Human Development and Social Protection Pilot (HDPP)

Format forExpression of Interest (EoI)

Component applied for ______

Item Code in Call for EoIs.______

Please enter the information requested in the spaces provided. Eligible applicants include I/NGOs, registered consulting firms, universities, and research institutions having relevant experience for the proposed services. Applying entities may form a JV to enhance their experience and qualification.

Required Information on Eligibility

S.N. / Required information on / Status (yes/no) / Where/ When/What
1 / Renewed Registration/ Affiliation of the organization
2 / Tax Clearance till FY 2066/67 and 2067/68 Tax Clearance or Tax Paid Slip of FY 2067/68
3 / Must be registered in Value Added Tax (VAT) Office Registration.
4 / Declaration that the firm is not black-listed and convicted related with the business
5 / Declaration that the firm has not any conflict of interest
6 / Joint Venture Agreement in case of applying in joint venture


1a. Name and Associations

Name(s) of Applying entities / Parent Company (if applicable) / Vat and PAN Numbers
Lead Firm
J/V Partner, if any

1b.CONTACT PERSON (for this application)



Lead Firm
J/V Partner, if any


How many years has your Company been in business orbeen providing this type of service?

Year of Registration / Country of Registration
Lead Firm*
J/V Partner, if any

Please supply copies of Incorporation Documents with registration and renewal



a) Annual turnover with audited balance sheet/ financial statement for past 3 years

Firm / Fiscal year / Annual Turn Over (in NRs.)
2065/66 / 2066/67 / 2067/68
Lead Firm
J/V Partner, if any


General Experience of the consulting services

S.No. / Name of the project/Consulting services / Name of the client / Contract Amount / Year of Completion

4.Specific Experience related with the proposed consulting services: ( Please provided the information as per attached Project Sheet- Appendix-1)


a) Provide Office Organization chart of the firm and list out the name of resource personnel and supporting staff with their present employment status (In-house staff of the firm or external resource person) as indicated below.

Name of staff / Areas of expertise / Qualification / General Experience / Experience in relevant field / Task / In house / resource professional

* if this application is being submitted by a joint venture or consortium, the data in the table above must be the sum of the staff from all members of the consortia..

Appendix 1

Project Sheets

Indicate up to 10 reference projects from the past 5 years that the firm/association/joint venture feels are relevant.

Project 1 of __

  • Project Name

  • Name of Client

  • Country
/ Project location within Country
  • Participation
/ 
 / As lead firm
As associate firm
  • Value of Services
/ (US$)
  • Source of Financing

  • Consultancy Services

(i) No. of key professional staff
(ii) No. of person months
  • Length of Consultancy Assignment

  • Start Date
/ (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • Completion Date
/ (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • Name of Associate Firms (if any)

  • No. of Person-Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s)

  • Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed

  • Detailed Narrative Description of the Project

  • Detailed Description of the Actual Services Provided by your Firm


a) All above mentioned competencies will be evaluated on the basis of weight age to lead firm and associates if the EOI is submitted in joint venture (JV) or association.

b) Attachments of the reliable supporting documents like certificates, experiences of the firms and testimonials are most important for every competence and shall be the basis for the evaluation.

Government of Nepal

Ministry of Local Development

District Development Committee


Expression of Interest

For the Consulting Services for the Household Registration and Data Entry

For Human Development and Social Protection Pilot Project

( ID Grant No. P125331)

First Date of Publication: 23 February 2012

Contract No.: HDSPP/MOLD/S/CQS-1

Deadline for Submission of EOI: Within 15 Days of First Date of Publication

1.Ministry of Local Development (MOLD) has received a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of Social Protection Pilot Project (HDSP) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this to payments under the Contract forConsulting Services for the household registration and data entryto DDC, DadeldhuradistrictHDSPP/MOLD/S/CQS-1. HDSP has been implementing its programs in 2 districts ( Dadeldhura, and Kanchanpur)

2.The objective of this assignment is to: -

  1. Interview every household to capture the information based on the Registration form;
  2. Collect information belonging to every household in Dadeldhura. All VDCs under the district.
  3. Deploy necessary resources such as manpower with required skill sets (Project Managers, Registration Team, Data Entry Operators and Supervisors), and other logistics needs such as computers, camera;
  4. Conduct re-interview in case of missing/incomplete/incorrect data;
  5. Prepare training plan for all field staffs and data entry staffs;
  6. Perform Data Entry of the information collected;
  7. Handover final electronic data (including images) to MOLD for its upload into the MIS System

3.The Consultant must submit their proposal with clearly reflecting the following details in order to qualify for the Request for Proposal (RFP). Failure to meet and submit the satisfactory documentary evidence will automatically lead to rejection of the EOI proposal. The DDC shall issue the Request for Proposal (RFP) document ONLY to an eligible firm that scores the highest marks based on the following evaluation criteria.

