The St. Michael-Albertville School Board, along with Superintendent Ziegler, met with officials from the City of Albertville and City of St. Michael on Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the senior high boardroom.

School board members present: Drew Scherber, Carol Steffens, Robert Helgeson, Gayle Weber, and Jeanne Holland. Representing the City of Albertville: LeRoy Berning, Ron Klecker, Tom Fay, John Vetsch, Mayor Don Peterson and City Administrator Larry Kruse; Representing the City of St. Michael: Dean Eggert, Joe Hagerty, Cindy Weston, Joe Marx (in at 7:10 p.m.), Mayor Jerry Zachman, City Administrator Bob Derus and City Engineer Steve Bot. Also present were Superintendent Marcia Ziegler and St. Michael Administrative Assistant Diana Berning. Charles Lefebvre was absent.

Crow River News as Official Paper

Holland introduced the topic by commenting on the disappointment the school board has with the Crow River News. There were a few specific instances mentioned of items that should have been in the paper. Peggy Bakken and Aaron Brom, representing the Crow River News, were present at the meeting to address the concerns. Brom said the paper is certainly open to suggestions. The school board would like to use the paper as a communication tool, but are not able to because of the lack of news and low subscriptions. There was additional discussion on how information gets in the paper, whether St. Michael-Albertville could have their own separate paper, various staffing needs for the Crow River News, and the role of the school board to communicate their own news. Brom said everything the paper receives will be published in the paper. The difference in school news between Buffalo or Elk River and the St. Michael-Albertville School District is that those schools have a full-time communications director who forwards news to the paper. Scherber said Brom does a good job; the paper just needs more employees so he is not spread so thin.

Concession/Bathroom Facility at Big Woods

Ziegler stated the school board is curious about the status of the concession/bathroom facility at Big Woods Elementary. Derus commented that the City of St. Michael has been working with Earl Bauman from the school and has received some designs from a few students at the school for the building structure. There was discussion on funding for the building, and the amounts each of the cities have pledged toward the building. The school has already paid for the water and sewer service and are wondering whether something will eventually be built. There was discussion on a building similar to the St. Michael Lions shelter at the recreation center. The general consensus is to move forward with plans for a minimal building using the amounts pledged by both cities, and if other organizations want to see something added they can provide the funds for it.

Status of Gold’s Gym vs. YMCA

Ziegler said the YMCA has approached the school board and is still considering coming to the area. She asked for an update on St. Michael’s decision with Gold’s Gym and also asked if the cities would be able to support both Gold’s Gym and the YMCA. Derus spoke of the differences in bids from Gold’s Gym and the YMCA including, size, amenities, subsidizing, day passes, and resident discounts. A committee was created, and they discussed the various options. An outdoor sports bubble was included in the Gold’s Gym proposal, but was ultimately decided would not fit with the aesthetics of Town Center. (Marx in at 7:10) There was more discussion on the differences and what the YMCA could offer that Gold’s Gym could not. The overall consensus was there are not enough people in the area to support both a YMCA and Gold’s Gym; the Cities and school board do not have enough money to provide for both; and the YMCA had their chance, but were not as competitive as Gold’s Gym. In the future, it may be possible for the YMCA to have a smaller space connected to the schools that could assist the FYCC in programming and funding.

School Land Acquisition and Bond Referendum

Ziegler introduced the subject of school land acquisition and the bond referendum planned for this November and said she and both city administrators had taken a tour around the cities looking at land for a new school site. The school board needs about 100-120 acres of land for a high school and elementary school. There was discussion on the possible locations and the availability of sewer and quality of roads. At this point, the school board is asking only for what is needed. Peterson does not like the Otsego site, as it would create more development to the north, and CR 37 would not be able to handle all the traffic. LeRoy Berning said it would be nice to keep the school centrally located within the district. Derus commented that the schools are in a tough spot with all the development, and it is important for the cities and the school board to work together and share ideas and support.

Hockey Arena

Kruse introduced the issue and referred to information provided to the councils and school board. Included were construction plans, a copy of the bid schedule, and the financing plan. The aim is for the cities and hockey association to pay for the locker rooms, and the school to pay for a second sheet of ice, if the bond passes. There was discussion on the school’s prior contributions to the hockey arena. A member of the hockey association and a hockey coach were in the audience to show support for the new locker rooms and possible sheet of ice. They encouraged the cities to set a dollar amount and get it done. There was also a suggestion that during the off-season, one of the sheets of ice could be used for indoor soccer or baseball practice. There is a definite need for improving the current arena. Both councils will need to discuss the issue and come to an agreement before anything can be decided.

Albertville vs. St. Michael Softball Game, September 9, 2005

There was discussion on the softball game between Albertville and St. Michael planned for September 9. It was pointed out that September 9th is the first football game for St. Michael-Albertville High School and it would be better to have a little competition during halftime instead.

The next joint meeting will be scheduled later, perhaps in November.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.



Administrative Assistant St. Michael Mayor