ISAIAH 55:1-7


INTRO: There are many reasons why people will not seek the Lord. For some

it is the pleasure of sin. For others it is the price of seeking the Lord.

But the sad reality is that many who are involved in sin never

consider permanent loss that awaits all who fail to seek the Lord in

this life. The Scripture makes it perfectly clear that there are con-

sequences for not seeking the Lord. Romans 6:23 tells us, “For the

wages of sin is death…” In 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 we are told that

the Lord Jesus will return, “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them

that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus

Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the

presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.”

In this life and this life only has God given man the opportunity to

seek Him and know Him. In our text in v6 we read, “Seek ye the

LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.”

Matthew Henry said, “Here is a gracious offer of pardon, and peace,

and of all happiness. It shall not be in vain to seek God, now his word

is calling to us, and his Spirit is striving with us. But there is a day

coming when he will not be found. There may come such a time in

this life; it is certain that at death and judgment the door will be shut”

(Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary). Friend, now is the time to

seek the Lord. Notice the words in v6, “..while he may be found...” In

this day of Grace while the door of Salvation stands open wide to

receive all who will come in! Rab. David Kimchi gives the true sense

of this passage: “Seek ye the Lord, because he may be found: call

upon him, because he is near. Repent before ye die, for after death

there is no conversion of the soul” (Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the


Friend, if you are lost today I want your special attention. Those who

are saved I want your attention also so that God’s Spirit might move

us to seek out the lost around us more fervently. Let us consider this

morning “Four Sobering Reasons for Seeking the Lord.”




16:19-31, Our Lord Jesus spoke of the eternality of man’s soul. He

says of the rich man in v23—“And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in

torments…” J. C. Ryle says, “this verse clearly teaches, if words mean

anything, that there is no hope of deliverance from hell for those who

die in sin. Once in hell, men are in hell for ever” (1). Charles Spurgeon

said, “the soul sees written over its head, ‘You are damned forever.” It

hears howlings that are to be perpetual , it sees flames which are

unquenchable; it knows pains that are unmitigated” (2).

ILLUS: Clarence E. Macartney, in his stimulating book, <Preaching

without Notes> gives the substance of a dialogue between a lost

soul and its resurrection body, in the judgment, as imagined by

Samuel Davies, noted preacher of the Colonial days. . . . .The

soul curses the body, and blames the lusts of the body for the

soul's eternal undoing, and cries out against the loathsome

prospect of being reunited with the body. The body makes

answer, bitterly accusing the soul of having prostituted the

body to sin, forbidding the knees to bow before the throne of

grace, and overruling every inclination of the eyes and ears to

read and hear the Word of Life. In consequence, the body

recognizes itself to be the just instrument of the soul's

everlasting punishment, while crying out against the necessity

of being bound together by chains which even the pangs of hell

and the flames of unquenchable fire can not dissolve.

The Savior spoke of the Eternality of the soul, also…


Lord Jesus spoke of the immorality of the soul in Matthew 25:46,

“And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous

into life eternal.” The soul will live on: either in heaven or in hell. As

Daniel 12:2 tells us, “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the

earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and

everlasting contempt.” The rich man which Jesus spoke of in Luke

16, is still burning in hell today. He has never or will never get a

reprieve for you see friend, hell is forever. Friend, your soul is

immortal. It will spend eternity somewhere. The question then is,

Where do you want to spend eternity?

The Savior spoke of the Eternality and Immortality of the soul and



said in Matthew 10:28—“And fear not them which kill the body, but

are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear them which is able to destroy

both body and soul in hell.” Warren Wiersbe says, “V28 is not talking

about Satan, for he does not have the power to destroy both body and

soul in hell. God does, and Christ tells us to fear Him and Him alone.

When you fear God, you need fear nothing else” (3).

ILLUS: We are told in the parable of the sheep and goats (Matt. 25:31-

46) that those whom the judge rejects go away into everlasting

punishment. The New testament always conceives of this

eternal punishment as consisting of an agonizing knowledge of

one's own ill desert, of God's displeasure, of the good that one

has lost, and of the irrevocable fixed state in which one now

finds oneself. The doctrine of eternal punishment was taught in

the synagogue even before our Lord took it up and enforced it

in the Gospels. All the language that strikes terror into our

hearts -- weeping and gnashing of teeth, outer darkness, the

worm, the fire, gehenna, the great gulf fixed -- is all directly

taken from our Lord's teaching. It is from Jesus Christ that we

learn the doctrine of eternal punishment. --James Packer, Your

Father Loves You, Harold Shaw Publishers, 1986.

Seek the Lord because THE SOUL IS ETERNAL…


*Jesus said in John 14:6—“I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life: no man

cometh unto the Father; but by me.” Charles Spurgeon said about that

passage: “Christ is “the Way,” but if you will not tread it, you shall not

reach the end. Christ is “the Truth,” but if you will not believe him, you

shall not rejoice. Christ is “the Life,” but if you will not receive him, you

shall abide among the dead” (4). Jesus said in John 8:40 to those who

rejected Him, “But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the

truth..” What did Jesus teach concerning man’s seeking of Him?:


said in Luke 19:10—“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save

that which was lost.” Every man without Christ is LOST. What does

it mean to be LOST? It means to be standing on the brink of eternity.

An eternity without Christ and those who are His!

ILLUS: It is said that a man was lost in a mining section. There were

shaft mines -- great holes hundreds of feet deep and very

thick. The man realized his danger. He knew that if he

continued on, seeking to find his way out, he was very liable

to step into one of these holes and be crushed hundreds of

feet below.

So he decided not to take another step. He stopped

immediately and lifted up his voice with all his might and

cried, "LOST! LOST! LOST!" He was heard by some miners,

who came with their lanterns and rescued him. This was a

wise decision.

Sinner, you are lost, lost now! Another step may plunge you

into the pit of damnation. Stop, and cry, "Lost!" He who came

to seek and save the lost will lead you out.

To be LOST is to be under the condemnation of God now! Jesus said

in John 3:18—“He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that

believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the

name of the only begotten Son of God.” The LOST “continues under the

condemnation which Divine justice has passed upon all sinners; and

has this superadded, He hath not believed on the name of the only

begotten Son of God, and therefore is guilty of the grossest insult to

the Divine majesty, in neglecting, slighting, and despising the salvation

which the infinite mercy of God had provided for him (Adam Clarke’s

Commentary on the Bible). What a horrible condition to be in: LOST!

Charles Spurgeon said, “It is a very remarkable fact that no inspired

preacher of whom we have any record ever uttered such terrible words

concerning the destiny of the lost as our Lord Jesus Christ” (5).



LIFE. We read in John 3:36—“He that believeth on the Son hath

everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life;

but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Christ alone is the source of

eternal life. Without Him, there is no life!

ILLUS: In November 1993 Esquire magazine carried an article entitled

"How to Live Forever." The article said that if all gerontogenes

are deactivated, if cancer and heart disease are conquered, if

genes can be tricked into regenerating organ tissue, and if all

causes of senescence are eliminated, the median life span will

increase to 1,200 years! That is a very long list of "if's." And

1,200 years is a long time, but it is considerably short of

eternity. The fact is that our bodies were never intended to

last forever and we were never intended to spend eternity on

earth. Jesus told us how to live forever. In chapter 4 of John's

gospel He spoke of water that would bring eternal life. In

chapter 6 He spoke of bread that would bring eternal life. In

chapter 17 He said plainly, "Now this is eternal life; that they

may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you

have sent." - Robert C. Shannon, To Illustrate, Preaching,

Sept-Oct, 1994, p. 49

1. Christ alone has the POWER TO SAVE. The Apostle Paul said in

Romans 1:16—“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is

the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the

Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Notice it is called The Gospel of

Christ. Because Acts 4:12 tells us, “Neither is there salvation in

any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among

men, whereby we must be saved.” The gospel is God's only

appointed means of salvation. The name of Jesus Christ "is the

only name . whereby we must be saved." All God's saving power is

manifested through the gospel (The People’s New Testament


ILLUS: A Christian from China was giving his testimony and he

said, "I had slipped into a great ditch and the ditch was

sin." Buddha came along and said, "Come up half way and

I will lift you up." Muhammad came along and said, "Here

are five pillars that will get you out." But I couldn't get up

those five pillars. Confucius came along and said, "You're

not really in that ditch, you just think you're in that hole."

But I was still there in the ditch of sin. Then Jesus came

by and saw my predicament. He didn't say a word but laid

aside his regal robes and got down in the ditch along with

the sin and the mire and he lifted me out of it by his grace.

The difference was his love and who he was! He was who

was God was willing to come down to my level in order to

lift me out of sin.

2. Christ alone has THE WILLINGNESS TO SAVE. Jesus said in

John 10:10-11, 18, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to

kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they

might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good

shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. No man taketh it from me: but

I lay it down of myself. I have the power to lay it down, and I have

the power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my

Father.” He willingly came to bear our sins and die for us on the

Cross! He gave himself for man of his free will. He laid it down on

the cross; He took it up when he rose from the dead (The People’s

New Testament).

ILLUS: It was May 21, 1946. The place - Los Alamos. A young and

daring scientist was carrying out a necessary experiment in

preparation for the atomic test to be conducted in the waters

of the South Pacific at Bikini. He had successfully performed