Minutes October 2012


Nick Clarke, Matt Eaton also present PSCO John Coppard

2/Minutes from September meeting

Signed as a true copy.

3/Matters arising from last minutes

A/Cambs C C Highways Matters

1/ Herrings Close - clerk asked for this to be dressed – CCC said not vital, sound road just cosmetic no budget but Keith will keep an eye on it for us. Clerk raised point with Nick Clarke.

2/ Signpost at top of Albert Road/ Newmarket Road knocked down. Keith Faunch aware and this will be put back, no time scale given.

3/ Mill Road drive crumbly, reported to County council Highways. Initial bit of road before zebra crossing needs attention. Patch has been mended by underpass. This is has been completed and item can be removed from agenda.

4/ Footpath by Mr & Mrs Carr very bad. Clerk has made Keith aware and he will take a look. Clerk asked Keith on a long list.

5/ Albert Road road sinking, they have repaired it so often but often floods so underneath is eroding. Keith Faunch has been advised and will be looked at

6/ Minor improvements, have heard back from Highways to say that we have been successful in our bid for joint funding, funds we need are £600. Speed reduction stripes and hatch box junction by Station Road pinchpoint. Have reread the terms an they said after a report we would only be getting these hatchings and not the 30mph we wanted. Can we get hold of report, Brian Stinton to come to meeting. Robert would meet him if he is unable to make an evening meeting.

David Lines has contacted clerk to discuss but has yet to speak to her.

7/ Station Road, pot holes in verge opposite Davids now very large and by Junction in line with path.. Clerk to advise Keith.

8/ Wheatsheaf to offices path in a terrible state, clerk advised Keith on the long list

10/ Lamposts, these are being replaced some have been put on, these seem to be very localised white light so large areas of dark.

Station road lampost not been moved as yet and neither has neither has the one by the village sign. Clerk to phone Brooke Ritchie to ensure these are moved. Peta going to get back to clerk re timescales, Brooke Ritchie now on maternity leave. They haven't finished in Quy.

Clerk to get a list from Bill of problem ones, contact by phone. Herrings close very dark, only 2 lights either end of the green. Better light so not as many required but we are not happy with Herrings close.

11/ Hedges

path by wheatsheaf, fushia obstructing path, footprints and 19 Orchard Street hedges need trimming back..

B/ Grasscutting through the village

Bill has thanked Truelink for the work they have done, clerk to advise them that next year cemetery and churchyard need not be included but thank them for this year and it is no way a reflection of their work. Slip by Village hall to be included in spraying contract.

C/ Police Liason

3 shed break-ins in Orchard Street and several others in the village

1st July 11 crimes reported within the village 2 theft from motor 3 criminal damage to car 1 common assault 5 shed burglaries.

25 incidents rang in from 1st July to date. Several RTA, 3 drunk in charge failed to stop, arrested and charged. Cow in road Newmarket Road. Dog on dog attack passed to rspca.

Several intruder alarms set off. Children playing on phone silent 999.

compared to other villagers we are up a little but still below surrounding villages. Country fair time there was a spike in crimes as is this time of year.

-Priority parking and speeding. 2 letters of advice been given and 1 ticket.

-Need more people to attend panel meetings, post offices, pubs farmers etc anyone can go more details to be put up.

-More hare coursing than raves. But no reports from the Fen.

-Honey Hill bridge Marshalls are now patrolling as we are unable to block it off.

-No beat officers for village only 2 to cover 3 areas.

-Robert is going out with John on the 21st November for a night tour.


Noted that there is no Public footpath sign from the end of the Avenue across the middle of the park. Most people go up to the river and then across and it now states that this path is for villagers only. The Public footpath is directly across the middle of the field along the fence towards Bush Farm. Bill will try and get money from PP3. Clerk to speak with Footprints for sign across the park from end of Avenue.

E/ Speeding in Village.

Post has been knocked over again by Station Road. Clerk to advise Highways as health and safety. There was an accident by Station Road possibly Friday 24th August.

£6000.00 for striped hatchings by Station Road/Colliers lane our contribution would be £600. This is not what we asked for, we need to confirm as to whether we want this scheme if not they allocate the monies to someone else. See item A.

F/ Churchyard/Village hall car park.

Richard has cleared ivy and tree for £60, clerk to arrange for the spraying to be done by Truelink.


G/ Cemetery

nothing to report

H/ Parking around the village

Gregg spoke to Gaskins re ideas for grasscrete, but not got back to us. Clerk to ask Keith Faunch to come out and meet with us, have a look and give us a recommendation. Note put in Jackdaw re parking and turning etc.

clerk to contact Malcolm at CKLG, clerk to speak to Anne Moore. Gregg will write letter.

