Icelandic Sheepdog Association of America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2015
Terry Warnock, Spike Williamson, Shellie Greyhavens, Peg Johnson, Judy Vittetoe, Amber Jessop and Loren Dribinsky.
Terry called the meeting to order at 7:00pm ET.
Committee Reports
Minutes from the 3/1/2015 meeting were sent out via email and were approved as written.
Presidents Report
See attached report.
Treasurer’s Report
The balance in the General checking account is $15824.34, and the National account balance is $5798.47, as of 3/31/2015.
Membership Report
See attached report.
BRCC Report
See attached report.
Advertising Report
No new advertising activity to report.
All committee reports were voted on and approved.
Unfinished Business
Updated information about the 2015 National has been received and will be posted in the newsletter.
Nan will get the BOD a report with information on what pages of the website get the most traffic. Update: Nan was not able to get the reports we had hoped for. The board will suggest questions for the membership, Amber has volunteered to help.
National Awards Committee: Terry will follow up with Trish. R
Spike is waiting to hear back from Washington statutes. The wording was sent out with AKC suggestions, will ask for comments from the membership in the newsletter and hopefully it can be sent out for a vote in Nov.
Spike has finalized the 2015 ISAA budget, and it has been approved.
New Business
One of the suggested locations for the 1016 National is Purina Farms. Loren has been talking with Ken Olson, possible date is first week of May 2016, plans for agility, herding and conformation shows Fri. – Sun., including the annual meeting.
AKC Marketplace, will look to see if it’s of interest for the ISAA.
The 2016 ISIC meeting will be held in Sweden.
The 2017 ISIC meeting will be held in the US the last week in Oct. Peg presented information about a possible meeting place in Seattle that is within walking distance to restaurants. People seem excited to come; hopefully they will come early and stay later.
Action Items R
Next meeting August 27, 2015 7pm EST
Respectfully submitted,
Shellie Greyhavens
Recording Secretary
1st Quarter 2015
President’s Report to the ISAA Board of Directors
ISAA ANNUAL MEETING: March 7, 2015, Seattle, WA – Quorum not reached.
TABLING DOGS AT CONFORMATION SHOWS: We received a response to our letter supporting us as the parent club and will continue to educate judges in this regard. Judges who do not comply should be brought to the attention of the Executive Field Representative in attendance or Judging Operations is a Field Rep is not present at the show. They counseled that it is not proper that judges complain to exhibitors as to where a breed is examined and if that should occur, the information should be provided to AKC.
AKC DELEGATE: Scheduled for voting at April AKC meeting. Note: Our delegate was approved at the meeting.
CALENDAR COMMITTEE: As of January 24th we sold 118 calendars, which was $655.37 in sales.
AKC GAZETTE BREED COLUMN: An article on the temperament of the Icelandic Sheepdog, submitted by our breed columnist, Donna McDermott, appeared in the March issue of the Gazette. Our next article should appear in the June issue.
BOARD MEETING: Our first quarter 2015 board meeting was held on March 1st. The minutes can be found on our club website on the About ISAA page under the meeting minutes tab.
NEWSLETTER: The Spring 2015 newsletter [Volume 16 No. 1] was distributed on February 27th.
ICELANDIC SHEEPDOG INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION [ISIC]: The minutes of the 2014 conference have gone out to member clubs and will, hopefully, be posted to the ISIC website. Our contribution to the database is growing but still problematic since dogs are entered by the country of birth and many of our dogs have roots in Canada, a country that is not an ISIC member. We are working on a solution to this problem but anticipate that it will take some time to resolve.
NATIONAL SPECIALTY: The committee is working hard to make our October event in Colorado a big success. Please see our club website for more detailed information.
2014 ANNUAL REPORT: Distributed to members March 4th.
Respectfully Submitted,
Terry R Warnock
Vice President Report to the Board of Directors
Period 01-01-15 to 03-31-15 – 1st Qtr 2015
Club records are archived at the College of William and Mary’s Special Collections Research Center at their Earl Gregg Swen Library. No records were sent to them for archiving during the quarter.
Club Liability & Accident Coverage Insurance (commonly called “Event Insurance”) was renewed in February. The premium was the same as last year. Our coverage period is February 28, 2015 – February 28, 2016.
Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance (commonly called “Board Insurance”) was renewed in February. The premium was the same as last year. Our coverage period is March 3, 2015 – March 3, 2016.
Club Post Office Box
The club maintains a U S Post Office box (ISAA; PO Box 71093; Richmond, VA 23255). Our current annual rental period is from November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015. Mail received during the quarter was distributed appropriately to the required board members.
The Constitutional / Bylaws Committee is working on five proposals to present to the Board of Directors and subsequently to the membership for consideration. They are: [1] changing the timing of the Annual Meeting from during the 1st quarter to during the National Specialty, [2] eliminating conflicting wording regarding Junior Memberships, [3] changing the dues wording to that currently recommended by the AKC which allows more long-term flexibility, [4] revising the Board of Directors makeup and election, and [5] adding wording to provide for the option to conduct electronic balloting.
Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation (ISIC)
ISIC is currently transferring their bank account form Denmark to Finland. We should be receiving notification for our annual contribution later this year. The 2015 ISIC Conference will take place in Iceland the weekend of October 23-25.
Member Discussion Group
The club maintains an ISAA member discussion group on Yahoo. 110 ISAA members are enrolled in the group as of March 31, 2015, which represents about 58% of the membership. 11 invitations to join the group were sent out during the quarter with 4 accepting the invitation.
