Durham Nativity School

“Educating Tomorrow’s Community Leaders”

Subject: Spanish Two

Grade: 8

Teacher: Mr. Kevin Mahoney

School phone number: 919-680-3790

E-mail address:

Textbook: Realidades: 5a-9b

by Peggy Palo Boyles

Class Time: Mon. (9:45), Tues. (12:15), Weds. (10:25), and Thurs. (12:20)

Course Description

For the second year of Spanish, we will further explore the Spanish language and culture and of Spanish-speaking countries. Students will continue to study the essentials of Spanish grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, classic and contemporary literary works in Spanish will be introduced.

Course Goals

·  Further develop basic communicative skills in Spanish.

For example:

o  Describe families and celebrations

o  Describe rooms and household objects

o  Use preterit verb tense to discuss past events

o  Ask about prices and complete shopping transactions

o  Talk about travel and vacation experiences

o  Discuss entertainment (movies, music and television)

·  Develop critical thinking skills (analyzing, evaluating, and creating)

·  Develop written and spoken forms of communication in English and Spanish

·  Routinely apply techniques of foreign language study

·  Gain a deeper understanding of Latin American and Spanish history and culture


Classroom Expectations

Attitude, attendance, and work ethic affect a student’s ability to achieve academically. It is expected that, as a class, we will contribute to the educational experience of others. It is expected that, as a class, we will behave and study in a way which enhances the educational experience of others and follow these two rules:

In this school we do not cause a problem for ourselves or others.

In this school we will be guided into owning and solving any problems we create.

Parents/Guardian will be notified if students do not meet classroom expectations

Supplies for Spanish 2

(In addition to the pencil case supplies)

1.  Two composition notebooks (no spiral notebooks please)

2.  One pair school scissors (5 or 6 “)

3.  One folder with three brads and two pockets.

Assessment Categories

Tests= 50%

Quizzes= 30%

Homework, assignments, notebook, and other = 20%


Homework will be assigned to reinforce the concepts covered in class. Students are expected to complete your assignments on time. Homework assignments will be checked for completion and correctness. Teacher feedback on each assignment will help you identify areas where you require additional help. Late homework will result in a 30% reduction of your score.


The portfolio will provide evidence of mastery and skills will be a valuable study guide and resource.

·  Digital vocabulary book

·  Collection of digital recordings

·  Self-assessment checklists

·  Written works using Google Docs


Composition notebooks will be used daily to record essential information which will help students to complete assignments and prepare for tests. This area will also include writings completed in class and at home, mini-projects, and various assignments completed in class. The purpose of this category is to help you apply practical situations and to express your ideas.


Quizzes will be given on small amounts of material to determine if you have understood the concepts. Quizzes will be, both, announced and unannounced. If you score lower than 77%, you will be expected to meet with the teacher.


Test will be given on larger amounts of material, at the end of each unit, to assess the ability to apply the concepts to various forms of communication. Tests will be announced at least one week in advance. Absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If you score lower than 77% on a test, you will be expected to meet with the teacher.

We have read the outline for this course and understand the content that will be taught, as well as the grading procedure and expectations for this Spanish class:

Student Signature ______Parent Signature______Date ______