Please note:

As of October 2014, the CSU EB Faculty Handbook is a work in progress. As policies and forms which should be included in this Handbook are uncovered, they will be added. Please be patient with this process. Suggestions for inclusion should be forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs c/o


Note that these are the agreements in place as of October 2014. They will be updated as new agreements are reached:

Unit 3 (Faculty/CFA)


Unit 11 (TAs)


Lecturers’ Handbook (CFA)


Coaches Handbook (CFA)



Academic Dishonesty


Constitution and Bylaws of the University Faculty


Final Examination Policy


Office Hour Policy


Syllabus Policy


A variety of other important academic policies are contained at:


And also at:



Evaluation of Lecturers

http://www20.csueastbay.edu/oaa/files/policy_files/PETFGuide.pdf &


Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Post-tenure review)


Retention, Tenure and Promotion Document


Retention, Tenure and Promotion Document (Library Faculty only)




Please notify your department as soon as possible if you must miss a class or office hour.

Sick Leave

Full-time faculty accrue 8 hours of sick leave per month. Part-time faculty accrue sick leave credit on a pro-rata basis. There is no limit on the number of sick leave credits that can be accumulated.


All academic holidays are listed on the Academic-Administrative calendar: http://www20.csueastbay.edu/oaa/files/policy_files/PETFGuide.pdf

Personal Holiday

All academic employees are entitled to a one-day Personal Holiday each calendar year. If it is not used by the end of the calendar year, it is forfeited. The use of the Personal Holiday should be by mutual agreement between the faculty member and his/her chair.


12 month faculty receive 2 vacation days a month. Faculty who work on an academic year basis do not earn vacation credits. For faculty who earn vacation, the number of hours you may carry over from year to year depends on the number of years of service you have at CSU East Bay. See http://www20.csueastbay.edu/af/departments/hr/benefits/leave-programs/personal-holiday-vacation.html for more information.

Sabbatical Leaves

Full-time faculty members, except coaches, are eligible to apply for a sabbatical leave after completing six (6) academic years of full-time service in the preceding seven (7) year period prior to the leave and at least six (6) years after any previous sabbatical or difference in pay leave. Eligibility lists are distributed annually to each dean and department head/chair by Academic Affairs. Applications must be filed by the appropriate deadline. The different types of Sabbatical pay are:

·  one quarter at full pay; or

·  two quarters at three-quarters pay; or

·  three quarters at one-half pay

Difference in Pay Leaves

Full-time faculty members, except coaches, are eligible to apply for a difference-in-pay leave after serving full time for six (6) years in the preceding seven (7) year period prior to the leave. For a subsequent difference-in-pay leave, a faculty member is eligible after serving three (3) academic years following the last sabbatical or difference-in-pay leave. An application must be filed by the appropriate deadline. The salary for a difference-in-pay leave for a faculty employee is the difference between the individual's salary and that of the minimum salary of Instructor.

Leaves Without Pay

An individual may apply for Leave Without Pay. Normally such leaves shall not be granted for more than 2 years for full-time faculty and 1 quarter for lecturers. The request for leave should state whether it is for professional or personal reasons. For a detailed description of each type of leave, please consult the Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 22.

Other Types of Leave

There are several other types of leave:

Family and Medical Leave

Parental Leave

Bereavement Leave

Emergency Leave

Leave to Vote

Jury Duty

Military Leave

For questions about when and how to use these types of leave please consult with Academic Affairs or H.R.

Absence Without Leave

You should always notify the University if you must miss class or an office hour. Absence without notice and approved leave for 5 consecutive days can lead to dismissal under the California Education Code 89541.


Lecturers/Range Elevation. Lecturers will be informed by October 15 of each year if they are eligible for a salary increase through Range Elevation. The relevant document on Range Elevation procedures at East Bay is found at:


Market/Equity Pay Adjustment. Tenure track and tenured faculty may apply for a market adjustment according to 31.27. The form to start the process is found at:


Salary Tables. A variety of salary information is available at www.calstate.edu including faculty salaries at a glance: http://www.calstate.edu/hr/Facutly(Unit203)_SalarySchedule_Ataglance-2012.pdf


Basic Procedure:

First submit a request for Authorization to Travel. If the hotel you want to stay in will cost more than $175 a night, you must use the Hotel Waiver form listed below. If you will be travelling outside of the United States, you must request authorization through your department chair, dean, the Provost and the President at least 30 days before you leave. Please start this process early.

When you stay in a hotel in California, you should use the Tax Exemption form, so that you are not charged taxes on your stay. If you wish to rent a car, it must be through Enterprise Car Rental. If you want to have some of your expenses paid by the University up-front, you can ask to have your registration and airfare charged to a University credit card; hotel expenses may not be charged up-front.

Do not use your private car to travel long distances unless the amount it costs to use your car would be less than standard airfare to the same destination. Mileage is reimbursed at $.56 cents per mile. Remember you must have authorization to use your own vehicle (see Private Vehicle form below) and have taken Defensive Driving (contact Risk Management if you have not)

Here are some forms that may be useful:

Authorization to travel


Expense Claim Form

www20.csueastbay.edu/orsp/files/forms/Travel%20Expense%20Claim%202014.xlsx- 2014-08-21

Field Trip Policies


Hotel Exceeds $175.00 (you must get a signed waiver)


Parking Policies


Private Vehicle


Tax Exemption (to be used when you stay in a hotel in California)


Travel Guidelines Document