The number of postings in the discussion group for the period January – March 2015 was 132. This represents about a 58% decrease in postings compared to the same period in 2014.
Purina Parent Club Partnership Program
Our current agreement with the Nestlé Purina PetCare Company to participate as a member in the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program is valid through December 31, 2016. We received $25 each of the last two years based on ISAA’s Purina Pro Club Members weight circle submittals. No action was required during the quarter.
Respectfully submitted,
B. M. “Spike” Williamson, Jr.
Vice President – ISAA
Membership Report for January 1 to March 31, 2015
7 new members, 4 lapsed renewals
Active members as of 03/31/15 = 189
Last ISAA Membership # assigned = ISAA #689
Paid Through December 31st of: / Number of Active Members2015 / 157
2016 / 4
2017 / 1
2018 / 3
2019 / 1
Life Time / 23
BRCC Report 1st Quarter 2015
LITTER INFORMATION: We are aware of two litters being whelped in the USA during the 1st quarter of 2015.
Whelp Date / Name of Sire / Name of Dam / Females / Males / Total2/16/2015 / Kross Gola Kelinn / Vinlands Totty / 4 / 2 / 6
3/15/2015 / Lavandels Thorri / Iseyjar Esja / 3 / 2 / 5
BREEDER/STUD LISTINGS: There are 34 breeder listings and 27 stud listings.
Sixteen dogs had OFA HD (hip dysplasia) testing this quarter. One was excellent, thirteen were good, one was fair and one had mild hip dysplasia.
Thirty seven dogs had OFA eye tests. All were normal. Two had a breeder option noted with a diagnosis of EI cataract, significance unknown.
Five dogs had OFA elbow tests. Results were normal.
Three dogs had cardiac tests. Results were normal.
CHIC: There were no new CHIC dogs this quarter.
PennHip: As of February 27th (last data available), there are 191 Icelandic Sheepdogs in the PennHIP database. The DI stats are listed below:
min = 0.24
max = 0.96
mean (average) = 0.54
median = 0.53
75th %ile = 0.44
60th %ile = 0.50
25th %ile = 0.65
AKC Titles of Record & Events Q1 2015
Champion CH Enska Hot Tati Of Caradoc
Grand Champion GCH CH Valahalla's Golden Pied Piper
Rally Novice Brosandi Tryna Snorrasdottir RN
Rally Novice GCH CH Caradoc's Just Shy Of Heaven RN CGC
Novice Agility Runestone Leifur Roskursson NA NAJ
Novice Agility Preferred MACH7 Nosi MXC2 MJG2 NAP NJP RATN
Open Agility Preferred MACH7 Nosi MXC2 MJG2 OAP OJP RATN
Novice Agility Jumper Runestone Leifur Roskursson NA NAJ
Open Agility Jumper Preferred MACH7 Nosi MXC2 MJG2 OAP OJP RATN
Master Century Jumper 2 MACH6 Noah's Lilliana (Lily) PT MXG2 MJC2 MXF TQX T2B CGC
Master Bronze Jumper Preferred GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke PT MX AXJ MXP2 MXPB MJP2 MJPB OF
Canine Good Citizen Caradoc's Wicked CGC
Champion CH Fox Meadow Astros Blomalfur
Champion CH Gypsy Wind's Undri
Champion CH Mceremon's Heart Breaker
Grand Champion GCH CH Stefsstells Ingalo Isabella
Companion Dog Pikatti's Tryna CD
Novice Agility Brekkubruns Siggi NA NAJ NAP NJP
Open Agility Tri-Star Tira OA OAJ
Agility Excellent Preferred MACH7 Nosi MXC2 MJG2 AXP AJP RATN
Master Agility Excellent GCH CH Stubborn Elm's Ylfa MX AXJ
Master Century Agility 2 MACH6 Noah's Lilliana (Lily) PT MXC2 MJC2 MXF TQX T2B CGC
Master Bronze Agility Preferred Vinlands Brana OA OAJ MXP2 MXPB MJP OF OFP T2BP CGC
Open Agility Jumper Tri-Star Tira NA OAJ
Excellent Agility Jumper Preferred MACH7 Nosi MXC2 MJG2 AXP AJP RATN
Master Excellent Jumper Eyjahunda Dagny RN MX MXJ NF
Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 3 GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke PT MX AXJ MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX OF
Agility FAST Novice GCH CH Stubborn Elm's Ylfa MX AXJ NF
Preferred Agility Excellent GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke PT MX AXJ MXPB MJP3
Champion CH Fagrahvamms Njordur
Champion CH Stonecrop Edda
Rally Novice Stubborn Elm's Óskasteina Skiptingur RN CGC
Open Agility Blackstar Baldur OA NAJ
Master Agility Excellent Preferred 3 GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke PT MX AXJ MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX OF
Master Agility Excellent Preferred 3 Vinlands Brana OA OAJ MXP3 MXPB MJP OF OFP T2BP CGC
Master Agility Excellent Preferred 7 PACH Kersins Trolli OA AXJ MXP7 MXPS MJP4 MJPB PAX NF OFP T2BP2 CGC
Master Excellent Jumper GCH CH Stubborn Elm's Ylfa MX MXJ NF
Master Century Jumper 2 MACH7 Nosi MXC2 MJC2 AXP AJP RATN
Time 2 Beat Preferred 2 PACH Kersins Trolli OA AXJ MXP7 MXPS MJP4 MJPB PAX NF OFP
Canine Good Citizen Tri-Star Fina CGC
ISAA Club Events for Q1 2015
March 7, 2015, Annual Meeting
Century Link Event Center, Seattle, WA