YOUTH SPORTS: Per Grand DirecteurTed Tabarango

Income is derived from the sale of National Youth Sports Pins. Pins are issued on consignment and Locales applying for grants from either Nationale or Grande are expected to sell their share of pins. Failure to participate will result in denial of your claim.

Voiture Nationale grant requests for reimbursement from Locales are limited to $200.00 per Locale and not to exceed $1,000 per Grande Voiture in a calendar year.

Requests for Grants must be on the APPLICATION for GRANTS Form available on the National Web Site Programs, Youth Sports. A copy of the PAID receipt from an organized team plus a COPY of the Voiture Locale cancelled check must be attached to the Application Form. Per the instructions, the form is to be sent to the Grand Directeur, who will sign off and forward to the National Directeur.

Grande Voiture du California will fund remaining requested amount from Locales not to exceed $200 per Locale per year. Submit a letter to the Grand Directeur of Youth Sports with A COPY of the National Application Form and a COPY of the National Re-imbursement Check . Submissions must reach the Grand Directeur sixty (60) days before Grande Promenade. Approval of Grande Voiture Grants will be at by the delegates at Grande Promenade. Upon approval of the Reimbursement, the Grand du California Request for Payment/Reimbursement Form and expense receipts will be submitted by the Directeur of Youth Sports to the Grand Correspondant for the Minutes and the Grande Commissaire Intendant for approved reimbursements.

The Voiture Locale Annual Reporting Form is available on the National Web Site Resources/Petit Communique

The Grand Directeur will submit a current Pin Accounting Form to the Grand Correspondant at each Grande Voiture Meeting (Grandes Cheminots & Grande Promenade) . The form will be provided by the Grand Correspondant and is listed on the Grande Voiture Web Site

CA Youth Sports Guide Approved 6/21/2016