S.No. / EOI Evaluation Criteria / Reference or supporting documents to be submitted
General Experience of the Consulting firm (No. of years of Existence) / Company Profile/Company Registration Certificate/Any other relevant supporting document
Numbers of Household data collection successfully executed in the area of survey/ baseline studies or relevant to this project nature (No. of households) / Client Reference/Project Implementation Certificate/Project Description/Client’s recommendation letter/ Any other relevant supporting document
Experience of consulting for survey/data collection or relevant experience to this project nature in Far and Mid Western Development the regions / Client Reference/Contract agreements/Operational Acceptance Letter/recommendation letter issued by the Purchaser or any other relevant documents
Specific working Experience of consulting for survey/data collection or relevant experience to this project nature in Far and Mid Western Development the regions / Client Reference/Contract agreements/Operational Acceptance Letter/recommendation letter issued by the Purchaser or any other relevant documents
Annual Financial Turnover over the past 2 years (NPR) / Audited Balance Sheet or any other supporting document
Technical Capability (No of permanent Technical Staffs Working in the organization) / Company profile stating the organizational structure and staffing
Company attested VAT/TAX registration certificate / Attested VAT/TAX registration certificate as applicable with Tax clearance of FY 2066/67 and Tax Clearance of FY 2067/68 or Tax Paid Slip of FY 2067/68

4.For the consultants who want to come in J/V should submit the JV agreement and all relevant documents as mentioned above to be eligible for the consulting work.

5.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition) based on Selection of Consultants based on Qualifications (CQS). An eligible consulting firm that scores the highest score shall be issued the RFP document and requested to submit the detailed Technical and Financial Proposals. The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOIs received without assigning any reason thereof.

6.Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours. The detail TOR and Amplified EOI can be downloaded from MLD website or Also from the related DDC.

7.Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 8 March 2012. If in case application deadline falls on a government holiday, the deadline shall be extended automatically to the next working day.

8.The purchaser shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Consultant for the preparation or delivery of the EOI

Local Development Officer
District Development Committee, Dadeldhura
Telephone: (096)420144/230/251/588
Fax: (096)520448

Government of Nepal

Ministry of Local Development

District Development Committee


Expression of Interest

For the Consulting Services for the Household Registration and Data Entry

For Human Development and Social Protection Pilot Project

( ID Grant No. P125331)

First Date of Publication: 23 February 2012

Contract No.: HDSPP/MOLD/S/CQS-2

Deadline for Submission of EOI: Within 15 Days of First Date of Publication

9.Ministry of Local Development (MOLD) has received a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of Social Protection Pilot Project (HDSP) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this to payments under the Contract forConsulting Services for the household registration and data entryto DDC, KanchanpurdistrictHDSPP/MOLD/S/CQS-2. HDSP has been implementing its programs in 2 districts ( Kanchanpur, and Dadeldhura)

10.The objective of this assignment is to: -

  1. Interview every household to capture the information based on the Registration form;
  2. Collect information belonging to every household in Kanchanpur. All VDCs under the district.
  3. Deploy necessary resources such as manpower with required skill sets (Project Managers, Registration Team, Data Entry Operators and Supervisors), and other logistics needs such as computers, camera;
  4. Conduct re-interview in case of missing/incomplete/incorrect data;
  5. Prepare training plan for all field staffs and data entry staffs;
  6. Perform Data Entry of the information collected;
  7. Handover final electronic data (including images) to MOLD for its upload into the MIS System

11.The Consultant must submit their proposal with clearly reflecting the following details in order to qualify for the Request for Proposal (RFP). Failure to meet and submit the satisfactory documentary evidence will automatically lead to rejection of the EOI proposal. The DDC shall issue the Request for Proposal (RFP) document ONLY to an eligible firm that scores the highest marks based on the following evaluation criteria.

S.No. / EOI Evaluation Criteria / Reference or supporting documents to be submitted
General Experience of the Consulting firm (No. of years of Existence) / Company Profile/Company Registration Certificate/Any other relevant supporting document
Numbers of Household data collection successfully executed in the area of survey/ baseline studies or relevant to this project nature (No. of households) / Client Reference/Project Implementation Certificate/Project Description/Client’s recommendation letter/ Any other relevant supporting document
Experience of consulting for survey/data collection or relevant experience to this project nature in Far and Mid Western Development the regions / Client Reference/Contract agreements/Operational Acceptance Letter/recommendation letter issued by the Purchaser or any other relevant documents
Specific working Experience of consulting for survey/data collection or relevant experience to this project nature in Far and Mid Western Development the regions / Client Reference/Contract agreements/Operational Acceptance Letter/recommendation letter issued by the Purchaser or any other relevant documents
Annual Financial Turnover over the past 2 years (NPR) / Audited Balance Sheet or any other supporting document
Technical Capability (No of permanent Technical Staffs Working in the organization) / Company profile stating the organizational structure and staffing
Company attested VAT/TAX registration certificate / Attested VAT/TAX registration certificate as applicable with Tax clearance of FY 2066/67 and Tax Clearance of FY 2067/68 or Tax Paid Slip of FY 2067/68

12.For the consultants who want to come in J/V should submit the JV agreement and all relevant documents as mentioned above to be eligible for the consulting work.

13.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition) based on Selection of Consultants based on Qualifications (CQS). An eligible consulting firm that scores the highest score shall be issued the RFP document and requested to submit the detailed Technical and Financial Proposals. The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOIs received without assigning any reason thereof.

14.Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours. The detail TOR and Amplified EOI can be downloaded from MLD website or Also from the related DDC.

15.Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 8 March 2012 . If in case application deadline falls on a government holiday, the deadline shall be extended automatically to the next working day.

16.The purchaser shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Consultant for the preparation or delivery of the EOI

Local Development Officer
District Development Committee, Kanchanpur
Telephone: 099-523778
Fax: 099-521148

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