Instructions at First Look stage
As the accompanying e-mail indicates, your submission has now been accepted for publication with IJST. This stage of the production process represents a final chance for the manuscript to be checked and, if necessary, amended before it is type-set. The identification and rectification of infelicities at this point greatly reduces the time and cost of the production process.
To this end, the Production Team would be very grateful if you would now be able to check over your work carefully to ensure that there are no further changes that you desire to make to the text and that all your bibliographical references are complete and accurate. In particular, they would be very grateful if you could ensure the following in respect of your final submission:
- please ensure that the final version of the article is furnished with an abstract
- please ensure that single quotation marks are used everywhere except for quotes within quotes, where double quotation marks should be used
- please ensure that all works cited are given full bibliographical details on first citation, including reference works such as CD, CO, and PG.
- please ensure that your footnotes correspond to the style exemplified below
12 John A. Black, ‘The Goodness of God: A New Perspective’, A New Journal of Theology 10 (2012), pp. 3–6, 13–16, 21–4.
13 Jane A. Brown, ‘The Greatness of God: An Old Story’, in J.A. Gray and J.A. Green, eds., Attributes of God, 2nd edn (Edinburgh: Smith Press, 2012), pp. 103–6, 111–14.
14 Jean A. White, The Glory of God (Edinburgh: Smith Press, 2012), pp. 131–6.
15 Black, ‘The Goodness of God’, p. 17.
- please note the following possibilities in respect of multi-volume works, where abbreviated titles can be used and the author name subsequently omitted:
1 Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, trans. Fathers of the Dominican Province, 5 vols. (Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1948) (hereafter ST), I-II, q. 113.
2 ST II-II, q. 11.
3 Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, 4 vols. in 13 pts., ed. G.W. Bromiley and T.F. Torrance (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1956–75) (hereafter CD), IV/1, p. 211.
4 CD IV/3, p. 250.
- please ensure that all page / note numbers are preceded by p. / pp. / n. / nn.
- please refrain from using the following abbreviations and appellations:
ibid. / idem / op. cit.[IJST uses Author / Short Title formats]
f. / ff. [IJST specifies the range in each case]
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Please feel free to refer to previous editions of IJST for further guidance or to contact me directly.
Dr Paul T Nimmo
1st July 2012