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November 16, 2015

1.0  Call to Order

2.0 Pledge of Allegiance

3.0 Notation of Attendance

4.0 Presentation: None

5.0 Privilege of the Floor:

6.0 Approve Corrected Minutes of the May 19, 2015 Vote Process and Minutes of the Regular Meeting of

October 26, 2015

7.0 Superintendent's Report:

7.1 2016-2017 Budget Priorities

7.2 Brief Overview-Questar Fall Workshop

7.3  Next Steps in Agriculture Program Development

7.4 Snapshots of Success

8.0 Instruction: Elementary School Principal’s Report – Robert Rodgers

Middle School Principal’s Report – Todd Schaffer

9.0  Old Business:

9.1  Approve Corrected Probationary Appointment, HS Science Teacher, Superintendent’s Recommendation 8-15-C9

9.2  Approve Corrected Probationary Appointment, Special Education Teacher, Superintendent’s Recommendation


9.3  Approve Corrected Probationary Appointment, Foreign Language Teacher, Superintendent’s Recommendation


9.4  Approve Corrected Probationary Appointment, Elementary Teacher, Superintendent’s Recommendation 9-15-C3

10.0 New Business

10.1 Approve Art Club Field Trip to NYC, New York, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-G1

10.2 Approve Grade 6 Field Trip to Boston, Massachusetts, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-G2

10.3 Approve Funding for Newark Valley Bus Drivers/Bus Attendants/Monitors Tentative Agreement, Superintendent’s

Recommendation 11-15-G3

10.4  Approve Report of Tax Collector for the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-G4

10.5  Approve 2015/2016 Tax Warrant & Star Claim Adjustments, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-G5

11.0 Personnel:

11.1 Approve Appointment, Substitute Teacher, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-C1

11.2 Approve Appointment, Boys & Girls Basketball Scorekeeper, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-C2

11.3 Approve Appointment, Advisors, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-C3

11.4 Approve Probationary Appointment, Custodial Worker, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-NC1

11.5 Approve Probationary Appointment, Teacher Aide (Cafeteria), Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-NC2

11.6 Approve Conditional Appointment, Substitute Teacher Aide (Cafeteria), Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-NC3

11.7 Accept Retirement Resignation, Head Bus Driver, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-15-NC4

Privilege of the Floor:

12.0 Board Matters:

12.1 Audit Committee Meeting, Monday, November 30, 2015 at 6:15 p.m., Richard H. Kerr Board Room, HS

12.2 Board of Education Meeting, Monday, November 30, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., Richard H. Kerr Board Room, HS

12.3 Board of Education Meeting, Monday, December 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., Richard H. Kerr Board Room, HS

NOTE: EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY BE CALLED AT ANY TIME BY MOTION AND MAJORITY VOTE WHICH MUST INCLUDE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING. IF ANY ACTION IS TAKEN MINUTES MUST BE TAKEN. This is the agenda for the above scheduled meeting and may include any other topics that may be properly brought up by the Board of Education or Superintendent.