BIG CURRICULUM PLAN Year: 3 Teacher: Mrs Nevins Term: Autumn 2014 Theme: We Will Rock You!

Area of Learning / Skills / Contexts and Content
Curriculum Aims: *Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
*Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
* Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
History/ICT / To research… / We will be finding out about what archaeologists do and looking at their evidence about how the early Britons lived – the children will be history detectives.
*To research and collect data about the Stone Age and the Iron age. * Use search technology effectively and show understanding of how results are selected and ranked.
* Use technology safely (E-Safety) * Creating a power-point presentation about an element of the Stone Age/Iron Age. * Use of different tools and presentation techniques. * Word processing skills. * To arrange events from the past in chronological order – who were the first Britons (with an understanding of BC and AD). * To know what people did in the new stone age. * To know why people stopped using stone to make their tools and weapons. * To know how the Iron Age people lived. * To know about the Celts and where they came from. * To know how the Iron Age ended and how life changed when the Roman’s Invaded.
Speaking & Listening/SMSC/Literacy/History / To talk… / *To discuss ideas, findings etc *To present information
*To evaluate work *To talk to partners, groups, whole class
*To share thoughts and feelings *To explain work
*Use key words in MFL
Literacy/History/SMSC / To read and write… / Class Story: Stig of the Dump.
*To read information on Stone Age and write key facts *How predators catch their prey
*To read information about elements of stone age life (Food, Housing etc), choose 1 and write a report.
*To read information about Stone Age life and write comparison about the similarities and differences of today.
* To write a description of a setting in stone age times.
*To read ‘Stig of the Dump’ *To read ‘Stone Age to Iron Age – The History Detective Investigates’ , ‘UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age’, ‘Cave Baby’ and ‘Ug-A-Lug: Four Cavemen and a Prehistoric Pencil.
*Use key words in MFL
Maths / To calculate… / *To collect information and record in a bar chart
*To produce a map using co-ordinates
Discrete subject - MMS
*Use key words in MFL
Technology/Art / To make/produce / *Use key words in MFL
* Art: To investigate Stone Age Paintings and sketch /paint their own in the style of cave paintings.
* Technology: Pottery: To research items used for eating and drinking. * How do these compare with today’s?
* To make clay pots. * To design, make and evaluate clay figurines in interesting poses.
(one group to make clay replica of Stone Henge) / Based on the Romanian figurine ‘The Thinker’
Music / To perform… / *To listen to a range of recorded music from different traditions and from great composers and musicians (See Jill – which composers).
*To learn to play the ocarina in solo and as an ensemble.
* To improvise and compose music using the ocarina.
*Use key words in MFL
Discrete / MMS, RWI, Science: Rocks and Soils /Animals and Humans, R.E: Advent and the Christmas Story. ICT, P.E: Gymnastics/ Dance, French
*Use key words in MFL