I/ Diamond Jubilee

= £543.68. they would like to plant a large tree somewhere, proposed by the village sign, all agreed.

K/ Allotments

This to be discussed at estate meeting, on agenda but they are very busy.

L/ Jackdaw Chatter

crime update

panel meeting for anyone.

Considerate parking.

Jackdaw should be going to offices clerk to speak with Jane Keighley

M/Internet/ Website

Need to contact all groups that have info on website so we can get their contact details so they in turn can change the website. Matt dealing with this. Write to Jackdaw@stowcumquy where does this go? Helen will check.

N/Cycle Path

E-mail Nick Clarke every quarter asking for a cycle path along Albert Road. Gregg had email from Fran Platten to go to a meeting inlcuding Lode, Bottisham, Quy and Swaffham bulbeck. Gregg replied saying that due to issues re land and funding it would be best if we push Albert Road forward. Bill is keen to go to the meeting but we are in favour of cycle link to school.

O/ Accounts

New bank mandate now in force, need to review exitsting internal procedures

The Parish council in October/November discuss next years requirements and then the budget committee, consisting of 3 parish councilors, the clerk costs these. They look at all the spending and income throughout the year and consider the precept. They will then present the budget for the forth coming year along with the precept request to support any spending, to the parish council as a whole for acceptance.

-Any spending or income is recorded each month in the minutes along with the balances of accounts, these being available for public viewing.

-The clerk has no signing authority on the account and every cheque has to be signed by 2 parish councilors . Any cheques payable to clerk are not signed by relative who is a councillor. No cash transactions are accepted.

-Any large contractual spending is reviewed and quotes are obtained to ensure the best value for money.

-The Parish council feel that these measures are sufficient to prevent any fraud or misuse of public funds.

-Finance sub committee was proposed and elected at the last annual parish council meeting May 2012.

All agreed that these are acceptable and are happy they are followed through correctly.

All agreed. Proposed by Bill Watts seconded by Gregg Foster.

P/ Carpark Quy Court

Clerk to E-Mail Malcolm at CKLG to make sure they are aware that it is used more often than was original agreement. Happy for them to use the carpark rather than parking on the street but would like them to pay for some of it. Copy in Gregg.

Q Pavilion Toilets

Graham has looked at these and also the hot water to the kitchen sink and has bits on order. He is still looking at the hot water tap, would have cost £250 but he has another solution to run a pipe from one side to the other but it would mean that the hatch is not able to but used, presently it has a dishwasher underneath hatch so not being used anyway. May in future be able to source a different system as they do sometimes get taken out in his line of work but this can then be changed back from the pipe, Agreed to run pipe along under hatch.

R/Tractor Shed Roof

Richard and Geoff have done this. This item to be removed from agenda

S/ Bench by Pond

Geoff pricing up for wooden slats.

T/ Copse in Park

Bill met up with Gaskins and Chris Butler. Chris would remove a few elder trees and dead trees and then Gaskins would level the site put up fence. Chris approx £100, Gaskins will give quote approx £250 we think. Posts appear to be in good order.


4/Agenda Items

1/ Electrics for Christmas

Clerk has phoned Maria Carr, what would the parish council be willing to pay. Talked about the benefits of putting in an outside light or a battery, for and against. Proposed that we buy a battery as Horningsea do and run the low vault lights off that. David will speak with Clerk to find out if we can use a battery.


All relevant info addressed.

7/ Cheques Out - £240.00 Truelink 50 churchyard, 90 cemetery, 60 vh spray

£1900.00 Cladform VH Windows

£165.00 B Flack cemetery hedge

£140.00 D Goodchild repair notice board and street sign

Cheques in - £115.00 Stebbings A Chapman burial

£583.33 Village hall donation re VH windows

£25.81 Power netword wayleave

£4800.00 Precept SCDC

8/ Balance of Accounts C/A £7188.56 D/A £ 16119.50 plus £23445.71 Mr Hibbitt not to be included with general funds.

Budget committee meeting – Gregg, Matt and Gill in November

9/Planning Applications


Insurance for the tractor shed contents, we are covered for some of the mowers but are there any others?

Missing sock, painted trees etc looks a bit colourful. Caravans and hook up available and now doing B & B and campsite.

Have had a complaint about trees at the rec, taking light out of the houses. Agreed that we should cut these back a bit as we don't think they have been done for about 5 years. Geoff will look at these and speak with the villager. Will wait for the leaves to drop before cutting anything back.

The Church PCC hoping to have a cheese and wine party to welcome the new vicar and would like the parish council to help pay. All agreed on £50 donation.

If the Church are unable to pay for their precept what happens to our Church? Nobody was able to answer this.

Xmas meal – Menu on internet.

Roberts Bit.

11/Date of Next Meeting

November 14th

December 11th TUESDAY 6.45 start.