AP Studio Art Summer Assignments 2016

Welcome to AP Studio Art. Thank you for choosing this challenge, we are going to have fun and work hard throughout the year. The summer assignments are designed for you to explore some options and get prepared for a year where you give a lot of time to your art. Please feel free to go above and beyond these assignments, if you complete a good portion of work this summer your year will be less stressed, your art will be more advanced, and your AP score will be higher! All summer assignments are due the first day of class. No excuses. E-mail me if you have any questions .

Please note there are two assignments with multiple parts. BOTH assignments must be completed by the first day of class.

Before you begin your assignment please visit to review the different portfolios you may submit this year. 2-D, 3-D, and Drawing. Through the CollegeBoard website you can view past work from other students and see how their portfolios were scored. This summer is also a good time for you to look through your past work and start compiling a “mini” portfolio to bring with you on the first day. This might help you decide which section you will submit to in the Spring. Digital work from Graphic Design and Photography can also be submitted so look through your old flash drives from past classes. Don’t throw anything away! Past project can be re-worked or used for inspiration, even things from your beginning art classes.

Assignment 1:2x3.5 inch Artist Trading Card

Use artist trading cards to answer nine of the following questions. Trading cards are 2x3.5inches and can be created on any type of paper. Book pages, cardboard, card stock, construction paper, etc. You may work in any media you choose, but think of the paper you selected and make sure your media compliments the paper. You may not do more than 3 cards in the same media if it is a single media. You may want to be very literal in your interpretation of the answer to the question, but you may want to be completely abstract. Focus on good design, exploration of media, and contrast. Your question/prompt should be written on the back on the card. (This can also be created digitally, just use above dimensions please.)

Choose NINE:

Who are you?

Where do you come from?

What do you love?

How would you describe your family?

What type of music do you like?

What do you think about our government?

How do you see the world?

What is the biggest problem in our world today?

Why do you create art?

What makes you smile?

Where are you going?

What makes you cry?

Tell me about your culture/heritage.

What do you like about art?

What is your ideal job?

What would you change about yourself?

What is love?

What is hate?

What takes your breath away?

How do you express your spirituality?

Assignment 2: Pick ONE of the following:

  1. Complete four sketches of an object up close, different angles. Sketches should be a full page in your sketchbook. Create a composition using three of the views; make sure you divide your paper or canvas in an interesting way. Finish the work in one or more of the following media: acrylic, oil, watercolor, prisma-markers, or pastels. Minimum size 9x12
  2. Choose one of the following and shoot 30-40 pictures of the topic: symmetry, line, distortion, perspective, repetition. Choose 4 images to submit as one final piece, alter them as needed to create an interesting composition and quality print. This can be a digital submission. Minimum size 9x12
  3. Do a landscape drawing on site, DO NOT USE A PHOTOGRAPH. Do three drawings of the same setting in a different media each time, you may choose from the following: graphite, ink, marker, colored pencil, pastel, collage. Minimum size is 9x12.
  4. Using a dictionary randomly choose three words from three different pages. Illustrate these words using only images on three separate sheets of paper. You may choose your own media but you cannot use the same media for all three. You may not use text to help illustrate your word. All three designs must be strong individually AND work as a series. Minimum size for each illustration 9x12.

Here are some examples of the artist trading cards from AP summer Assignment 1.

**** If you are planning on submitting a 3D portfolio I encourage you to complete these assignments in 3Dimensions. Your media choice is up to you. Paper, clay, wood, found objects, etc.

Have a great summer!

-Mrs. Ramirez