / 2220 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 / $113.00
WOBL / Advertising / 2220 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 / $113.00
Zoetis / Supplies / 2220 2220 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $344.00
TOTAL / $1,538.97
Solid Waste
Elyria Hardware / Supplies / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $25.20
Elyria Hardware / Supplies / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $13.79
Linden's Propane / Supplies / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $82.35
Lorain County Engineers / Fuel / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 / $18.80
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 / $73.36
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Copy Paper / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $161.24
Organization of Solid Waste Districts of Ohio / Membership Dues / 2260 0000 100 000 05 7070 7070 / $225.00
TOTAL / $599.74
Bascule Bridge
Aztec Steel / Supplies / 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 0000 / $550.00
Lorain County Engineers / Fuel / 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 6000 / $44.49
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 0000 / $4.60
Signal Service Company / Repair/Maintenance / 2640 0000 100 000 04 6380 0000 / $940.85
TOTAL / $1,539.94
Law Library
Accellis Technology Group / Professional Services / 3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 6218 / $321.00
Matthew Bender & Co., Inc. dba LexisNexis / Law Books / 3110 0000 650 000 02 6000 6011 / $164.43
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Contract Services / 3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 0000 / $25.00
Windstream / Telephone Services / 3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 6202 / $35.53
TOTAL / $545.96
Golden Acres
AA Fire Protection / Building Maintenance / 3424 0000 100 000 05 6380 6381 / $19.00
Amherst Utilities Dept. / Utility Services / 3424 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $174.67
Amherst Utilities Dept. / Utility Services / 3424 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $226.21
TOTAL / $419.88
Crime Lab
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Copy Paper / 3460 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 / $32.25
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 3460 0000 100 000 03 6000 6002 / $3.68
TOTAL / $35.93
9-1-1 Agency
Lorain County Engineer / Fuel / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 6000 / $49.25
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 6002 / $28.07
Vasu Communications / Repair & Maintenance / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6380 0000 / $220.00
TOTAL / $297.32
Sanitary Engineer's
Applied Industrial Technologies / Restock of Supplies / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6000 0000 / $185.16
Callihan Electric, Inc. / Repair/Maintenance / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6380 0000 / $120.00
HD Supply Facilities Maint dba USA Bluebook / Supplies / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6000 0000 / $400.42
HD Supply Facilities Maint dba USA Bluebook / Other Expenses / 7100 7100 300 304 11 7070 0000 / $107.12
Wolff Bros. Supply, Inc. / Supplies / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6000 0000 / $6.75
TOTAL / $819.45
Storm Water
Lorain Cnty Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 7100 7118 300 304 11 6000 6002 / $4.10
The Superprinter / Printing Services / 7100 7118 300 304 11 7220 0000 / $1,191.71
TOTAL / $1,195.81
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 7200 0000 100 000 11 6000 6002 / $6.80
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Records Center / Record Storage / 7200 0000 100 000 11 7000 7013 / $304.52
One Park Landing Condominium / Dues / 7200 0000 100 000 11 7070 7070 / $793.00
One Park Landing Condominium / Utility Services / 7200 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 / $196.38
One Park Landing Condominium / Building Maintenance / 7200 0000 100 000 11 6380 6381 / $237.90
TOTAL / $1,538.60
City of Lorain Utilities / Utility Services / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 / $213.20
Fisher Auto Parts, Inc. / Repair/Maintenance / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 0000 / $335.85
Lorain Cnty Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 6002 / $6.11
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 / $112.01
TOTAL / $667.17
Visitors' Bureau
Charter Communications Holdings LLC dba Spect. / Utility Services / 8016 0000 100 000 14 6200 6202 / $268.95
City of Lorain Utilities Department / Utility Services / 8016 0000 100 000 14 6200 6202 / $8.86
City of Lorain Utilities Department / Utility Services / 8016 0000 100 000 14 6200 6202 / $7.29
Mrosko, Joanna / Professional Services / 8016 0000 100 000 14 6200 6218 / $453.75
Neighborhood Lawn Care, Inc. dba NLC Inc. / Repair/Maintenance / 8016 0000 100 000 14 6380 0000 / $439.21
Young Investments Inc dba Young Security / Repair/Maintenance / 8016 0000 100 000 14 6380 0000 / $38.50
TOTAL / $1,216.56
Children and Family Council
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services / Postage / 8100 FY18 100 000 14 6000 0000 / $2.05
TOTAL / $2.05
Job & Family Services:
HS H17-1209Administrative payrollTOTAL$366,029.31
Auditor/bookkeeping & real estate unclaimed funds
First Federal savings & loan of lorainSH 20168310-8326-100-000-14-7070-0000$1,476.03
First Federal savings & loan of lorainSH 20168310-8326-100-000-14-7070-0000$1,403.33
Domestic Relations
Lorain County Engineergasoline1000-000-400-402-02-6000-6000$1,157.71
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kokoski, Kalo & Lundy / Nays: None
Motion carried.______
County Administrator Cordes requested an executive session to discuss new hires at Collection Center, 911 and 3 pending litigation issues and potential real estate ______
b.9RESOLUTION NO. 17-685
In the matter of approving & waiving the reading of the )
minutes of October 4, 2017 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & waive the reading of the minutes.
For October 4, 2017
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kokoski, Kalo & Lundy / Nays: None
Motion carried.______
b.10RESOLUTION NO. 17-686
In the matter of requesting the Budget Commission to )
approve movement of inside mileage from general fund)October 18, 2017
to bond retirement )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby Request Budget Commission to approve movement of inside mileage from general fund to bond retirement.
Current mileage is 1.40 to general fund and .20 to bond fund. New rates will be 1.30 to general fund and .30 to bond fund
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kokoski, Kalo & Lundy / Nays: None
Motion carried.______
b.11RESOLUTION NO. 17-687
In the matter of authorizing the Lorain County Board of )
Commissioners to vacate parts of State Street, Wabash )October 18, 2017
Street, Railroad Street and parts of alleys between )
Wabash and State Streets and the Alley along the north )
line of Superior Subdivision, Elyria Township pursuant )
to R.C. 5553.04 )
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio at the request of the Lorain County Stormwater District have found it to be in the best interest of the public to consolidate certain parcels of land and create a stormwater retention/detention facility; and
WHEREAS, in order to create the stormwater facility, it is necessary to vacate streets and alleys in the area; and
WHEREAS, The Board has determined that creation of the facility will alleviate excessive stormwater issues and be for the benefit of the entire surrounding areas.
NOW, THEREFORE BE I TRESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio pursuant to Section 5553.074 of the
Revised Code, does hereby determine and declare that it is of the opinion that it will be for the public convenience and welfare to vacate certain streets and alleys and right of way as set forth in the legal description as follows: