Haisley PTO Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 3/30/2017

Board Members present: Jennifer DeCapua, Kelly House, Audrey DiMarzo, Laura Koch, Ellen McGee, Rosy von Rutte, Jamie Tauber, Colleen Klus-Salisbury, Luci Fry, Didi Kammeyer, Michelle Marrs, Patty Koutoulas

Call to Order/Welcome: 7:00 pm

I.  Announcements – none

II.  Public Comment – a parent raised a concern about 5th grade class size next year; district has caps for class size, we don’t have flexibility to add another teacher unless we get more students enrolling for that grade; Ms. House discussed how the process works when you hit overage for a grade level

-- Luci Fry suggested scheduling a meeting for rising 5th grade parents with Ms. House and 5th grade teachers to answer questions about how the A2 Virtual math program works

III.  Approval of March 2nd minutes - Laura Koch moved, Jamie Tauber seconded, approved

IV.  Principal’s Update – Ms. House presented on the AAPS sinking fund millage proposal (which is up for voter approval on May 2nd ) to increase the sinking fund millage from 1 mill to 2.5 mills and extend term to 10 years (through 2027); Ms. House discussed what the sinking fund covers – can’t be used for salaries, can only be used for construction or repair of schools (but this frees up general fund dollars to be used for other things); three goals – (1) impair, improve and replace the infrastructure of school buildings (average age of 60+ years) (70% of millage funds), (2) expansion and construction of facilities to served increased enrollment in Ann Arbor due to housing growth (14% of millage funds), (3) continuing 2015 bond advisory committee recommendations (auditoriums, outdoor spaces, classroom environment) that are not able to be covered by bond money (16% of millage funds)

V.  Open/New Business

a.  Teacher Appreciation Week is May 1-5; sign ups will be circulated for volunteers

b.  Fundraising plan for 2017-18 – (1) continued the discussion started last meeting; options to make the auction more equitable – free event (no admission price), or suggested donation, but concern that people won’t really commit to coming if they didn’t pay for tickets; kids allowed vs. adults only; change the location; move the class projects to the ice cream social to get more participation; get busing from Haisley to the auction; maybe a party bus company would donate that service; (2) discussed switching the auction to spring (mid to end of April) and walk-a-thon to fall (agreed); (3) envelope drive will go in the teacher assignment envelopes at Haisley Hello, have an incentive for classroom that returns the most envelopes (ex: dance party with principal); (4) classroom raffle baskets at ice cream social, same raffle tickets as ice cream social

c.  Jen DeCapua sent out drafts of an updated constitution and new bylaws for our procedures; please review and we will discuss at next meeting

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Audrey DiMarzo, Secretary