FOR MRS. KIDWELL’S CC 3 Geometry/Algebra 2 CLASSES
GRADING POLICY: The following will make up the student’s grade.
Homework, notes, quizzes, study team test, and other projects30%
Individual Test 70%
The points will be accumulated for the above and the following scale will be applied.
90% - 100%A
80% - 89%B
70% - 79%C
60% - 69%D
0% - 59%F
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will cover the traditional topics of Geometry and Algebra 2, including equations, inequalities, functions, powers, roots, radicals, trig, logarithms, and conic sections. For more details please look at the content pages of the Integrated Mathematics 3 text.
EXTRA CREDIT: Extra Credit is directly related to course content, whether it is a problem or a project. The value of extra credit cannot exceed 5% of the students’ grade.
HOMEWORK: Most of the homework will be done on the computer. Students will receive a username and password. The homework will be open on the computer for a window of time. Technology can be helpful, as well as frustrating. Don’t wait until the last day of the window of time, so Mrs. Kidwell can assist with problems. The website is
TESTS: There will be an individual test after each chapter. On most chapters there will be a study team test prior to the individual test. Tests will always be announced in advance. All tests must be in pencil.
LECTURE NOTES: Each student is expected to take lecture notes each day they are given. This includes examples and vocabulary. These will be taken in the workbook. Please bring them everyday.
MAKE-UP POLICY: Work may only be made up when the student’s absence is verified. Homework will be on the website. Individual tests must be made up within one week, and must be done before or after school or arranged with the teacher.
MATERIALS: Students are required to bring all needed materials to class every day. All students will need the following: math workbook, pencil, paper (both lined and graph), and a TI 83 Plus or TI 84 graphing calculator. This calculator will work for the math and sciences for the rest of high school and possibly college.
KIDWELL’S POLICY ON CHEATING: If a student is caught cheating on a test, the student will receive a zero for his/her test, will be required to obtain a parent’s signature on that test, and will be referred to the office on a discipline referral. The student will also receive a U in citizenship for the semester. If students are caught cheating on homework or quizzes, students will receive a zero, a referral to the discipline office and students may receive an N for citizenship. U’s and N’s disqualify students for National Honor’s Society.
DISCIPLINE: Your actions must not disrupt the educational process. The most common disruptions are talking at inappropriate times and being disrespectful, which includes put-downs of other people in class and profanity. Do not do this and keep in mind the idea of treating others how you would like to be treated.
Consequences: verbal warning, changed seat, private conference, parent contact, detention, U’s or N’s in citizenship and referral to counselor/assistant principal. (Consequences may be assigned in any order)
I will do my best to respond within 24 hours:
MRS. KIDWELL’S EMAIL ADDRESS: or you email me from a link on my page on
Important websites: Homework assignments and assignment sheets:
Some tips to help you study for understanding:
- KEEP UP. Come to class everyday and do your homework every night.
- BE ORGANIZED. Keep your notes handouts and homework in a binder in an order that will allow you to reference them if you need to do so.
- DO LOTS AND LOTS OF PROBLEMS. When you are studying for a test, invent some of your own problems and practice given problems. Be sure you can solve them.
- PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR MISTAKES. Mistakes are learning tools. If you get the wrong answer, do not just copy someone else’s answer, go back and find out WHY you made the mistake. Finding out what you do not know is the fastest way to get to real understanding.
- COME TO CLASS PREPARED TO WORK EVERY DAY. Make the most of your class time by bringing your textbook, notebook and other materials every day.
- ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS. I am here to help you. I do not always know what you do and do not understand. You need to communicate questions to me or someone else who can help you understand the work. DON’T LET UNITS GO BY THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.
REMIND is used to assist you and is a way to text your teacher. The directions are on the CC3 page (see right side of the homepage to link to the CC3 page). Parents and students are welcome to join.
Please have your parents fill out the survey at under “ABOUT US” and STAFF DIRECTORY, Kidwell, which is the homepage.