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The word "volcno" comes from the little islnd of Vulcno in the Mediterrnen Se off Sicily. Centuries go, the people living in this re believed tht Vulcno ws the chimney of the forge of Vulcn -- the blcksmith of the Romn gods. They thought tht the hot lv frgments nd clouds of dust erupting form Vulcno cme from Vulcn's forge s he bet out thunderbolts for Jupiter, king of the gods, nd wepons for Mrs, the god of wr. In Polynesi the people ttributed eruptive ctivity to the beutiful but wrthful Pele, Goddess of Volcnoes, whenever she ws ngry or spiteful. Tody we know tht volcnic eruptions re not super-nturl but cn be studied nd interpreted by scientists.
Volcnoes re mountins, but they re very different from other mountins; they re not formed by folding nd crumpling or by uplift nd erosion. Insted, volcnoes re built by the ccumultion of their own eruptive products -- lv, bombs (crusted over lv blobs), shflows, nd tephr (irborne sh nd dust). volcnois most commonly conicl hill or mountin built round vent tht connects with reservoirs of molten rock below the surfce of the Erth. The termvolcnolso refers to the opening or vent through which the molten rock nd ssocited gses re expelled.
Driven by buoyncy nd gs pressure the molten rock, which is lighter thn the surrounding solid rock, forces its wy upwrd nd my ultimtely brek through zones of weknesses in the Erth's crust. If so, n eruption begins, nd the molten rock my pour from the vent s nonexplosive lv flows, or it my shoot violently into the ir s dense clouds of lv frgments. Lrger frgments fll bck round the vent, nd ccumultions of fllbck frgments my move downslope s sh flows under the force of grvity. Some of the finer ejected mterils my be crried by the wind only to fll to the ground mny miles wy. The finest sh prticles my be injected miles into the tmosphere nd crried mny times round the world by strtospheric winds before settling out.
- Can you describe and add a picture for the following types of volcanoes? The following link may help you:
Name / Picture / Characteristics
Cinder cones
Composite volcanoes
Continental volcanoes
Island-arc volcanoes
Lava plateaus
Lava domes
Tuff cones
Oceanic volcanoes
Shield volcanoes
Submarine volcanoes
Volcanic fields
- Go to the following web page: Read the texts about different volcanic eruptions.
- Make questions on the texts.
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