Wk 11 Oct. 26-30
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayREADING BLOCK / SPELLING /s/ and /z/
1. Spelling Pre-test
2. Introduce words
3. Write in agenda
HW- Weekly Choice Board
1. Discuss Possessives Nouns.
2. GWB p.25
1. Theme Anchor Chart in journal
2. Theme Passage- Aesop’s Fables
3. Vocab Introduction: edible, evade, petrify, sluggish, sparse,
SG: Compass Reading, Vocab- definitions, AR
Writing: Paragraph of the Week- Brainstorming
Intervention (9:25-9:55): Affixes
HW: Read 20 minutes
Standards: RL.5.1, RL.5.2, L.5.1 / SPELLING /s/ and /z/
HW- Weekly Choice Board
1. Discuss Possessives Nouns.
2. Theme Passage- Aesop’s Fables
3. Vocabulary- synonyms
SG: GWB p.26, Compass Reading, Comp. File
Writing: Paragraph of the Week- Rough Draft
Intervention (9:25-9:55): Antonyms
HW: Read 20 minutes, Comp. File
Standards: RL.5.1, RL.5.2, L.5.1 / SPELLING /s/ and /z/
HW- Weekly Choice Board
1. Discuss Possessives Nouns.
2. Sentence Corrections
1. Theme Passage- Aesop’s Fables
2. Vocabulary- antonyms
SG: Writing, Vocab Sentences, Comp. File
Writing: Paragraph of the Week- Rough Draft
Intervention (9:25-9:55): Synonyms
HW: Read 20 minutes
Standards: RL.5.1, RL.5.2, L.5.1 / SPELLING /s/ and /z/
HW- Weekly Choice Board
1. Review Possessives Nouns
1. Comp. Check
2. Theme Passage- Aesop’s Fables
3. Vocab Juicy/Velcro
SG: GWB p.27, Writing, AR
Writing: Paragraph of the Week- Editing
Intervention (9:25-9:55): Affixes
HW: Read 20 minutes
Standards: RL.5.1, RL.5.2, L.5.1 / SPELLING /s/ and /z/
1. Spelling Test
1. Possessives Nouns Assessment
GWB p.28
1. Skill Assessment: Theme
SG: Vocab color words, Writing, Hot Dots
Writing: Paragraph of the Week- Final Draft
Intervention (9:25-9:55): Domino Duo
Standards: RL.5.1, RL.5.2, L.5.1
SCIENCE / Obj: Ecosystems
1. Ecosystems Research
2. Project Planner
Standard: 5.9 / Obj: Ecosystems
1. Ecosystems Research
2. Project Planner
Standard: 5.9 / Obj: Ecosystems
1. Ecosystems Research
2. Project Planner
Standard: 5.9 / Obj: Ecosystems
1. Ecosystems Research
2. Project Planner
Standard: 5.9 / Obj: Ecosystems
1. Ecosystems Research
2. Project Planner
Standard: 5.9
SOCIAL STUDIES / Obj: Early Explorers
1. Week 7 Partner Read
Standard: 5.4, 5.5
LUNCH- 11:45-12:15 / Obj: Early Explorers
2. Week 7 Crossword
Standard: 5.4, 5.5
LUNCH- 11:45-12:15 / Obj: Early Explorers
1. Week 7
2. Review for Test
Standard: 5.4, 5.5
LUNCH- 11:45-12:15 / Obj: Early Explorers
1. Week 7 Test
Standard: 5.4, 5.5
LUNCH- 11:45-12:15 / Obj: Early Explorers
1. Week 8 Intro
Standard: 5.4, 5.5
LUNCH- 11:45-12:15
MATH / Obj: Describing Strategies Used to Solve Division Problems
1. Word Problem of the Day
2. DOM Day 1
3. Division Story Problems using 1-digit divisors
4. Review for Test
Standards: NBT5, NBT6 / Obj: Describing Strategies Used to Solve Division Problems
1. Word Problem of the Day
2. DOM Day 2
3. 1-digit Divisors Test
Standards: NBT5, NBT6 / Obj: Describing Strategies Used to Solve Division Problems
1. Word Problem of the Day
2. DOM Day 3
3. 2-digit divisors in journal
HW: 2-digit divisors ws
Standards: NBT5, NBT6 / Obj: Describing Strategies Used to Solve Division Problems
1. Word Problem of the Day
2. DOM Day 4
3. 2-digit divisors practice
Standards: NBT5, NBT6 / Obj: Practicing Division Strategies
1. Word Problem of the Day
2. DOM Assessment
3. 2-digit divisors practice
Standards: NBT5, NBT6