MEETING OF: / PortobelloHigh School Parent Council
HELD AT: / PortobelloHigh School –Library
DATE: / 30 May 2011 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: / Paul Smart (Chair), Peigi Macarthur (HT),Steph Forrest, David McKee, Paul Saddler, Verity Brooks, Caroline Falconer, John Burnside, Kenny MacAskill, Councillor Gary Peacock,Sue Davidson (Clerk), Carole Tracey, Fiona Finlayson, Sheila Elliot, Katherine Taylor, Sarah Morton, Tom Ballantine, Duncan Lauder, Christine Swinney
1. /

Welcome and Introduction

PSwelcomed those present.
2. / Apologies
Emma Wood, Maureen Child, Stephen Hawkins, Fiona MacArthur, Andrew Fraser, David Seaton
3. / Note of Last Meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2011 were approved as correct. No matters arising.
4. /

Engaging Parents in Supporting Pupil Learning(moved from agenda item 7)

Paul Saddler and Caroline Falconer presented the school’s philosophy of parental involvement, including homework. Parents are urged to visit the school’s new website, which is designed to facilitate accessing information, as well as the SQA’s website.
5. / Potential 1:1 Computer Project (moved from agenda item 6)
David McKee informed the meeting of CEC’sinvestigation of an e-learning programme whereby pupils will have full-time access to a personal mobile computing device via a leasing scheme. This is likely to be piloted at PHS with a chosen year group in the first instance. DM to keep parent council updated.
6. / New School Update (moved from agenda item 5)
John Burnside reported that all plans are proceeding well. Building work contract is out to tender, with companies being asked if they are able to commit to a summer 2013 handover. Archeological evaluation due to commence in August 2011. JB has now relinquished his role as school representative to the project and will be replaced by David McKee. PM thanked JB for his excellent work.
7. / Senior Management Restructuring(moved from agenda item 4)
PM reported that due to CEC budget cuts, PHS are to be allocated 4 Depute Heads and 17 Principal Teacher/Faculty Head positions although, in reality, the budget will only be sufficient to fund 15 PT/FHs. Plans are to be implemented over a 2 year period. PS, on behalf of the PC, expressed concern at the rationale behind this and the impact on the quality of education being able to be delivered. TB to draft letter to raise PC’s concern to councillors in light of the forthcoming local elections. / TB
8, 9, 10 / Agenda items 8, 9, 10 were postponed to next meeting due to lack of time (parent council finances, community engagement and items for future meetings).
11. / Any Other Business
Dates for 2011/2012 PC meetings are to be clarified. / PM
12. /

Date of Next Meeting

5 September 2011 at 7pm (Parent Forum AGM).