Screening Prospective Tenants
A Step-by-Step Guide for Property Owners
- Submit a Tenant Screening Agreement
- Advertise and show your vacant unit
Give any individual you are interested in renting to a Prospective Tenant Checklist*. The Prospective Tenant Checklist includes:
- Office address, phone number, and hours of operation
- A list of the documents/information the Prospective Tenant will need in order to complete the application
- Cost of application process – Remind your Prospective Tenants that they will have to pay a $40 non-refundable application fee for each individual 18 years and older that will be residing in the unit
- Directions to the office
- Have your Prospective Tenant file an Application
When the Prospective Tenant comes to our office to submit the application, TGNCDC staff will:
- explain the Screening Process and Guidelines*
- make sure they have properly completed the Tenant Screening Application* and the Permission to Obtain Information* forms
- verify their identity by checking their state-issued photo identification card
- collect all supporting documents listed on the Checklist
Property Owners may also choose to collect the Application, necessary documentation, and application fee themselves. It will be the Property Owner’s responsibility to explain the Guidelines, ensure the Application is filled out completely, and bring all the submitted materials to be 4103 Shenandoah Ave, Saint Louis, MO 63110.
Prospective Tenants may also compile all application materials themselves and submit them anytime using our secure mailbox at 4103 Shenandoah Ave., via fax to 314-865-2540, or via e-mail to .
- Allow 2- 5 business days for the screening process.
- Results and Follow Up
Once the screening process has been completed, TGNCDC staff will contact the Property Owner let you know whether the Prospective Tenant has been recommended or not recommended. A copy of materials submitted by the Prospective Tenant and a Recommendation Report* will be faxed, e-mailed, or mailed to you.
Prospective tenants will be not recommended if anyone on the application has:
any felonies in the last 10 years
any evictions or negative landlords reports in the last 5 years
total gross monthly income less than 3x the amount of rent
falsified any information
The Property Owner needs to determine if the Prospective Tenant is APPROVED or DENIED. If the prospect is both not recommended and denied, The Property Owner must inform TGNCDC staff if they would like TGNCDC Staff to send the Prospective Tenant a Denial Letter*.
If the prospective tenant is both recommended and approved, then it is up to the Property Owner to contact the Prospective Tenant and discuss deposits and lease signing.
Finally, if the Prospective Tenant is recommended but denied by the Property Owner, the Property Owner must inform the applicant of this decision. TGNCDC will not send denial letters for applicants who are recommended.
*Refers to documents in the Forms and Sample Reports Section